對象的生命週期管理2大核心問題: java
1.在程序的運行期,對象實例的建立和引用 apache
2.對象與其關聯對象的依賴關係的處理機制 編程
每一個對象自身對於邏輯的執行能力,被其所依賴的對象反向控制了,這也就是控制反轉的本質含義。 緩存
應該引入一個與具體的業務邏輯徹底無關的額外的編程元素容器來幫助進行對象的生命週期管理。 數據結構
xwork框架中的容器被定義成爲一個java接口,源碼: 多線程
package com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Set; public interface Container extends Serializable { /** * Default dependency name. * 定義默認的對象標示 */ String DEFAULT_NAME = "default"; /** * Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of an existing object. * 進行對象依賴注入的基本接口,做爲參數的object將被xwork容器進行處理。 * object內部生命有@inject的字段和方法,都將被注入受到容器託管的對象 * 從而創建起依賴關係 */ void inject(Object o); /** * Creates and injects a new instance of type {@code implementation}. * 建立一個類的實例並進行對象依賴注入 */ <T> T inject(Class<T> implementation); /** * Gets an instance of the given dependency which was declared in * {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.ContainerBuilder}. */ <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type, String name); /** * Convenience method. Equivalent to {@code getInstance(type, * DEFAULT_NAME)}. */ <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type); /** * Gets a set of all registered names for the given type * @param type The instance type * @return A set of registered names */ Set<String> getInstanceNames(Class<?> type); /** * Sets the scope strategy for the current thread. * 設置當前線程的做用範圍的策略 */ void setScopeStrategy(Scope.Strategy scopeStrategy); /** * Removes the scope strategy for the current thread. */ void removeScopeStrategy(); }容器是一個輔助的編程元素,他在整個系統中應該被實例化爲一個全局的、單例的對象
獲取對象實例: app
容器的getInstance方法來獲取對象的實例時,咱們只能獲取那些「被容器接管」的對象實例。被接管的對象有: 框架
(1)在bean節點中聲明的框架內部對象 ide
(2)在bean節點中聲明的自定義的對象 函數
class ContainerImpl implements Container { final Map<Key<?>, InternalFactory<?>> factories; final Map<Class<?>,Set<String>> factoryNamesByType; ContainerImpl(Map<Key<?>, InternalFactory<?>> factories) { this.factories = factories; Map<Class<?>,Set<String>> map = new HashMap<Class<?>,Set<String>>(); for (Key<?> key : factories.keySet()) { Set<String> names = map.get(key.getType()); if (names == null) { names = new HashSet<String>(); map.put(key.getType(), names); } names.add(key.getName()); } for (Entry<Class<?>,Set<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(Collections.unmodifiableSet(entry.getValue())); } this.factoryNamesByType = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); }factories是由構造函數傳遞進入並緩存與內部,而factoryNameByType則在factories的基礎上作了一個根據名稱進行尋址的緩存映射關係。
package com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject; /** * Dependency mapping key. Uniquely identified by the required type and name. * * @author crazybob@google.com (Bob Lee) */ class Key<T> { final Class<T> type; final String name; final int hashCode; private Key(Class<T> type, String name) { if (type == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Type is null."); } if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Name is null."); } this.type = type; this.name = name; hashCode = type.hashCode() * 31 + name.hashCode(); } Class<T> getType() { return type; } String getName() { return name; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Key)) { return false; } if (o == this) { return true; } Key other = (Key) o; return name.equals(other.name) && type.equals(other.type); } @Override public String toString() { return "[type=" + type.getName() + ", name='" + name + "']"; } static <T> Key<T> newInstance(Class<T> type, String name) { return new Key<T>(type, name); } }Key其實是由一個二元組構成的對象集合。而這個二元組構成對象的type和name實際上正好能夠和bean及誒單的定義對應起來,struts-default.xml部分代碼:
<bean class="com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory" name="xwork" /> <bean type="com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory" name="struts" class="org.apache.struts2.impl.StrutsObjectFactory" />factories結構中的value,InternalFactory
interface InternalFactory<T> extends Serializable { /** * Creates an object to be injected. * * @param context of this injection * @return instance to be injected */ T create(InternalContext context); }這個泛型接口只有一個create方法。含義:一旦實現這個接口,咱們就須要指定對象的建立機制。
/** * Field and method injectors. */ final Map<Class<?>, List<Injector>> injectors = new ReferenceCache<Class<?>, List<Injector>>() { @Override protected List<Injector> create(Class<?> key) { List<Injector> injectors = new ArrayList<Injector>(); addInjectors(key, injectors); return injectors; } };referenceCache是xwork礦建中對於緩存的一種簡單實現,在運行期構建Map內容的機制。
