一, 163郵箱javascript
import time from selenium import webdriver def login(): acount_num = input('請輸入帳號:\n') passwd_str = input('請輸入密碼:\n') driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/resolvewang/Documents/program/driver/chromedriver') url = 'http://mail.163.com/' driver.get(url) time.sleep(5) # 163登錄框是使用iframe進行嵌套的,因此須要先切換到該iframe driver.switch_to.frame('x-URS-iframe') acount = driver.find_element_by_name('email') acount.clear() acount.send_keys(acount_num) passwd = driver.find_element_by_name('password') passwd.clear() passwd.send_keys(passwd_str) time.sleep(3) click_button = driver.find_element_by_id('dologin') click_button.click() time.sleep(5) cur_cookies = driver.get_cookies()[0] return cur_cookies if __name__ == '__main__': login()
二, 百度php
import time from selenium import webdriver def login(name, passwd): url = 'https://pan.baidu.com/' # 這裏能夠用Chrome、Phantomjs等,若是沒有加入環境變量,須要指定具體的位置 driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/resolvewang/Documents/program/driver/chromedriver') driver.maximize_window() driver.get(url) print('開始登陸') chg_field = driver.find_element_by_class_name('pass-login-tab').find_element_by_class_name('account-title') chg_field.click() name_field = driver.find_element_by_id('TANGRAM__PSP_4__userName') name_field.send_keys(name) passwd_field = driver.find_element_by_id('TANGRAM__PSP_4__password') passwd_field.send_keys(passwd) login_button = driver.find_element_by_id('TANGRAM__PSP_4__submit') login_button.click() time.sleep(20) return driver.get_cookies() if __name__ == '__main__': login_name = input('請輸入你的登陸帳號:\n') login_passwd = input('請輸入你的登陸密碼:\n') cookies = login(login_name, login_passwd)
import time import json import re import requests import execjs import rsa import base64 js_path = 'login.js' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36', } # 全局的session session = requests.session() session.get('https://pan.baidu.com', headers=headers) def _get_runntime(): """ :param path: 加密js的路徑,注意js中不要使用中文!估計是pyexecjs處理中文還有一些問題 :return: 編譯後的js環境,不清楚pyexecjs這個庫的用法的請在github上查看相關文檔 """ phantom = execjs.get() # 這裏必須爲phantomjs設置環境變量,不然能夠寫phantomjs的具體路徑 with open(js_path, 'r') as f: source = f.read() return phantom.compile(source) def get_gid(): return _get_runntime().call('getGid') def get_callback(): return _get_runntime().call('getCallback') def _get_curtime(): return int(time.time()*1000) # 抓包也不是百分百可靠啊,這裏?getapi必定要挨着https://passport.baidu.com/v2/api/寫,纔會到正確的路由 def get_token(gid, callback): cur_time = _get_curtime() get_data = { 'tpl': 'netdisk', 'subpro': 'netdisk_web', 'apiver': 'v3', 'tt': cur_time, 'class': 'login', 'gid': gid, 'logintype': 'basicLogin', 'callback': callback } headers.update(dict(Referer='http://pan.baidu.com/', Accept='*/*', Connection='keep-alive', Host='passport.baidu.com')) resp = session.get(url='https://passport.baidu.com/v2/api/?getapi', params=get_data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200 and callback in resp.text: # 若是json字符串中帶有單引號,會解析出錯,只有統一成雙引號才能夠正確的解析 #data = eval(re.search(r'.*?\((.*)\)', resp.text).group(1)) data = json.loads(re.search(r'.*?\((.*)\)', resp.text).group(1).replace("'", '"')) return data.get('data').get('token') else: print('獲取token失敗') return None def get_rsa_key(token, gid, callback): cur_time = _get_curtime() get_data = { 'token': token, 'tpl': 'netdisk', 'subpro': 'netdisk_web', 'apiver': 'v3', 'tt': cur_time, 'gid': gid, 'callback': callback, } resp = session.get(url='https://passport.baidu.com/v2/getpublickey', headers=headers, params=get_data) if resp.status_code == 200 and callback in resp.text: data = json.loads(re.search(r'.*?\((.*)\)', resp.text).group(1).replace("'", '"')) return data.get('pubkey'), data.get('key') else: print('獲取rsa key失敗') return None def encript_password(password, pubkey): pub = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(pubkey.encode('utf-8')) encript_passwd = rsa.encrypt(password.encode('utf-8'), pub) return base64.b64encode(encript_passwd).decode('utf-8') def login(token, gid, callback, rsakey, username, password): post_data = { 'staticpage': 'http://pan.baidu.com/res/static/thirdparty/pass_v3_jump.html', 'charset': 'utf-8', 'token': token, 'tpl': 'netdisk', 'subpro': 'netdisk_web', 'apiver': 'v3', 'tt': _get_curtime(), 'codestring': '', 'safeflg': 0, 'u': 'http://pan.baidu.com/disk/home', 'isPhone': '', 'detect': 1, 'gid': gid, 'quick_user': 0, 'logintype': 'basicLogin', 'logLoginType': 'pc_loginBasic', 'idc': '', 'loginmerge': 'true', 'foreignusername': '', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'mem_pass': 'on', # 返回的key 'rsakey': rsakey, 'crypttype': 12, 'ppui_logintime': 33554, 'countrycode': '', 'dv': 'MDEwAAoAEgAKBScAMgAAAF00AA0CABvLy0ru-Kzto-S297rluuq56baC3YLxhOaL4pYJAgAi3d6dnPz8_' 'Pz8fIWF0ZDemcuKx5jHl8SUy_-g_4z5m_af6wgCACHT0C4u39_fh-66-7XyoOGs86z8r_-glMuU5IX2hfKd7' '4sNAgAdy8uYnYXRkN6Zy4rHmMeXxJTL_6D_ivmc7qDBrMkHAgAEy8vLywkCACTT0K-vUFBQUFAC_Pyo6afgs' 'vO-4b7uve2yhtmG9pfkl-CP_ZkIAgAh09Cvrq6urvyXw4LMi9mY1YrVhdaG2e2y7Z38j_yL5JbyCAIAIdPQe' 'nqsrKzjo_e2-L_trOG-4bHisu3Zhtms37rIhueK7wwCAB_TNjY2Nn2azo_BhtSV2IfYiNuL1OC_4JXmg_G_3' 'rPWDAIAH9M2NjY2f287ejRzIWAtci19Ln4hFUoVYBN2BEorRiMMAgAf0zY2NjZ34rb3uf6s7aD_oPCj86yYx5' 'jtnvuJx6bLrgcCAATLy8vLDAIAH9Pb29vb_CZyM306aClkO2Q0ZzdoXANcKVo_TQNiD2oHAgAEy8vLywwCAB_' 'TNjY2NhMPWxpUE0EATRJNHU4eQXUqdQBzFmQqSyZDDQIAHcvL6X5mMnM9eihpJHskdCd3KBxDHGkafw1DIk8q' 'CQIAJNPQUFCOjo6OjqwsLHg5dzBiI24xbj5tPWJWCVYjUDVHCWgFYAgCACHT0KqqWlpaewVREF4ZSwpHGEcXRB' 'RLfyB_D24dbhl2BGAHAgAEy8vLywkCABTLyPDxOTk5OTkmfH1-fH26uu7u_wgCAAnLyISFCgoKFz4IAgAJy8i' 'YmR4eHgIoBwIABMvLy8sOAgAByxUCAAjLy8qR4PdMcgECAAbLysrFQbcFAgAEy8vLwQQCAAbAwMLB8MAWAgAi6' 'p71xevf7dns1ObS6tLr0uPS6tvj0ubf7d_q2-vY6tnu2RcCAA_Lyo6OhNny1YnxwqaBqo0QAgAByxMCABnL3t7' 'etsK2xvzT_Iztg63Prsej1vib9Jm2BgIAKMvLy4R7hHupqamt6urq6CUlJSCAgICDBwcHAqKioqG8vLy4_____' 'bwIAgAg3N_n5lhYWEYpWThLOBVlDWIHaQB4VTlQI1d6FnkedxkHAgAEy8vLywwCAB_TNjY2NhAYTA1DBFYXWgVa' 'ClkJVmI9YhdkAXM9XDFUBwIABMvLy8sIAgAJy8g3N3BwcFwfDQIAHcvL-vXtufi28aPir_Cv_6z8o5fIl-KR9Ib' 'IqcShDQIAHcvL8ExUAEEPSBpbFkkWRhVFGi5xLlsoTT9xEH0YDAIAH9M2NjY2dq76u_Wy4KHss-y877_g1IvUod' 'K3xYvqh-IMAgAf0zY2NjZ-cCRlK2w-fzJtMmIxYT4KVQp_DGkbVTRZPAwCAB_TNjY2Nn-azo_BhtSV2IfYiNuL1O' 'C_4JXmg_G_3rPWDAIAH9M2NjY2fVAERQtMHl8STRJCEUEeKnUqXyxJO3UUeRwIAgAh09BfX7GxseHuuvu18qDhrPO' 's_K__oJTLlOSF9oXyne-LDQIAHcvLmJSM2JnXkMKDzpHOns2dwvap9obnlOeQ_43pCAIAINzY4uIKCgpdwK7Lv9uyw' 'ar1heSX5LvXuN-22IfhjvyRDQIAHcvLkGx0IGEvaDp7Nmk2ZjVlOg5RDn4fbB9oB3URDQIAHcvLrOnxpeSq7b_-s' '-yz47Dgv4vUi_ua6ZrtgvCUDQIAHcvLS7au-rv1suCh7LPsvO-_4NSL1KTFtsWy3a_L', 'callback': 'parent.'+callback } resp = session.post(url='https://passport.baidu.com/v2/api/?login', data=post_data, headers=headers) if 'err_no=0' in resp.text: print('登陸成功') else: print('登陸失敗') if __name__ == '__main__': name = input('請輸入用戶名:\n') passwd = input('請輸入密碼:\n') cur_gid = get_gid() cur_callback = get_callback() cur_token = get_token(cur_gid, cur_callback) cur_pubkey, cur_key = get_rsa_key(cur_token, cur_gid, cur_callback) encript_pass = encript_password(passwd, cur_pubkey) login(cur_token, cur_gid, cur_callback, cur_key, name, encript_pass) home_page = session.get('http://pan.baidu.com/disk/home', headers=headers).text print(home_page)
/** * Created by resolvewang on 2017/4/15. */ function getGid() { return "xxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (e) { var t = 16 * Math.random() | 0, n = "x" == e ? t : 3 & t | 8; return n.toString(16) }).toUpperCase() } function getCallback() { return "bd__cbs__" + Math.floor(2147483648 * Math.random()).toString(36) }
三, csdngit
# -*-coding;utf-8 -*- import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # 獲取登錄頁面 session = requests.session() url = 'https://passport.csdn.net/account/login?from=http://my.csdn.net/my/mycsdn' def get_post_headers(): return { 'Host': 'passport.csdn.net', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': 'http://www.csdn.net/' } def get_post_data(): username = input('請輸入用戶名:\n') password = input('請輸入密碼:\n') login_page = session.get(url, headers=get_post_headers()).text # 提取lt, execution, _eventId soup = BeautifulSoup(login_page, 'html.parser') lt = soup.find(attrs={'name': 'lt'})['value'] execution = soup.find(attrs={'name': 'execution'})['value'] submit = soup.find(attrs={'name': '_eventId'})['value'] return dict(username=username, password=password, lt=lt, execution=execution, _eventId=submit) # 返回登陸事後的session def login(post_data): session.post(url, data=post_data, headers=get_post_headers()) return session if __name__ == '__main__': session = login(get_post_data()) # 檢查是否正常登陸 home_page = 'http://my.csdn.net/my/mycsdn' # 這裏headers不能用前面那個,由於Host等參數發生改變了,不然會出現500狀態碼 headers = { 'Host': 'my.csdn.net', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Accept': 'Accept' } resp = session.get(home_page, headers='') print(resp.text)
四, jdgithub
