遠程幀緩衝協議,即RFB(Remote Frame Buffer)協議是 VNC(Virtual Network Computing)軟件所使用的通信協議,用於客戶端向服務器傳送控制命令以及服務器向客戶端發送其操做畫面,藉此,遠程桌面共享軟件(不涉及Windows自帶的桌面共享)得以實現。數組
A client which requests the Cursor pseudo-encoding is declaring that it is capable ofui
drawing a mouse cursor locally. This can signicantly improve perceived performance編碼
over slow links. The server sets the cursor shape by sending a pseudo-rectangle withspa
the Cursor pseudo-encoding as part of an update. The pseudo-rectangle’s x-position指針
and y-position indicate the hotspot of the cursor, and width and height indicate thecode
width and height of the cursor in pixels. The data consists of width × height pixelorm
values followed by a bitmask. The bitmask consists of left-to-right, top-to-bottomserver
scanlines, where each scanline is padded to a whole number of bytes floor((width +
7)/8). Within each byte the most signicant bit represents the leftmost pixel, with a
1-bit meaning the corresponding pixel in the cursor is valid.
乍看上去好像已經達到目的了,直到在客戶端進行繪製才發現問題 —— 咱們肉眼可以分辨出圖中的指針,但是如何利用程序獲得一個乾淨(沒有黑色背景)的指針呢?貌似咱們能夠將該數組中全部黑色像素設爲透明值來獲得指針,但另外一個問題又來了 —— 全部黑色像素透明後,白色指針便沒有了邊框,一旦VNC客戶端顯示背景爲白色,鼠標就「消失」了。
所以忽略位掩碼的嘗試是失敗的。不得再也不次認真理解 bitmask 的意義,才發現位掩碼的真正用途:
bitmask中每個 bit 對應指針像素數組中的一個像素點(一般爲 4bytes),以從左到右、自上而下的順序反映對應像素點的有效性,若某 bit 爲 1,則表示它對應的是有效的鼠標指針像素點,應予以保留。不然即可以將該像素點設爲透明值。
bitmask_len 位掩碼數組長度 bitmask 位掩碼數組 cursor 鼠標指針像素數組 bytes_per_pixel 每一個像素點字節數,一般爲4 int cursor_pixel_idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bitmask_len; ++i) { uint8_t mask = bitmask[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { bool is_pixel_valid = mask & 128; mask <<= 1; if (!is_pixel_valid) { for (int k = 0; k != bytes_per_pixel; ++k) { cursor[cursor_pixel_idx + k] = 0xFF; } } cursor_pixel_idx += bytes_per_pixel; } } // for