public abstract class ReferenceCache<K, V> extends ReferenceMap<K, V> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient ConcurrentMap<Object, Future<V>> futures = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Future<V>>(); transient ThreadLocal<Future<V>> localFuture = new ThreadLocal<Future<V>>(); public ReferenceCache(ReferenceType keyReferenceType, ReferenceType valueReferenceType) { super(keyReferenceType, valueReferenceType); } protected abstract V create(K key); }應用ThreadLocal模式規避了對象操做的多線程問題
interface Injector extends Serializable { void inject(InternalContext context, Object o); }在注入器的referenceCache定義中,全部的注入器都是在運行期動態添加的,其核心方法create會調用addInjectors掃描全部知足條件的注入器,而且添加到referenceCache中
/** * Field and method injectors. */ final Map<Class<?>, List<Injector>> injectors = new ReferenceCache<Class<?>, List<Injector>>() { @Override protected List<Injector> create(Class<?> key) { List<Injector> injectors = new ArrayList<Injector>(); addInjectors(key, injectors); return injectors; } }; /** * Recursively adds injectors for fields and methods from the given class to * the given list. Injects parent classes before sub classes. */ void addInjectors(Class clazz, List<Injector> injectors) { if (clazz == Object.class) { return; } // Add injectors for superclass first. addInjectors(clazz.getSuperclass(), injectors); // TODO (crazybob): Filter out overridden members. addInjectorsForFields(clazz.getDeclaredFields(), false, injectors); addInjectorsForMethods(clazz.getDeclaredMethods(), false, injectors); }
void addInjectorsForFields(Field[] fields, boolean statics, List<Injector> injectors) { addInjectorsForMembers(Arrays.asList(fields), statics, injectors, new InjectorFactory<Field>() { public Injector create(ContainerImpl container, Field field, String name) throws MissingDependencyException { return new FieldInjector(container, field, name); } }); }
static class FieldInjector implements Injector { final Field field; final InternalFactory<?> factory; final ExternalContext<?> externalContext; public FieldInjector(ContainerImpl container, Field field, String name) throws MissingDependencyException { this.field = field; if (!field.isAccessible()) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); try { if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks")); field.setAccessible(true); } catch(AccessControlException e) { throw new DependencyException("Security manager in use, could not access field: " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "(" + field.getName() + ")", e); } } Key<?> key = Key.newInstance(field.getType(), name); factory = container.getFactory(key); if (factory == null) { throw new MissingDependencyException( "No mapping found for dependency " + key + " in " + field + "."); } this.externalContext = ExternalContext.newInstance(field, key, container); } public void inject(InternalContext context, Object o) { ExternalContext<?> previous = context.getExternalContext(); context.setExternalContext(externalContext); try { field.set(o, factory.create(context)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } finally { context.setExternalContext(previous); } } }
public class ObjectFactory implements Serializable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectFactory.class); private transient ClassLoader ccl; private Container container; protected ReflectionProvider reflectionProvider; @Inject(value="objectFactory.classloader", required=false) public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) { this.ccl = cl; } @Inject public void setReflectionProvider(ReflectionProvider prov) { this.reflectionProvider = prov; } @Inject public void setContainer(Container container) { this.container = container; } public Object buildAction(String actionName, String namespace, ActionConfig config, Map<String, Object> extraContext) throws Exception { return buildBean(config.getClassName(), extraContext); } /** * Build a generic Java object of the given type. * * @param clazz the type of Object to build * @param extraContext a Map of extra context which uses the same keys as the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext} */ public Object buildBean(Class clazz, Map<String, Object> extraContext) throws Exception { return clazz.newInstance(); } /** * @param obj */ protected Object injectInternalBeans(Object obj) { if (obj != null && container != null) { container.inject(obj); } return obj; } public Object buildBean(String className, Map<String, Object> extraContext, boolean injectInternal) throws Exception { Class clazz = getClassInstance(className); Object obj = buildBean(clazz, extraContext); if (injectInternal) { injectInternalBeans(obj); } return obj; } 。。。。。。。。 }