# tested on ubuntu15.04 import time from selenium import webdriver # 強東的系統登錄模塊沒有用iframe,定位也沒有微博那麼複雜,能夠靠id定位登錄 login_url = 'https://passport.jd.com/new/login.aspx' driver = webdriver.PhantomJS() driver.get(login_url) time.sleep(5) account = driver.find_element_by_id('loginname') password = driver.find_element_by_id('nloginpwd') submit = driver.find_element_by_id('loginsubmit') account.clear() password.clear() account.send_keys('yourname') password.send_keys('yourpassword') submit.click() time.sleep(5) # cookie和前面同樣的方式獲取和保存 cookies = driver.get_cookies() driver.close()
五, qqspaceweb
from selenium import webdriver import time import requests # 這個地方是經過觀察html代碼獲得的,由於我先前經過find方法定位switch始終提示我沒有這個元素,那麼我就猜測它確定是被隱藏或者嵌套在別的 # frame中了 login_url = 'http://xui.ptlogin2.qq.com/cgi-bin/xlogin?proxy_url=http%3A//qzs.qq.com/qzone/v6/portal/proxy.html' \ '&daid=5&&hide_title_bar=1&low_login=0&qlogin_auto_login=1&no_verifyimg=1&link_target=blank&' \ 'appid=549000912&style=22&target=self&s_url=http%3A%2F%2Fqzs.qq.com%2Fqzone%2Fv5%2Floginsucc.html%3Fpara' \ '%3Dizone%26specifyurl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fuser.qzone.qq.com%252F1796246076&pt_qr_app=手機QQ空間' \ '&pt_qr_link=http%3A//z.qzone.com/download.html&self_regurl=http%3A//qzs.qq.com/qzone/v6/reg/index.html' \ '&pt_qr_help_link=http%3A//z.qzone.com/download.html' login_name = input('請輸入QQ號:') login_password = input('請輸入QQ密碼:') # 不知是否是selenium的版本問題仍是操做平臺問題,現在的selenium安裝好了使用webdriver.Firefox()/webdriver.Chrome()可能會報錯,在ide下並不會 # 提示webdriver.*。遇到這種狀況直接刪除python安裝目錄下的selenium文件夾。這樣import selenium.webdriver纔是導入的site-packges目錄下的webdriver模塊 driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='D:/webdriver/chromedriver.exe') driver.get(login_url) time.sleep(3) login_type = driver.find_element_by_id('switcher_plogin') login_type.click() username = driver.find_element_by_id('u') username.clear() password = driver.find_element_by_id('p') password.clear() username.send_keys(login_name) password.send_keys(login_password) submit = driver.find_element_by_id('login_button') submit.click() time.sleep(5) cookies = driver.get_cookies() driver.close() cookie = [item['name'] + "=" + item['value'] for item in cookies] cookiestr = '; '.join(item for item in cookie) headers = {'cookie': cookiestr} # 驗證cookie是否正確 myspace = 'http://user.qzone.qq.com/17962460' content = requests.get(myspace, headers=headers) print(content.text)
六, 知乎ajax
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # python-version: 3.51 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # 知乎登錄的時候並無在前臺作過多的加密,只是每次捕捉了它的xsrf就好了,和csdn的模擬登錄同樣 session = requests.session() # 要提交的參數 headers = { "User-Agent": ("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/602.4.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) " "Version/10.0.3 Safari/602.4.8"), "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Host": 'www.zhihu.com', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-cn', "Accept-Encoding": 'gzip, deflate', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1' } # 從原始界面拿到 _xsrf,第一次post get_url = 'https://www.zhihu.com/#signin' phone_num = input('請輸入你的用戶名') password = input('請輸入你的密碼') remember_me = 'true' xsrf_url = session.get(get_url, headers=headers).text soup_one = BeautifulSoup(xsrf_url, 'html.parser') xsrf = soup_one.body.find('div', {'class': 'index-main'}).find('div', {'class': 'index-main-body'}).form.find('input', { 'name': '_xsrf'}).attrs['value'] post_data1 = { 'phone_num': phone_num, 'password': password, 'remember_me': remember_me, '_xsrf': xsrf } r = session.post('https://www.zhihu.com/login/phone_num', data=post_data1, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: print('模擬登錄成功') else: print('模擬登錄失敗')
七, sinachrome
1, selenium
import re import time from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC def login(account, passwd, url): # 若是driver沒加入環境變量中,那麼就須要明確指定其路徑 # 驗證於2017年4月11日 # 直接登錄新浪微博 driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/resolvewang/Documents/program/driver/chromedriver') driver.maximize_window() # locator = (By.) driver.get(url) print('開始登錄') name_field = driver.find_element_by_id('loginname') name_field.clear() name_field.send_keys(account) password_field = driver.find_element_by_class_name('password').find_element_by_name('password') password_field.clear() password_field.send_keys(passwd) submit = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="pl_login_form"]/div/div[3]/div[6]/a/span') ActionChains(driver).double_click(submit).perform() time.sleep(5) WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'WB_miniblog'))) source = driver.page_source if is_login(source): print('登陸成功') sina_cookies = driver.get_cookies() driver.quit() return sina_cookies def is_login(source): rs = re.search("CONFIG\['islogin'\]='(\d)'", source) if rs: return int(rs.group(1)) == 1 else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': url = 'http://weibo.com/login.php' name_input = input('請輸入你的帳號\n') passwd_input = input('請輸入你的密碼\n') cookies = login(name_input, passwd_input, url)
# 這種登錄方式是參考別的網友的,雖然效率很高,但我以爲普適性不強 import time import base64 import rsa import binascii import requests import re from urllib.parse import quote_plus # 構造 Request headers agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0' headers = { 'User-Agent': agent } session = requests.session() # 訪問 初始頁面帶上 cookie index_url = "http://weibo.com/login.php" def get_su(username): """ 對 email 地址和手機號碼 先 javascript 中 encodeURIComponent 對應 Python 3 中的是 urllib.parse.quote_plus 而後在 base64 加密後decode """ username_quote = quote_plus(username) username_base64 = base64.b64encode(username_quote.encode("utf-8")) return username_base64.decode("utf-8") # 預登錄得到 servertime, nonce, pubkey, rsakv def get_server_data(su): pre_url = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/prelogin.php?entry=weibo&callback=sinaSSOController.preloginCallBack&su=" pre_url = pre_url + su + "&rsakt=mod&checkpin=1&client=ssologin.js(v1.4.18)&_=" prelogin_url = pre_url + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) pre_data_res = session.get(prelogin_url, headers=headers) sever_data = eval(pre_data_res.content.decode("utf-8").replace("sinaSSOController.preloginCallBack", '')) return sever_data # 這一段用戶加密密碼,須要參考加密文件 def get_password(password, servertime, nonce, pubkey): rsaPublickey = int(pubkey, 16) key = rsa.PublicKey(rsaPublickey, 65537) # 建立公鑰, message = str(servertime) + '\t' + str(nonce) + '\n' + str(password) # 拼接明文js加密文件中獲得 message = message.encode("utf-8") passwd = rsa.encrypt(message, key) # 加密 passwd = binascii.b2a_hex(passwd) # 將加密信息轉換爲16進制。 return passwd def login(username, password): # su 是加密後的用戶名 su = get_su(username) sever_data = get_server_data(su) servertime = sever_data["servertime"] nonce = sever_data['nonce'] rsakv = sever_data["rsakv"] pubkey = sever_data["pubkey"] password_secret = get_password(password, servertime, nonce, pubkey) postdata = { 'entry': 'weibo', 'gateway': '1', 'from': '', 'savestate': '7', 'useticket': '1', 'pagerefer': "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/logout.php?entry=miniblog&r=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.com%2Flogout.php%3Fbackurl", 'vsnf': '1', 'su': su, 'service': 'miniblog', 'servertime': servertime, 'nonce': nonce, 'pwencode': 'rsa2', 'rsakv': rsakv, 'sp': password_secret, 'sr': '1366*768', 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'prelt': '115', 'url': 'http://weibo.com/ajaxlogin.php?framelogin=1&callback=parent.sinaSSOController.feedBackUrlCallBack', 'returntype': 'META' } login_url = 'http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/login.php?client=ssologin.js(v1.4.18)' login_page = session.post(login_url, data=postdata, headers=headers) login_loop = (login_page.content.decode("GBK")) pa = r'location\.replace\([\'"](.*?)[\'"]\)' loop_url = re.findall(pa, login_loop)[0] login_index = session.get(loop_url, headers=headers) uuid = login_index.text uuid_pa = r'"uniqueid":"(.*?)"' uuid_res = re.findall(uuid_pa, uuid, re.S)[0] web_weibo_url = "http://weibo.com/%s/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6&is_all=1" % uuid_res weibo_page = session.get(web_weibo_url, headers=headers) weibo_pa = r'<title>(.*?)</title>' userName = re.findall(weibo_pa, weibo_page.content.decode("utf-8", 'ignore'), re.S)[0] print('登錄成功,你的用戶名爲:'+userName) if __name__ == "__main__": username = input(u'用戶名:') password = input(u'密碼:') login(username, password)
3, phone
import requests import random session = requests.session() user_agents = [ 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 ' 'Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1]', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/48.0.2564.23 Mobile Safari/537.36', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 6 Build/LYZ28E) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/48.0.2564.23 Mobile Safari/537.36'] headers = { 'User_Agent': random.choice(user_agents), 'Referer': 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/login?entry=mweibo&res=wel&wm=3349&r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.weibo.cn%2F', 'Origin': 'https://passport.weibo.cn', 'Host': 'passport.weibo.cn' } post_data = { 'username': '', 'password': '', 'savestate': '1', 'ec': '0', 'pagerefer': 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/welcome?entry=mweibo&r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.weibo.cn%2F&wm=3349&vt=4', 'entry': 'mweibo' } login_url = 'https://passport.weibo.cn/sso/login' def login(): username = input('請輸入用戶名:\n') password = input('請輸入密碼:\n') post_data['username'] = username post_data['password'] = password r = session.post(login_url, data=post_data, headers=headers) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('模擬登錄失敗') else: print("模擬登錄成功,當前登錄帳號爲:" + username) if __name__ == '__main__': login()
