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function startOnePage(myInput){ 'use strict'; var settings = myInput; // input values var frame = $(settings.frame), container = $(settings.container), sections = $(settings.sections), speed = settings.speed || 500, radio = $(settings.radio), radioOn = $(settings.radioOn), easing = settings.easing || "swing"; /* Boolean values to enable/disable default scroll action linked to 1) init() 2) animateScr() 3) scroll, keydown bound event handler default: true; */ var didScroll = true, isFocused = true; // common variables var height = $(window).height(); // Index values for sections elements var totalSections = sections.length - 1; // currently displayed section number // modifying this variable will cause buggy behaviors. var num = 0; // keyboard input values // add more if necessary var pressedKey = {}; pressedKey[36] = "top"; // home pressedKey[38] = "up"; // upward arrow pressedKey[40] = "down"; // downward arrow pressedKey[33] = "up"; // page up pressedKey[34] = "down"; // page down pressedKey[35] = "bottom"; // end // init function to initialize/reassign values of the variables // to prevent section misplacement caused by a window resize. function init(){ height = $(window).height(); frame.css({"overflow":"hidden", "height": height + "px"}); sections.css({"height": height + "px"}); didScroll = true; isFocused = true; end = - height * ( totalSections ); container.stop().animate({marginTop : 0}, 0, easing, function(){ num = 0; didScroll = true; turnOnRadio(0, 0); }); } // event binding to init function $(window).bind("load resize", init); // animate scrolling effect var now, end; function animateScr(moveTo, duration, distance){ var top; duration = duration || speed; switch(moveTo){ case "down": top = "-=" + ( height * distance ) + "px"; num += distance; break; case "up": top = "+=" + ( height * distance ) + "px"; num -= distance; break; case "bottom": top = end; num = totalSections; break; case "top": top = 0; num = 0; break; default: console.log("(error) wrong argument passed"); return false; } container.not(":animated").animate({marginTop : top}, duration, easing, function(){ didScroll = true; }); if(radio){turnOnRadio(num, speed);} } // show active radio button function turnOnRadio(index, duration){ duration = duration || speed; radioOn.stop().animate({"top": index * radioOn.outerHeight( true )+ "px"}, speed, easing); } radio.children("li:not(" + settings.radioOn + ")").click(function(){ var to = $(this).index(); var dif = Math.abs( num - to ); // if(num < to){ // animateScr("down", speed, dif); // }else if(num > to){ // animateScr("up", speed, dif); // } }); /* 1. get a type of event and handle accordingly 2. enable/disable default keyboard behavior */ $(document).bind("DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keydown", function(e){ var eType = e.type; now = parseInt( container.css("marginTop") ); end = - height * ( totalSections ); // handles the event if( didScroll && isFocused ){ // prevent multiple event handling didScroll = false; // on wheel if( eType == "DOMMouseScroll" || eType == "mousewheel" ){ var mvmt = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta; if(!mvmt){ mvmt = -e.originalEvent.detail; } // 滾動 if(mvmt > 0){ //第一屏滾動 if( now == 0){ didScroll = true; }else{ animateScr("up", 500, 1); } }else if(mvmt < 0){ //最後一屏滾動 if( now == end ){ didScroll = true; }else{ animateScr("down", 500, 1); } }else{ didScroll = true; } } // on keydown else if( eType == "keydown" ){ // 上下滾動鍵啓動 if( pressedKey[e.which] ){ e.preventDefault(); if( pressedKey[e.which] == "up" ){ // 第一屏滾動 if( now == 0 ){ animateScr("bottom"); }else{ animateScr("up", speed, 1); } }else if( pressedKey[e.which] == "down" ){ //最後一屏滾動 if( now == end ){ animateScr("top"); }else{ animateScr("down", speed, 1); } }else{ // page down page up animateScr( pressedKey[e.which] ); } }else{ didScroll = true; } } } // enable default keyboard behavior when an input or textarea is being focused $("input, textarea").focus(function(){isFocused = false;}) .blur(function(){isFocused = true;}); }); }
(function ($) { $.fn.downCount = function (options, callback) { var settings = $.extend({ date: null, offset: null }, options); // Throw error if date is not set if (!settings.date) { $.error('Date is not defined.'); } // Throw error if date is set incorectly if (!Date.parse(settings.date)) { $.error('Incorrect date format, it should look like this, 12/24/2012 12:00:00.'); } // Save container var container = this; /** * Change client's local date to match offset timezone * @return {Object} Fixed Date object. */ var currentDate = function () { // get client's current date var date = new Date(); // turn date to utc // var utc = date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); var utc = date.getTime(); // set new Date object // var new_date = new Date(utc + (3600000*settings.offset)); var new_date = new Date(utc); return new_date; // return date; }; /** * Main downCount function that calculates everything */ function countdown () { var target_date = new Date(settings.date), // set target date current_date = currentDate(); // get fixed current date // difference of dates var difference = target_date - current_date; // if difference is negative than it's pass the target date if (difference < 0) { // stop timer clearInterval(interval); if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return; } // basic math variables var _second = 1000, _minute = _second * 60, _hour = _minute * 60, _day = _hour * 24; // calculate dates var days = Math.floor(difference / _day), hours = Math.floor((difference % _day) / _hour), minutes = Math.floor((difference % _hour) / _minute), seconds = Math.floor((difference % _minute) / _second); // fix dates so that it will show two digets days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : '0' + days; hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : '0' + hours; minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : '0' + minutes; seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : '0' + seconds; // based on the date change the refrence wording var ref_days = (days === 1) ? 'day' : 'days', ref_hours = (hours === 1) ? 'hour' : 'hours', ref_minutes = (minutes === 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes', ref_seconds = (seconds === 1) ? 'second' : 'seconds'; // set to DOM container.find('.days').text(days); container.find('.hours').text(hours); container.find('.minutes').text(minutes); container.find('.seconds').text(seconds); container.find('.days_ref').text(ref_days); container.find('.hours_ref').text(ref_hours); container.find('.minutes_ref').text(ref_minutes); container.find('.seconds_ref').text(ref_seconds); }; // start var interval = setInterval(countdown, 1000); }; })(jQuery);
$(function() { startOnePage({ frame: "#view", container: "#frame", sections: ".panel", radio: "#radio", radioOn: "#radioOn", speed: 500, easing: "swing" }); });
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