MySQL essential版本和普通版本有什麼區別?

The Essentials Package: 不包含 embedded server and benchmark suite,有自動安裝程序和配置嚮導,沒有MySQL Documentation。 The Complete Package: 包含 embedded server and benchmark suite,有自動安裝程序和配置嚮導,有MySQL Documentation。 The Noinstall Archive: 包含 embedded server and benchmark suite,沒有自動安裝程序和配置嚮導,有MySQL Documentation。 參考: For MySQL 5.0, there are three installation packages to choose from when installing MySQL on Windows: The Essentials Package: This package has a filename similar to mysql-essential-5.0.40-win32.msi and contains the minimum set of files needed to install MySQL on Windows, including the Configuration Wizard. This package does not include optional components such as the embedded server and benchmark suite. The Complete Package: This package has a filename similar to and contains all files needed for a complete Windows installation, including the Configuration Wizard. This package includes optional components such as the embedded server and benchmark suite. The Noinstall Archive: This package has a filename similar to and contains all the files found in the Complete install package, with the exception of the Configuration Wizard. This package does not include an automated installer, and must be manually installed and configured. The Essentials package is recommended for most users. It is provided as an .msi file for use with the Windows Installer. The Complete and Noinstall distributions are packaged as Zip archives. To use them, you must have a tool that can unpack .zip files. Your choice of install package affects the installation process you must follow. If you choose to install either the Essentials or Complete install packages, see Section, 「Installing MySQL with the Automated Installer」. If you choose to install MySQL from the Noinstall archive, see Section, 「Installing MySQL from a Noinstall Zip Archive」.