import execjs import requests import json import re def get_session(): return requests.session() def get_runntime(path): """ :param path: 加密js的路徑,注意js中不要使用中文!估計是pyexecjs處理中文還有一些問題 :return: 編譯後的js環境,不清楚pyexecjs這個庫的用法的請在github上查看相關文檔 """ phantom = execjs.get('PhantomJS') # 這裏必須爲phantomjs設置環境變量,不然能夠寫phantomjs的具體路徑 with open(path, 'r') as f: source = f.read() return phantom.compile(source) # 獲取經base64編碼的用戶名 def get_encodename(name, runntime): return runntime.call('get_name', name) # 獲取加密後的密碼 def get_pass(password, pre_obj, runntime): """ :param password: 登錄密碼 :param pre_obj: 返回的預登錄信息 :param runntime: 運行時環境 :return: 加密後的密碼 """ nonce = pre_obj['nonce'] pubkey = pre_obj['pubkey'] servertime = pre_obj['servertime'] return runntime.call('get_pass', password, nonce, servertime, pubkey) # 獲取預登錄返回的信息 def get_prelogin_info(prelogin_url, session): json_pattern = r'.*?\((.*)\)' repose_str = session.get(prelogin_url).text m = re.match(json_pattern, repose_str) return json.loads(m.group(1)) # 使用post提交加密後的全部數據,而且得到下一次須要get請求的地址 def get_redirect(data, post_url, session): """ :param data: 須要提交的數據,能夠經過抓包來肯定部分不變的 :param post_url: post地址 :param session: :return: 服務器返回的下一次須要請求的url """ logining_page = session.post(post_url, data=data) login_loop = logining_page.content.decode("GBK") pa = r'location\.replace\([\'"](.*?)[\'"]\)' return re.findall(pa, login_loop)[0] # 獲取成功登錄返回的信息,包括用戶id等重要信息 def do_login(session, url): return session.get(url).text if __name__ == '__main__': name = input('請輸入登陸用戶名:\n') password = input('請輸入登陸密碼:\n') session = get_session() runntime = get_runntime('./sinalogin.js') su = get_encodename(name, runntime) post_url = 'http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/login.php?client=ssologin.js(v1.4.18)' prelogin_url = 'http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/prelogin.php?entry=weibo&callback=sinaSSOController.preloginCallBack&' \ 'su=' + su + '&rsakt=mod&checkpin=1&client=ssologin.js(v1.4.18)' pre_obj = get_prelogin_info(prelogin_url, session) sp = get_pass(password, pre_obj, runntime) # 提交的數據能夠根據抓包得到 data = { 'entry': 'weibo', 'gateway': '1', 'from': '', 'savestate': '7', 'useticket': '1', 'pagerefer': "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/logout.php?entry=miniblog&r=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.com%2Flogout.php%3Fbackurl", 'vsnf': '1', 'su': su, 'service': 'miniblog', 'servertime': pre_obj['servertime'], 'nonce': pre_obj['nonce'], 'pwencode': 'rsa2', 'rsakv': pre_obj['rsakv'], 'sp': sp, 'sr': '1366*768', 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'prelt': '115', 'url': 'http://weibo.com/ajaxlogin.php?framelogin=1&callback=parent.sinaSSOController.feedBackUrlCallBack', 'returntype': 'META', } url = get_redirect(data, post_url, session) login_info = do_login(session, url) print("你當前使用的是rookiefly實現的微博登錄方式,登錄返回信息爲:\n"+login_info)
/** * Created by rookiecoder on 2016/4/29. */ function SSOController() { var undefined; var me = this; var updateCookieTimer = null; var updateCookieTimeHardLimit = 1800; var cookieExpireTimeLength = 3600 * 24; var crossDomainForward = null; var crossDomainTimer = null; var crossDomainTime = 3; var autoLoginCallBack2 = null; var ssoCrosssDomainUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/crossdomain.php"; var ssoLoginUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/login.php"; var ssoLogoutUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/logout.php"; var ssoUpdateCookieUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/updatetgt.php"; var ssoPreLoginUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/sso/prelogin.php"; var pincodeUrl = "http://login.sina.com.cn/cgi/pin.php"; var vfValidUrl = "http://weibo.com/sguide/vdun.php"; var generateVisitorUrl = "http://passport.weibo.com/visitor/visitor"; var crossDomainUrlList = null; var loginMethod = ""; var ssoServerTimeTimer = null; var ssoLoginTimer = null; var loginByConfig = null; var loginMethodCheck = null; var https = 1; var rsa = 2; var wsse = 4; var pcid = ""; var tmpData = {}; var preloginTimeStart = 0; var preloginTime = 0; var callbackLogoutStatus; this.https = 1; this.rsa = 2; this.wsse = 4; this.name = "sinaSSOController"; this.loginFormId = "ssoLoginForm"; this.scriptId = "ssoLoginScript"; this.ssoCrossDomainScriptId = "ssoCrossDomainScriptId"; this.loginFrameName = "ssoLoginFrame"; this.appLoginURL = {"weibo.com": "https://passport.weibo.com/wbsso/login"}; this.appDomainService = {"weibo.com": "miniblog"}; this.loginExtraQuery = {}; this.setDomain = false; this.feedBackUrl = ""; this.service = "sso"; this.domain = "sina.com.cn"; this.from = ""; this.pageCharset = "GB2312"; this.useTicket = false; this.isCheckLoginState = false; this.isUpdateCookieOnLoad = true; this.useIframe = true; this.noActiveTime = 7200; this.autoUpdateCookieTime = 1800; this.loginType = rsa; this.timeoutEnable = false; this.loginTimeout = 5000; this.crossDomain = true; this.scriptLoginHttps = false; this.allowAutoFoundServerTime = false; this.allowAutoFoundServerTimeError = true; this.calcServerTimeInterval = 2000; this.servertime = null; this.nonce = null; this.rsaPubkey = null; this.rsakv = null; this.loginExtraFlag = {}; this.cdult = false; this.crossDomainTime = 5; this.failRedirect = false; this.isGenerateVisitor = true; this.generateVisitorProbability = 1; this.generateVisitorDelay = 6; this.generateVisitorDomain = ["^.*sina.com.cn$"]; this.getVersion = function () { return "ssologin.js(v1.4.18) 2014-06-12" }; this.getEntry = function () { return me.entry }; this.getClientType = function () { return me.getVersion().split(" ")[0] }; this.init = function () { if (getType(arguments[0]) === "object") { return customPrepare(arguments[0]) } me.setLoginType(me.loginType); var ssoConfig = window.sinaSSOConfig; if (typeof ssoConfig != "object") { ssoConfig = {} } var name; for (name in ssoConfig) { me[name] = ssoConfig[name] } if (!me.entry) { me.entry = me.service } if (me.isUpdateCookieOnLoad) { setTimeout(me.name + ".updateCookie()", 10000) } if (me.isGenerateVisitor) { if (self === top && Math.random() < me.generateVisitorProbability && location.protocol !== "https:") { setTimeout(me.name + ".generateVisitor()", me.generateVisitorDelay * 1000) } } if (me.isCheckLoginState) { addEventListener(window, "load", function () { me.checkLoginState() }) } if (me.allowAutoFoundServerTime && ssoLoginServerTime) { me.setServerTime(ssoLoginServerTime) } me.customInit() }; this.getLoginInfo = function () { var sso_info = getCookie("sso_info"); if (!sso_info) { return {} } try { return parse_str(sinaSSOEncoder.Cookie.decode(sso_info)) } catch (e) { return {} } }; this.customInit = function () { }; this.customUpdateCookieCallBack = function (result) { }; this.customLoginCallBack = function (loginStatus) { }; this.customLogoutCallBack = function (result) { me.customLoginCallBack({result: false}) }; var customLogin, customPrepare, customLogout; (function () { var $empty = function () { }, loginParam = { username: "", password: "", savestate: 0, vsnf: 0, vsnval: "", door: "", setCookie: 1, ssoSimpleLogin: 0, onComplete: $empty, onSuccess: $empty, onFailure: $empty }, logoutParam = {onComplete: $empty, onSuccess: $empty, onFailure: $empty}, hashExtra = { vsnf: "vsnf", vsnval: "vsnval", door: "door", setCookie: "s", ssoSimpleLogin: "ssosimplelogin" }, loginOptions = {}, logoutOptions = {}; var parseParam = function (original, spec) { var key, param = {}; original = original || {}; spec = spec || {}; objMerge(param, original); for (key in spec) { if (original.hasOwnProperty(key)) { param[key] = spec[key] } } return param }; var callback = function (options, name, loginStatus) { if (typeof(options[name]) === "function") { options[name](loginStatus) } }; this.callbackLoginStatus = function (loginStatus) { me.customLoginCallBack(loginStatus); callback(loginOptions, "onComplete", loginStatus); if (loginStatus && loginStatus.result === true) { callback(loginOptions, "onSuccess", loginStatus) } else { callback(loginOptions, "onFailure", loginStatus) } }; callbackLogoutStatus = function (logoutStatus) { me.customLogoutCallBack(logoutStatus); callback(logoutOptions, "onComplete", logoutStatus); if (logoutStatus && logoutStatus.result === true) { callback(logoutOptions, "onSuccess", logoutStatus) } else { callback(logoutOptions, "onFailure", logoutStatus) } }; customPrepare = function (spec) { var key; spec = spec || {}; loginOptions = objMerge({ entry: "sso", useTicket: false, service: "sso", domain: "sina.com.cn", feedBackUrl: "", setDomain: false, crossDomain: true, name: "sinaSSOController" }, loginParam); loginOptions = parseParam(loginOptions, spec); window[loginOptions.name] = window[loginOptions.name] || me; for (key in loginOptions) { if (!loginParam.hasOwnProperty(key)) { me[key] = loginOptions[key] } } me.loginExtraQuery = {}; objMerge(me.loginExtraQuery, loginOptions.loginExtraQuery); for (key in hashExtra) { if (loginOptions.hasOwnProperty(key)) { me.loginExtraQuery[hashExtra[key]] = loginOptions[key] } } }; customLogin = function (spec) { spec = spec || {}; customPrepare(spec); me.login(loginOptions.username, loginOptions.password, loginOptions.savestate) }; customLogout = function (spec) { spec = spec || {}; logoutOptions = objMerge({}, logoutParam); logoutOptions = parseParam(logoutOptions, spec); me.logout() } }).apply(this); this.login = function (username, password, savestate) { if (getType(arguments[0]) === "object") { return customLogin(arguments[0]) } if (!ssoLoginTimer) { ssoLoginTimer = new prototypeTimer(me.timeoutEnable) } else { ssoLoginTimer.clear() } ssoLoginTimer.start(me.loginTimeout, function () { ssoLoginTimer.clear(); me.callbackLoginStatus({ result: false, errno: -1, reason: unescape("%u767B%u5F55%u8D85%u65F6%uFF0C%u8BF7%u91CD%u8BD5") }) }); savestate = savestate == undefined ? 