有時候 作Python 項目時 會有一個問題 不一樣的 project 須要依賴不一樣的lib 這個時候用 virtual environment 能夠做爲解決這個問題的一個方法。python
這裏只簡單介紹具體的使用方法 至於實現原理這裏不作介紹:bash
一 常規的使用方法app
a. installationthis
1. sudo apt-get install python-virtualenvspa
2. sudo easy_install virtualenvip
3. pip install virtualenvci
b. How to activeate/deactivate virtualenvrem
virtualenv venv //建立virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate //activate venv
(venv) $ //activate 後進入得視圖
deactivate //deactivate virual env
二 virtualenvwrapper 的使用方法
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper //install virtual env tools
echo "source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
workon test // substitute test with the desired environment name if needed
deactivate //deactivate virual env
• mkvirtualenv test: This will create an environment named test and
activate it automatically.
• mktmpenv test: This will create a temporary environment named test and
activate it automatically. This environment will be destroyed once you
invoke the deactivate script.
• workon app: This will switch you to the app environment (already created).
• workon (alias lsvirtualenv): When you don't specify an environment,
this will print all the existing environments that are available.
• deactivate: This will disable the currently active environment, if any.
• rmvirtualenv app: This will completely remove the app environment