0 : savestate; tmpData.savestate = savestate; loginByConfig = function () { if (!me.feedBackUrl && loginByXMLHttpRequest(username, password, savestate)) { return true } if (me.useIframe && (me.setDomain || me.feedBackUrl)) { if (me.setDomain) { document.domain = me.domain; if (!me.feedBackUrl && me.domain != "sina.com.cn") { me.feedBackUrl = makeURL(me.appLoginURL[me.domain], {domain: 1}) } } loginMethod = "post"; var result = loginByIframe(username, password, savestate); if (!result) { loginMethod = "get"; if (me.scriptLoginHttps) { me.setLoginType(me.loginType | https) } else { me.setLoginType(me.loginType | rsa) } loginByScript(username, password, savestate) } } else { loginMethod = "get"; loginByScript(username, password, savestate) } me.nonce = null }; loginMethodCheck = function () { if ((me.loginType & wsse) || (me.loginType & rsa)) { if (me.servertime) { if (!me.nonce) { me.nonce = makeNonce(6) } loginByConfig(); return true } me.getServerTime(username, loginByConfig) } else { loginByConfig() } }; loginMethodCheck(); return true }; this.prelogin = function (config, callback) { var url = location.protocol == "https:" ? ssoPreLoginUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoPreLoginUrl; var username = config.username || ""; username = sinaSSOEncoder.base64.encode(urlencode(username)); delete config.username; var arrQuery = {entry: me.entry, callback: me.name + ".preloginCallBack", su: username, rsakt: "mod"}; url = makeURL(url, objMerge(arrQuery, config)); me.preloginCallBack = function (result) { if (result && result.retcode == 0) { me.setServerTime(result.servertime); me.nonce = result.nonce; me.rsaPubkey = result.pubkey; me.rsakv = result.rsakv; pcid = result.pcid; preloginTime = (new Date()).getTime() - preloginTimeStart - (parseInt(result.exectime, 10) || 0) } if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(result) } }; preloginTimeStart = (new Date()).getTime(); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url) }; this.getServerTime = function (username, callback) { if (me.servertime) { if (typeof callback == "function") { callback({retcode: 0, servertime: me.servertime}) } return true } me.prelogin({username: username}, callback) }; this.logout = function () { try { if (getType(arguments[0]) === "object") { return customLogout(arguments[0]) } var request = {entry: me.getEntry(), callback: me.name + ".ssoLogoutCallBack"}; try { request.sr = window.screen.width + "*" + window.screen.height } catch (e) { } var url = location.protocol == "https:" ? ssoLogoutUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoLogoutUrl; url = makeURL(url, request); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url) } catch (e) { } return true }; this.ssoLogoutCallBack = function (result) { if (result.arrURL) { me.setCrossDomainUrlList(result) } me.crossDomainAction("logout", function () { callbackLogoutStatus({result: true}) }) }; this.updateCookie = function () { try { if (me.autoUpdateCookieTime > 5) { if (updateCookieTimer != null) { clearTimeout(updateCookieTimer) } updateCookieTimer = setTimeout(me.name + ".updateCookie()", me.autoUpdateCookieTime * 1000) } var cookieExpireTime = me.getCookieExpireTime(); var now = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000; var result = {}; if (cookieExpireTime == null) { result = {retcode: 6102} } else { if (cookieExpireTime < now) { result = {retcode: 6203} } else { if (cookieExpireTime - cookieExpireTimeLength + updateCookieTimeHardLimit > now) { result = {retcode: 6110} } else { if (cookieExpireTime - now > me.noActiveTime) { result = {retcode: 6111} } } } } if (result.retcode !== undefined) { me.customUpdateCookieCallBack(result); return false } var url = location.protocol == "https:" ? ssoUpdateCookieUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoUpdateCookieUrl; url = makeURL(url, {entry: me.getEntry(), callback: me.name + ".updateCookieCallBack"}); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url) } catch (e) { } return true }; this.setCrossDomainUrlList = function (urlList) { crossDomainUrlList = urlList }; this.checkAltLoginName = function () { return true }; this.callFeedBackUrl = function (loginStatus) { try { var request = {callback: me.name + ".feedBackUrlCallBack"}; if (loginStatus.ticket) { request.ticket = loginStatus.ticket } if (loginStatus.retcode !== undefined) { request.retcode = loginStatus.retcode } var url = makeURL(me.feedBackUrl, request); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url) } catch (e) { } return true }; this.loginCallBack = function (result) { try { if (me.timeoutEnable && !ssoLoginTimer.isset()) { return } ssoLoginTimer.clear(); me.loginExtraFlag = {}; var loginStatus = {}; var st = result.ticket; var uid = result.uid; if (uid) { loginStatus.result = true; loginStatus.retcode = 0; loginStatus.userinfo = {uniqueid: result.uid}; if (st) { loginStatus.ticket = st } if (result.cookie) { loginStatus.cookie = result.cookie } if (me.feedBackUrl) { if (me.crossDomain) { me.crossDomainAction("login", function () { me.callFeedBackUrl(loginStatus) }) } else { me.callFeedBackUrl(loginStatus) } } else { if (me.crossDomain) { if (result.crossDomainUrlList) { me.setCrossDomainUrlList({retcode: 0, arrURL: result.crossDomainUrlList}) } me.crossDomainAction("login", function () { if (st && me.appLoginURL[me.domain]) { me.appLogin(st, me.domain, me.name + ".callbackLoginStatus") } else { loginStatus.userinfo = objMerge(loginStatus.userinfo, me.getSinaCookie()); me.callbackLoginStatus(loginStatus) } }) } else { me.callbackLoginStatus(loginStatus) } } } else { if (loginMethodCheck && result.retcode == "2092" && me.allowAutoFoundServerTimeError) { me.setServerTime(0); me.loginExtraFlag = objMerge(me.loginExtraFlag, {wsseretry: "servertime_error"}); loginMethodCheck(); loginMethodCheck = null; return false } loginStatus.result = false; loginStatus.errno = result.retcode; if (loginStatus.errno == "4069") { var reason = result.reason.split("|"); loginStatus.reason = reason[0]; if (reason.length == 2) { loginStatus.rurl = reason[1] } if (loginStatus.rurl) { try { top.location.href = loginStatus.rurl; return } catch (e) { } } } else { loginStatus.reason = result.reason } me.callbackLoginStatus(loginStatus) } } catch (e) { } return true }; this.updateCookieCallBack = function (result) { if (result.retcode == 0) { me.crossDomainAction("update", function () { me.customUpdateCookieCallBack(result) }) } else { me.customUpdateCookieCallBack(result) } }; this.feedBackUrlCallBack = function (result) { if (loginMethod == "post" && me.timeoutEnable && !ssoLoginTimer.isset()) { return } if (result.errno == "2092") { me.setServerTime(0) } if (loginMethodCheck && (result.errno == "2092") && me.allowAutoFoundServerTimeError) { me.loginExtraFlag = objMerge(me.loginExtraFlag, {wsseretry: "servertime_error"}); loginMethodCheck(); loginMethodCheck = null; return false } else { ssoLoginTimer && ssoLoginTimer.clear() } if (result.errno == "4069") { var reason = result.reason.split("|"); result.reason = reason[0]; if (reason.length == 2) { result.rurl = reason[1]; try { top.location.href = result.rurl; return } catch (e) { } } } me.callbackLoginStatus(result); removeNode(me.loginFrameName) }; this.doCrossDomainCallBack = function (result) { me.crossDomainCounter++; if (result) { removeNode(result.scriptId) } if (me.crossDomainCounter == me.crossDomainCount) { clearTimeout(crossDomainTimer); me.crossDomainResult() } }; this.crossDomainCallBack = function (result) { removeNode(me.ssoCrossDomainScriptId); if (!result || result.retcode != 0) { return false } var arrURL = result.arrURL; var url, scriptId; var request = {callback: me.name + ".doCrossDomainCallBack"}; me.crossDomainCount = arrURL.length; me.crossDomainCounter = 0; if (arrURL.length == 0) { clearTimeout(crossDomainTimer); me.crossDomainResult(); return true } for (var i = 0; i < arrURL.length; i++) { url = arrURL[i]; scriptId = "ssoscript" + i; request.scriptId = scriptId; url = makeURL(url, request); if (isSafari()) { excuteIframe(scriptId, url) } else { excuteScript(scriptId, url) } } }; this.crossDomainResult = function () { crossDomainUrlList = null; if (typeof crossDomainForward == "function") { crossDomainForward() } }; this.crossDomainAction = function (action, callback) { crossDomainTimer = setTimeout(me.name + ".crossDomainResult()", crossDomainTime * 1000); if (typeof callback == "function") { crossDomainForward = callback } else { crossDomainForward = null } if (crossDomainUrlList) { me.crossDomainCallBack(crossDomainUrlList); return false } var domain = me.domain; if (action == "update") { action = "login"; domain = "sina.com.cn" } var request = { scriptId: me.ssoCrossDomainScriptId, callback: me.name + ".crossDomainCallBack", action: action, domain: domain, sr: window.screen.width + "*" + window.screen.height }; var url = makeURL(ssoCrosssDomainUrl, request); excuteScript(me.ssoCrossDomainScriptId, url) }; this.checkLoginState = function (callback) { if (callback) { me.autoLogin(callback) } else { me.autoLogin(function (cookieinfo) { var loginStatus = {}; if (cookieinfo !== null) { var userinfo = {displayname: cookieinfo.nick, uniqueid: cookieinfo.uid, userid: cookieinfo.user}; loginStatus.result = true; loginStatus.userinfo = userinfo } else { loginStatus.result = false; loginStatus.reason = "" } me.callbackLoginStatus(loginStatus) }) } }; this.getCookieExpireTime = function () { return getCookieExpireTimeByDomain(me.domain) }; this.getSinaCookie = function (strict) { var sup = urldecode(getCookie("SUP")); if (!sup && !urldecode(getCookie("ALF"))) { return null } if (!sup) { sup = urldecode(getCookie("SUR")) } if (!sup) { return null } var arrSup = parse_str(sup); if (strict && arrSup.et && (arrSup.et * 1000 < (new Date()).getTime())) { return null } return arrSup }; this.get51UCCookie = function () { return me.getSinaCookie() }; this.isPreLoginState = function () { var subp = getCookie("SUBP"); if (!subp) { return false } var subp_obj = sinaSSOEncoder.getSUBPCookie.decode(subp); if (subp_obj && subp_obj.status == "40") { return true } return false }; this.isVisitor = function () { var subp = getCookie("SUBP"); if (!subp) { return false } var subp_obj = sinaSSOEncoder.getSUBPCookie.decode(subp); if (subp_obj && subp_obj.status == "20") { return true } return false }; this.autoLogin = function (callback, strict) { if (me.domain == "sina.com.cn") { if (getCookie("SUP") === null && getCookie("ALF") !== null) { sinaAutoLogin(callback); return true } } else { if (getCookie("SUP") === null && (strict || getCookie("SSOLoginState") !== null || getCookie("ALF") !== null)) { sinaAutoLogin(callback); return true } } callback(me.getSinaCookie()); return true }; this.autoLoginCallBack2 = function (result) { try { autoLoginCallBack2(me.getSinaCookie()) } catch (e) { } return true }; this.appLogin = function (ticket, domain, callback) { var savestate = tmpData.savestate ? parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / 1000 + tmpData.savestate * 86400) : 0; var alf = getCookie("ALF") ? getCookie("ALF") : 0; var request = {callback: callback, ticket: ticket, ssosavestate: savestate || alf}; var appLoginURL = me.appLoginURL[domain]; var url = makeURL(appLoginURL, request); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url, "gb2312"); return true }; this.autoLoginCallBack3 = function (result) { if (result.retcode != 0) { me.autoLoginCallBack2(result); return false } var domain = me.domain == "sina.com.cn" ? "weibo.com" : me.domain; me.appLogin(result.ticket, domain, me.name + ".autoLoginCallBack2"); return true }; this.setLoginType = function (loginType) { var https = location.protocol == "https:" ? me.https : 0; if (https) { me.crossDomain = false } me.loginType = loginType | https; return true }; this.setServerTime = function (servertime) { if (!ssoServerTimeTimer) { ssoServerTimeTimer = new prototypeTimer(true) } if (servertime == 0) { ssoServerTimeTimer.clear(); me.servertime = servertime; return true } if (servertime < 1294935546) { return false } var calcServerTime = function () { if (me.servertime) { me.servertime += me.calcServerTimeInterval / 1000; ssoServerTimeTimer.start(me.calcServerTimeInterval, calcServerTime) } }; me.servertime = servertime; ssoServerTimeTimer.start(me.calcServerTimeInterval, calcServerTime) }; this.getPinCodeUrl = function (size) { if (size == undefined) { size = 0 } if (pcid) { me.loginExtraQuery.pcid = pcid } var url = location.protocol == "https:" ? pincodeUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : pincodeUrl; return url + "?r=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000) + "&s=" + size + (pcid.length > 0 ? "&p=" + pcid : "") }; this.showPinCode = function (id) { me.$(id).src = me.getPinCodeUrl() }; this.isVfValid = function () { return me.getSinaCookie(true)["vf"] != 1 }; this.getVfValidUrl = function () { return vfValidUrl }; this.enableFailRedirect = function () { me.failRedirect = true }; var makeNonce = function (len) { var x = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { str += x.charAt(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000) % x.length) } return str }; var sinaAutoLogin = function (callback) { autoLoginCallBack2 = callback; var request = { entry: me.getEntry(), service: me.service, encoding: "UTF-8", gateway: 1, returntype: "TEXT", from: me.from }; if (me.domain == "sina.com.cn") { request.callback = me.name + ".autoLoginCallBack3"; request.service = "miniblog"; request.useticket = 1 } else { request.callback = me.name + ".autoLoginCallBack3"; request.useticket = 1 } var url = location.protocol == "https:" ? ssoLoginUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoLoginUrl; url = makeURL(url, request); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url, "gb2312"); return true }; var getCookieExpireTimeByDomain = function (domain) { var expireTime = null; var cookie = null; cookie = me.getSinaCookie(); if (cookie) { expireTime = cookie.et } return expireTime }; var addEventListener = function (dom, eventName, fn) { if (dom.addEventListener) { dom.addEventListener(eventName, fn, false) } else { if (dom.attachEvent) { dom.attachEvent("on" + eventName, fn) } else { dom["on" + eventName] = fn } } }; var prototypeTimer = function (enable) { var mytimer = false; this.start = function (timeout, callback) { if (enable) { mytimer = setTimeout(callback, timeout) } }; this.clear = function (name) { if (enable) { clearTimeout(mytimer); mytimer = false } }; this.isset = function () { return mytimer !== false } }; var excuteScript = function (id, scriptSource, charset) { removeNode(id); var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var newScript = document.createElement("script"); newScript.charset = charset || "gb2312"; newScript.id = id; newScript.type = "text/javascript"; newScript.src = makeURL(scriptSource, {client: me.getClientType(), _: (new Date()).getTime()}); head.appendChild(newScript) }; var excuteIframe = function (id, url) { removeNode(id); var bodyel = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var new_iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); new_iframe.style.display = "none"; new_iframe.src = makeURL(url, {client: me.getClientType(), _: (new Date()).getTime()}); new_iframe.isReady = false; addEventListener(new_iframe, "load", function () { if (new_iframe.isReady) { return } new_iframe.isReady = true; me.doCrossDomainCallBack({scriptId: id}) }); bodyel.appendChild(new_iframe) }; var makeRequest = function (username, password, savestate) { var request = { entry: me.getEntry(), gateway: 1, from: me.from, savestate: savestate, useticket: me.useTicket ? 1 : 0 }; if (me.failRedirect) { me.loginExtraQuery.frd = 1 } request = objMerge(request, {pagerefer: document.referrer || ""}); request = objMerge(request, me.loginExtraFlag); request = objMerge(request, me.loginExtraQuery); request.su = sinaSSOEncoder.base64.encode(urlencode(username)); if (me.service) { request.service = me.service } if ((me.loginType & rsa) && me.servertime && sinaSSOEncoder && sinaSSOEncoder.RSAKey) { request.servertime = me.servertime; request.nonce = me.nonce; request.pwencode = "rsa2"; request.rsakv = me.rsakv; var RSAKey = new sinaSSOEncoder.RSAKey(); RSAKey.setPublic(me.rsaPubkey, "10001"); password = RSAKey.encrypt([me.servertime, me.nonce].join("\t") + "\n" + password) } else { if ((me.loginType & wsse) && me.servertime && sinaSSOEncoder && sinaSSOEncoder.hex_sha1) { request.servertime = me.servertime; request.nonce = me.nonce; request.pwencode = "wsse"; password = sinaSSOEncoder.hex_sha1("" + sinaSSOEncoder.hex_sha1(sinaSSOEncoder.hex_sha1(password)) + me.servertime + me.nonce) } } request.sp = password; try { request.sr = window.screen.width + "*" + window.screen.height } catch (e) { } return request }; var loginByXMLHttpRequest = function (username, password, savestate) { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") { return false } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (!"withCredentials" in xhr) { return false } var request = makeXMLRequestQuery(username, password, savestate); var url = (me.loginType & https) ? ssoLoginUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoLoginUrl; url = makeURL(url, {client: me.getClientType(), _: (new Date()).getTime()}); try { xhr.open("POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { me.loginCallBack(parseJSON(xhr.responseText)) } }; xhr.send(httpBuildQuery(request)) } catch (e) { return false } return true }; var makeXMLRequestQuery = function (username, password, savestate) { if (me.appLoginURL[me.domain]) { me.useTicket = 1; me.service = me.appDomainService[me.domain] || me.service } var cdult = 0; if (me.domain) { cdult = 2 } if (!me.appLoginURL[me.domain]) { cdult = 3 } if (me.cdult !== false) { cdult = me.cdult } if (cdult == 3) { crossDomainTime = me.crossDomainTime; delete me.appLoginURL[me.domain] } var request = makeRequest(username, password, savestate); return objMerge(request, { encoding: "UTF-8", cdult: cdult, domain: me.domain, useticket: me.appLoginURL[me.domain] ? 1 : 0, prelt: preloginTime, returntype: "TEXT" }) }; var loginByScript = function (username, password, savestate) { var request = makeXMLRequestQuery(username, password, savestate); request = objMerge(request, {callback: me.name + ".loginCallBack"}); var url = (me.loginType & https) ? ssoLoginUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoLoginUrl; url = makeURL(url, request); excuteScript(me.scriptId, url, "gb2312") }; var loginByIframe = function (username, password, savestate) { createIFrame(me.loginFrameName); var loginForm = createForm(me.loginFormId); var request = makeRequest(username, password, savestate); request.encoding = "UTF-8"; if (me.crossDomain == false) { request.crossdomain = 0 } request.prelt = preloginTime; if (me.feedBackUrl) { request.url = makeURL(me.feedBackUrl, { framelogin: 1, callback: "parent." + me.name + ".feedBackUrlCallBack" }); request.returntype = "META" } else { request.callback = "parent." + me.name + ".loginCallBack"; request.returntype = "IFRAME"; request.setdomain = me.setDomain ? 1 : 0 } for (var key in me.loginExtraQuery) { if (typeof me.loginExtraQuery[key] == "function") { continue } request[key] = me.loginExtraQuery[key] } for (var name in request) { loginForm.addInput(name, request[name]) } var action = (me.loginType & https) ? ssoLoginUrl.replace(/^http:/, "https:") : ssoLoginUrl; action = makeURL(action, objMerge({client: me.getClientType()}, me.loginExtraFlag)); loginForm.method = "post"; loginForm.action = action; loginForm.target = me.loginFrameName; var result = true; try { loginForm.submit() } catch (e) { removeNode(me.loginFrameName); result = false } setTimeout(function () { removeNode(loginForm) }, 10); return result }; var createIFrame = function (frameName, src) { if (src == null) { src = "javascript:false;" } removeNode(frameName); var frame = document.createElement("iframe"); frame.height = 0; frame.width = 0; frame.style.display = "none"; frame.name = frameName; frame.id = frameName; frame.src = src; appendChild(document.body, frame); window.frames[frameName].name = frameName; return frame }; var createForm = function (formName, display) { if (display == null) { display = "none" } removeNode(formName); var form = document.createElement("form"); form.height = 0; form.width = 0; form.style.display = display; form.name = formName; form.id = formName; appendChild(document.body, form); document.forms[formName].name = formName; form.addInput = function (name, value, type) { if (type == null) { type = "text" } var _name = this.getElementsByTagName("input")[name]; if (_name) { this.removeChild(_name) } _name = document.createElement("input"); this.appendChild(_name); _name.id = name; _name.name = name; _name.type = type; _name.value = value }; return form }; var removeNode = function (el) { try { if (typeof(el) === "string") { el = me.$(el) } el.parentNode.removeChild(el) } catch (e) { } }; var getType = function (item) { if (typeof(item) === "undefined") { return "undefined" } if (item === null) { return "null" } return Object.prototype.toString.call(item).replace(/^\[object\s|\]$/gi, "").toLowerCase() }; var isSafari = function () { var browserName = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return ((/webkit/i).test(browserName) && !(/chrome/i).test(browserName)) }; var appendChild = function (parentObj, element) { parentObj.appendChild(element) }; var getCookie = function (name) { var Res = (new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+)")).exec(document.cookie); return Res == null ? null : Res[1] }; var makeURL = function (url, request) { return url + urlAndChar(url) + httpBuildQuery(request) }; var urlAndChar = function (url) { return (/\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?") }; var urlencode = function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str) }; var urldecode = function (str) { if (str == null) { return "" } else { try { return decodeURIComponent(str) } catch (e) { return "" } } }; var httpBuildQuery = function (obj) { if (typeof obj != "object") { return "" } var arr = new Array(); for (var key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] == "function") { continue } arr.push(key + "=" + urlencode(obj[key])) } return arr.join("&") }; var parse_str = function (str) { var arr = str.split("&"); var arrtmp; var arrResult = {}; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arrtmp = arr[i].split("="); arrResult[arrtmp[0]] = urldecode(arrtmp[1]) } return arrResult }; var parseJSON = function (str) { if (typeof(str) === "object") { return str } else { if (window.JSON) { return JSON.parse(str) } else { return eval("(" + str + ")") } } }; var objMerge = function (obj1, obj2) { for (var item in obj2) { obj1[item] = obj2[item] } return obj1 }; this.$ = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id) }; this.generateVisitor = function () { var reg, domainValid = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.generateVisitorDomain.length; i++) { reg = new RegExp(this.generateVisitorDomain[i]); if (reg.test(document.domain)) { domainValid = true; break } } if (!domainValid) { return false } try { if (me.shouldGenerateVisitor() && !me.$("visitorfrm84747h4784")) { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<iframe id='visitorfrm84747h4784' style='position:absolute;left:0;top:0;border:none;width:1px;height:1px' src='" + generateVisitorUrl + "?from=iframe'/>"); setTimeout(function () { try { var ifr = me.$("visitorfrm84747h4784"); if (ifr) { ifr.parentNode.removeChild(ifr) } } catch (e) { } }, 1000 * 30) } } catch (e) { return false } return true }; this.shouldGenerateVisitor = function () { var is_subp_exists = false; var is_sup_exists = false; var subp = getCookie("SUBP"); if (subp) { is_subp_exists = true } var sup = getCookie("SUP"); if (sup) { is_sup_exists = true } if (!is_subp_exists && !is_sup_exists) { return true } return false } } var sinaSSOEncoder = sinaSSOEncoder || {}; (function () { var k = 0; var h = 8; this.hex_sha1 = function (l) { return i(c(g(l), l.length * h)) }; var c = function (B, s) { B[s >> 5] |= 128 << (24 - s % 32); B[((s + 64 >> 9) << 4) + 15] = s; var C = Array(80); var A = 1732584193; var z = -271733879; var y = -1732584194; var v = 271733878; var u = -1009589776; for (var p = 0; p < B.length; p += 16) { var r = A; var q = z; var o = y; var n = v; var l = u; for (var m = 0; m < 80; m++) { if (m < 16) { C[m] = B[p + m] } else { C[m] = e(C[m - 3] ^ C[m - 8] ^ C[m - 14] ^ C[m - 16], 1) } var D = f(f(e(A, 5), a(m, z, y, v)), f(f(u, C[m]), d(m))); u = v; v = y; y = e(z, 30); z = A; A = D } A = f(A, r); z = f(z, q); y = f(y, o); v = f(v, n); u = f(u, l) } return Array(A, z, y, v, u) }; var a = function (m, l, o, n) { if (m < 20) { return (l & o) | ((~l) & n) } if (m < 40) { return l ^ o ^ n } if (m < 60) { return (l & o) | (l & n) | (o & n) } return l ^ o ^ n }; var d = function (l) { return (l < 20) ? 1518500249 : (l < 40) ? 1859775393 : (l < 60) ? -1894007588 : -899497514 }; var f = function (l, o) { var n = (l & 65535) + (o & 65535); var m = (l >> 16) + (o >> 16) + (n >> 16); return (m << 16) | (n & 65535) }; var e = function (l, m) { return (l << m) | (l >>> (32 - m)) }; var g = function (o) { var n = Array(); var l = (1 << h) - 1; for (var m = 0; m < o.length * h; m += h) { n[m >> 5] |= (o.charCodeAt(m / h) & l) << (24 - m % 32) } return n }; var i = function (n) { var m = k ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; var o = ""; for (var l = 0; l < n.length * 4; l++) { o += m.charAt((n[l >> 2] >> ((3 - l % 4) * 8 + 4)) & 15) + m.charAt((n[l >> 2] >> ((3 - l % 4) * 8)) & 15) } return o }; var j = function (l) { var m = "", n = 0; for (; n < l.length; n++) { m += "%" + b(l[n]) } return decodeURIComponent(m) }; var b = function (l) { var m = "0" + l.toString(16); return m.length <= 2 ? m : m.substr(1) }; this.base64 = { encode: function (n) { n = "" + n; if (n == "") { return "" } var l = ""; var u, s, q = ""; var t, r, p, o = ""; var m = 0; do { u = n.charCodeAt(m++); s = n.charCodeAt(m++); q = n.charCodeAt(m++); t = u >> 2; r = ((u & 3) << 4) | (s >> 4); p = ((s & 15) << 2) | (q >> 6); o = q & 63; if (isNaN(s)) { p = o = 64 } else { if (isNaN(q)) { o = 64 } } l = l + this._keys.charAt(t) + this._keys.charAt(r) + this._keys.charAt(p) + this._keys.charAt(o); u = s = q = ""; t = r = p = o = "" } while (m < n.length); return l }, decode: function (t, q, m) { var s = function (C, E) { for (var D = 0; D < C.length; D++) { if (C[D] === E) { return D } } return -1 }; if (typeof(t) == "string") { t = t.split("") } var n = []; var B, z, w = ""; var A, y, v, u = ""; if (t.length % 4 != 0) { } var l = /[^A-Za-z0-9+\/=]/; var x = this._keys.split(""); if (q == "urlsafe") { l = /[^A-Za-z0-9-_=]/; x = this._keys_urlsafe.split("") } if (q == "subp_v2") { l = /[^A-Za-z0-9_=-]/; x = this._subp_v2_keys.split("") } if (q == "subp_v3_3") { l = /[^A-Za-z0-9-_.-]/; x = this._subp_v3_keys_3.split("") } var p = 0; if (q == "binnary") { x = []; for (p = 0; p <= 64; p++) { x[p] = p + 128 } } if (q != "binnary" && l.test(t.join(""))) { return m == "array" ? [] : "" } p = 0; do { A = s(x, t[p++]); y = s(x, t[p++]); v = s(x, t[p++]); u = s(x, t[p++]); B = (A << 2) | (y >> 4); z = ((y & 15) << 4) | (v >> 2); w = ((v & 3) << 6) | u; n.push(B); if (v != 64 && v != -1) { n.push(z) } if (u != 64 && u != -1) { n.push(w) } B = z = w = ""; A = y = v = u = "" } while (p < t.length); if (m == "array") { return n } var r = "", o = 0; for (; o < n.lenth; o++) { r += String.fromCharCode(n[o]) } return r }, _keys: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", _keys_urlsafe: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=", _subp_v2_keys: "uAL715W8e3jJCcNU0lT_FSXVgxpbEDdQ4vKaIOH2GBPtfzqsmYZo-wRM9i6hynrk=", _subp_v3_keys_3: "5WFh28sGziZTeS1lBxCK-HgPq9IdMUwknybo.LJrQD3uj_Va7pE0XfcNR4AOYvm6t" }; this.Cookie = { decode: function (o) { var n = []; var m = o.substr(0, 3); var l = o.substr(3); switch (m) { case"v01": for (var p = 0; p < l.length; p += 2) { n.push(parseInt(l.substr(p, 2), 16)) } return decodeURIComponent(j(sinaSSOEncoder.base64.decode(n, "binnary", "array"))); break; case"v02": l = l.replace(/\./g, "="); n = sinaSSOEncoder.base64.decode(l, "urlsafe", "array"); return j(sinaSSOEncoder.base64.decode(n, "binnary", "array")); default: return decodeURIComponent(o) } } }; this.getSUBPCookie = { __parse: function (o) { var y, m, p, n, x, r = 0, q, t = {}, l = "", u = ""; if (!o) { return t } do { m = o[r]; y = ++r; for (q = r; q < m + y; q++, r++) { l += String.fromCharCode(o[q]) } n = o[r]; y = ++r; if (l == "status" || l == "flag") { for (q = r; q < n + y; q++, r++) { u += o[q] } } else { u = o.slice(q, n + y); try { u = j(u) } catch (w) { u = "" } r += n } t[l] = u; l = ""; u = "" } while (r < o.length); return t }, decode: function (o) { var n = [], p, m = o.substr(0, 3), l = decodeURIComponent(o.substr(3)); switch (m) { case"002": n = sinaSSOEncoder.base64.decode(l, "subp_v2", "array"); return sinaSSOEncoder.getSUBPCookie.__parse(n); case"003": p = l.substr(0, 1); l = l.substr(1); n = sinaSSOEncoder.base64.decode(l, "subp_v3_" + p, "array"); return sinaSSOEncoder.getSUBPCookie.__parse(n); default: return decodeURIComponent(o) } } } }).call(sinaSSOEncoder); (function () { var av; var ah = 244837814094590; var Y = ((ah & 16777215) == 15715070); function aq(z, t, az) { if (z != null) { if ("number" == typeof z) { this.fromNumber(z, t, az) } else { if (t == null && "string" != typeof z) { this.fromString(z, 256) } else { this.fromString(z, t) } } } } function h() { return new aq(null) } function b(aB, t, z, aA, aD, aC) { while (--aC >= 0) { var az = t * this[aB++] + z[aA] + aD; aD = Math.floor(az / 67108864); z[aA++] = az & 67108863 } return aD } function ax(aB, aG, aH, aA, aE, t) { var aD = aG & 32767, aF = aG >> 15; while (--t >= 0) { var az = this[aB] & 32767; var aC = this[aB++] >> 15; var z = aF * az + aC * aD; az = aD * az + ((z & 32767) << 15) + aH[aA] + (aE & 1073741823); aE = (az >>> 30) + (z >>> 15) + aF * aC + (aE >>> 30); aH[aA++] = az & 1073741823 } return aE } function aw(aB, aG, aH, aA, aE, t) { var aD = aG & 16383, aF = aG >> 14; while (--t >= 0) { var az = this[aB] & 16383; var aC = this[aB++] >> 14; var z = aF * az + aC * aD; az = aD * az + ((z & 16383) << 14) + aH[aA] + aE; aE = (az >> 28) + (z >> 14) + aF * aC; aH[aA++] = az & 268435455 } return aE } if (Y && (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")) { aq.prototype.am = ax; av = 30 } else { if (Y && (navigator.appName != "Netscape")) { aq.prototype.am = b; av = 26 } else { aq.prototype.am = aw; av = 28 } } aq.prototype.DB = av; aq.prototype.DM = ((1 << av) - 1); aq.prototype.DV = (1 << av); var Z = 52; aq.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, Z); aq.prototype.F1 = Z - av; aq.prototype.F2 = 2 * av - Z; var ad = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var af = new Array(); var ao, v; ao = "0".charCodeAt(0); for (v = 0; v <= 9; ++v) { af[ao++] = v } ao = "a".charCodeAt(0); for (v = 10; v < 36; ++v) { af[ao++] = v } ao = "A".charCodeAt(0); for (v = 10; v < 36; ++v) { af[ao++] = v } function ay(t) { return ad.charAt(t) } function A(z, t) { var az = af[z.charCodeAt(t)]; return (az == null) ? -1 : az } function X(z) { for (var t = this.t - 1; t >= 0; --t) { z[t] = this[t] } z.t = this.t; z.s = this.s } function n(t) { this.t = 1; this.s = (t < 0) ? -1 : 0; if (t > 0) { this[0] = t } else { if (t < -1) { this[0] = t + DV } else { this.t = 0 } } } function c(t) { var z = h(); z.fromInt(t); return z } function w(aD, z) { var aA; if (z == 16) { aA = 4 } else { if (z == 8) { aA = 3 } else { if (z == 256) { aA = 8 } else { if (z == 2) { aA = 1 } else { if (z == 32) { aA = 5 } else { if (z == 4) { aA = 2 } else { this.fromRadix(aD, z); return } } } } } } this.t = 0; this.s = 0; var aC = aD.length, az = false, aB = 0; while (--aC >= 0) { var t = (aA == 8) ? aD[aC] & 255 : A(aD, aC); if (t < 0) { if (aD.charAt(aC) == "-") { az = true } continue } az = false; if (aB == 0) { this[this.t++] = t } else { if (aB + aA > this.DB) { this[this.t - 1] |= (t & ((1 << (this.DB - aB)) - 1)) << aB; this[this.t++] = (t >> (this.DB - aB)) } else { this[this.t - 1] |= t << aB } } aB += aA; if (aB >= this.DB) { aB -= this.DB } } if (aA == 8 && (aD[0] & 128) != 0) { this.s = -1; if (aB > 0) { this[this.t - 1] |= ((1 << (this.DB - aB)) - 1) << aB } } this.clamp(); if (az) { aq.ZERO.subTo(this, this) } } function O() { var t = this.s & this.DM; while (this.t > 0 && this[this.t - 1] == t) { --this.t } } function q(z) { if (this.s < 0) { return "-" + this.negate().toString(z) } var az; if (z == 16) { az = 4 } else { if (z == 8) { az = 3 } else { if (z == 2) { az = 1 } else { if (z == 32) { az = 5 } else { if (z == 4) { az = 2 } else { return this.toRadix(z) } } } } } var aB = (1 << az) - 1, aE, t = false, aC = "", aA = this.t; var aD = this.DB - (aA * this.DB) % az; if (aA-- > 0) { if (aD < this.DB && (aE = this[aA] >> aD) > 0) { t = true; aC = ay(aE) } while (aA >= 0) { if (aD < az) { aE = (this[aA] & ((1 << aD) - 1)) << (az - aD); aE |= this[--aA] >> (aD += this.DB - az) } else { aE = (this[aA] >> (aD -= az)) & aB; if (aD <= 0) { aD += this.DB; --aA } } if (aE > 0) { t = true } if (t) { aC += ay(aE) } } } return t ? aC : "0" } function R() { var t = h(); aq.ZERO.subTo(this, t); return t } function ak() { return (this.s < 0) ? this.negate() : this } function G(t) { var az = this.s - t.s; if (az != 0) { return az } var z = this.t; az = z - t.t; if (az != 0) { return az } while (--z >= 0) { if ((az = this[z] - t[z]) != 0) { return az } } return 0 } function j(z) { var aA = 1, az; if ((az = z >>> 16) != 0) { z = az; aA += 16 } if ((az = z >> 8) != 0) { z = az; aA += 8 } if ((az = z >> 4) != 0) { z = az; aA += 4 } if ((az = z >> 2) != 0) { z = az; aA += 2 } if ((az = z >> 1) != 0) { z = az; aA += 1 } return aA } function u() { if (this.t <= 0) { return 0 } return this.DB * (this.t - 1) + j(this[this.t - 1] ^ (this.s & this.DM)) } function ap(az, z) { var t; for (t = this.t - 1; t >= 0; --t) { z[t + az] = this[t] } for (t = az - 1; t >= 0; --t) { z[t] = 0 } z.t = this.t + az; z.s = this.s } function W(az, z) { for (var t = az; t < this.t; ++t) { z[t - az] = this[t] } z.t = Math.max(this.t - az, 0); z.s = this.s } function s(aE, aA) { var z = aE % this.DB; var t = this.DB - z; var aC = (1 << t) - 1; var aB = Math.floor(aE / this.DB), aD = (this.s << z) & this.DM, az; for (az = this.t - 1; az >= 0; --az) { aA[az + aB + 1] = (this[az] >> t) | aD; aD = (this[az] & aC) << z } for (az = aB - 1; az >= 0; --az) { aA[az] = 0 } aA[aB] = aD; aA.t = this.t + aB + 1; aA.s = this.s; aA.clamp() } function l(aD, aA) { aA.s = this.s; var aB = Math.floor(aD / this.DB); if (aB >= this.t) { aA.t = 0; return } var z = aD % this.DB; var t = this.DB - z; var aC = (1 << z) - 1; aA[0] = this[aB] >> z; for (var az = aB + 1; az < this.t; ++az) { aA[az - aB - 1] |= (this[az] & aC) << t; aA[az - aB] = this[az] >> z } if (z > 0) { aA[this.t - aB - 1] |= (this.s & aC) << t } aA.t = this.t - aB; aA.clamp() } function aa(z, aA) { var az = 0, aB = 0, t = Math.min(z.t, this.t); while (az < t) { aB += this[az] - z[az]; aA[az++] = aB & this.DM; aB >>= this.DB } if (z.t < this.t) { aB -= z.s; while (az < this.t) { aB += this[az]; aA[az++] = aB & this.DM; aB >>= this.DB } aB += this.s } else { aB += this.s; while (az < z.t) { aB -= z[az]; aA[az++] = aB & this.DM; aB >>= this.DB } aB -= z.s } aA.s = (aB < 0) ? -1 : 0; if (aB < -1) { aA[az++] = this.DV + aB } else { if (aB > 0) { aA[az++] = aB } } aA.t = az; aA.clamp() } function D(z, aA) { var t = this.abs(), aB = z.abs(); var az = t.t; aA.t = az + aB.t; while (--az >= 0) { aA[az] = 0 } for (az = 0; az < aB.t; ++az) { aA[az + t.t] = t.am(0, aB[az], aA, az, 0, t.t) } aA.s = 0; aA.clamp(); if (this.s != z.s) { aq.ZERO.subTo(aA, aA) } } function Q(az) { var t = this.abs(); var z = az.t = 2 * t.t; while (--z >= 0) { az[z] = 0 } for (z = 0; z < t.t - 1; ++z) { var aA = t.am(z, t[z], az, 2 * z, 0, 1); if ((az[z + t.t] += t.am(z + 1, 2 * t[z], az, 2 * z + 1, aA, t.t - z - 1)) >= t.DV) { az[z + t.t] -= t.DV; az[z + t.t + 1] = 1 } } if (az.t > 0) { az[az.t - 1] += t.am(z, t[z], az, 2 * z, 0, 1) } az.s = 0; az.clamp() } function E(aH, aE, aD) { var aN = aH.abs(); if (aN.t <= 0) { return } var aF = this.abs(); if (aF.t < aN.t) { if (aE != null) { aE.fromInt(0) } if (aD != null) { this.copyTo(aD) } return } if (aD == null) { aD = h() } var aB = h(), z = this.s, aG = aH.s; var aM = this.DB - j(aN[aN.t - 1]); if (aM > 0) { aN.lShiftTo(aM, aB); aF.lShiftTo(aM, aD) } else { aN.copyTo(aB); aF.copyTo(aD) } var aJ = aB.t; var az = aB[aJ - 1]; if (az == 0) { return } var aI = az * (1 << this.F1) + ((aJ > 1) ? aB[aJ - 2] >> this.F2 : 0); var aQ = this.FV / aI, aP = (1 << this.F1) / aI, aO = 1 << this.F2; var aL = aD.t, aK = aL - aJ, aC = (aE == null) ? h() : aE; aB.dlShiftTo(aK, aC); if (aD.compareTo(aC) >= 0) { aD[aD.t++] = 1; aD.subTo(aC, aD) } aq.ONE.dlShiftTo(aJ, aC); aC.subTo(aB, aB); while (aB.t < aJ) { aB[aB.t++] = 0 } while (--aK >= 0) { var aA = (aD[--aL] == az) ? this.DM : Math.floor(aD[aL] * aQ + (aD[aL - 1] + aO) * aP); if ((aD[aL] += aB.am(0, aA, aD, aK, 0, aJ)) < aA) { aB.dlShiftTo(aK, aC); aD.subTo(aC, aD); while (aD[aL] < --aA) { aD.subTo(aC, aD) } } } if (aE != null) { aD.drShiftTo(aJ, aE); if (z != aG) { aq.ZERO.subTo(aE, aE) } } aD.t = aJ; aD.clamp(); if (aM > 0) { aD.rShiftTo(aM, aD) } if (z < 0) { aq.ZERO.subTo(aD, aD) } } function N(t) { var z = h(); this.abs().divRemTo(t, null, z); if (this.s < 0 && z.compareTo(aq.ZERO) > 0) { t.subTo(z, z) } return z } function K(t) { this.m = t } function U(t) { if (t.s < 0 || t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) { return t.mod(this.m) } else { return t } } function aj(t) { return t } function J(t) { t.divRemTo(this.m, null, t) } function H(t, az, z) { t.multiplyTo(az, z); this.reduce(z) } function at(t, z) { t.squareTo(z); this.reduce(z) } K.prototype.convert = U; K.prototype.revert = aj; K.prototype.reduce = J; K.prototype.mulTo = H; K.prototype.sqrTo = at; function B() { if (this.t < 1) { return 0 } var t = this[0]; if ((t & 1) == 0) { return 0 } var z = t & 3; z = (z * (2 - (t & 15) * z)) & 15; z = (z * (2 - (t & 255) * z)) & 255; z = (z * (2 - (((t & 65535) * z) & 65535))) & 65535; z = (z * (2 - t * z % this.DV)) % this.DV; return (z > 0) ? this.DV - z : -z } function f(t) { this.m = t; this.mp = t.invDigit(); this.mpl = this.mp & 32767; this.mph = this.mp >> 15; this.um = (1 << (t.DB - 15)) - 1; this.mt2 = 2 * t.t } function ai(t) { var z = h(); t.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, z); z.divRemTo(this.m, null, z); if (t.s < 0 && z.compareTo(aq.ZERO) > 0) { this.m.subTo(z, z) } return z } function ar(t) { var z = h(); t.copyTo(z); this.reduce(z); return z } function P(t) { while (t.t <= this.mt2) { t[t.t++] = 0 } for (var az = 0; az < this.m.t; ++az) { var z = t[az] & 32767; var aA = (z * this.mpl + (((z * this.mph + (t[az] >> 15) * this.mpl) & this.um) << 15)) & t.DM; z = az + this.m.t; t[z] += this.m.am(0, aA, t, az, 0, this.m.t); while (t[z] >= t.DV) { t[z] -= t.DV; t[++z]++ } } t.clamp(); t.drShiftTo(this.m.t, t); if (t.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) { t.subTo(this.m, t) } } function al(t, z) { t.squareTo(z); this.reduce(z) } function y(t, az, z) { t.multiplyTo(az, z); this.reduce(z) } f.prototype.convert = ai; f.prototype.revert = ar; f.prototype.reduce = P; f.prototype.mulTo = y; f.prototype.sqrTo = al; function i() { return ((this.t > 0) ? (this[0] & 1) : this.s) == 0 } function x(aE, aF) { if (aE > 4294967295 || aE < 1) { return aq.ONE } var aD = h(), az = h(), aC = aF.convert(this), aB = j(aE) - 1; aC.copyTo(aD); while (--aB >= 0) { aF.sqrTo(aD, az); if ((aE & (1 << aB)) > 0) { aF.mulTo(az, aC, aD) } else { var aA = aD; aD = az; az = aA } } return aF.revert(aD) } function am(az, t) { var aA; if (az < 256 || t.isEven()) { aA = new K(t) } else { aA = new f(t) } return this.exp(az, aA) } aq.prototype.copyTo = X; aq.prototype.fromInt = n; aq.prototype.fromString = w; aq.prototype.clamp = O; aq.prototype.dlShiftTo = ap; aq.prototype.drShiftTo = W; aq.prototype.lShiftTo = s; aq.prototype.rShiftTo = l; aq.prototype.subTo = aa; aq.prototype.multiplyTo = D; aq.prototype.squareTo = Q; aq.prototype.divRemTo = E; aq.prototype.invDigit = B; aq.prototype.isEven = i; aq.prototype.exp = x; aq.prototype.toString = q; aq.prototype.negate = R; aq.prototype.abs = ak; aq.prototype.compareTo = G; aq.prototype.bitLength = u; aq.prototype.mod = N; aq.prototype.modPowInt = am; aq.ZERO = c(0); aq.ONE = c(1); function k() { this.i = 0; this.j = 0; this.S = new Array() } function e(aB) { var aA, z, az; for (aA = 0; aA < 256; ++aA) { this.S[aA] = aA } z = 0; for (aA = 0; aA < 256; ++aA) { z = (z + this.S[aA] + aB[aA % aB.length]) & 255; az = this.S[aA]; this.S[aA] = this.S[z]; this.S[z] = az } this.i = 0; this.j = 0 } function a() { var z; this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255; this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255; z = this.S[this.i]; this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j]; this.S[this.j] = z; return this.S[(z + this.S[this.i]) & 255] } k.prototype.init = e; k.prototype.next = a; function an() { return new k() } var M = 256; var m; var T; var ab; function d(t) { T[ab++] ^= t & 255; T[ab++] ^= (t >> 8) & 255; T[ab++] ^= (t >> 16) & 255; T[ab++] ^= (t >> 24) & 255; if (ab >= M) { ab -= M } } function S() { d(new Date().getTime()) } if (T == null) { T = new Array(); ab = 0; var I; if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion < "5" && window.crypto && typeof(window.crypto.random) === "function") { var F = window.crypto.random(32); for (I = 0; I < F.length; ++I) { T[ab++] = F.charCodeAt(I) & 255 } } while (ab < M) { I = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random()); T[ab++] = I >>> 8; T[ab++] = I & 255 } ab = 0; S() } function C() { if (m == null) { S(); m = an(); m.init(T); for (ab = 0; ab < T.length; ++ab) { T[ab] = 0 } ab = 0 } return m.next() } function au(z) { var t; for (t = 0; t < z.length; ++t) { z[t] = C() } } function ac() { } ac.prototype.nextBytes = au; function g(z, t) { return new aq(z, t) } function ag(az, aA) { var t = ""; var z = 0; while (z + aA < az.length) { t += az.substring(z, z + aA) + "\n"; z += aA } return t + az.substring(z, az.length) } function r(t) { if (t < 16) { return "0" + t.toString(16) } else { return t.toString(16) } } function ae(aA, aD) { if (aD < aA.length + 11) { alert("Message too long for RSA"); return null } var aC = new Array(); var az = aA.length - 1; while (az >= 0 && aD > 0) { var aB = aA.charCodeAt(az--); if (aB < 128) { aC[--aD] = aB } else { if ((aB > 127) && (aB < 2048)) { aC[--aD] = (aB & 63) | 128; aC[--aD] = (aB >> 6) | 192 } else { aC[--aD] = (aB & 63) | 128; aC[--aD] = ((aB >> 6) & 63) | 128; aC[--aD] = (aB >> 12) | 224 } } } aC[--aD] = 0; var z = new ac(); var t = new Array(); while (aD > 2) { t[0] = 0; while (t[0] == 0) { z.nextBytes(t) } aC[--aD] = t[0] } aC[--aD] = 2; aC[--aD] = 0; return new aq(aC) } function L() { this.n = null; this.e = 0; this.d = null; this.p = null; this.q = null; this.dmp1 = null; this.dmq1 = null; this.coeff = null } function o(z, t) { if (z != null && t != null && z.length > 0 && t.length > 0) { this.n = g(z, 16); this.e = parseInt(t, 16) } else { alert("Invalid RSA public key") } } function V(t) { return t.modPowInt(this.e, this.n) } function p(az) { var t = ae(az, (this.n.bitLength() + 7) >> 3); if (t == null) { return null } var aA = this.doPublic(t); if (aA == null) { return null } var z = aA.toString(16); if ((z.length & 1) == 0) { return z } else { return "0" + z } } L.prototype.doPublic = V; L.prototype.setPublic = o; L.prototype.encrypt = p; this.RSAKey = L }).call(sinaSSOEncoder); function get_name(name){ return sinaSSOEncoder.base64.encode(name); } function get_pass(mypass,nonce,servertime,rsakey){ var RSAKey = new sinaSSOEncoder.RSAKey(); RSAKey.setPublic(rsakey, "10001"); return RSAKey.encrypt([servertime, nonce].join("\t") + "\n" + mypass) }