microsoft * has't been installed for currentus

遇到個怪問題,有一個賬戶有管理員權限的運行office任何軟件都提示當前用戶沒有安裝微軟產品microsoft word has't been  installed for current user,但別的用戶就能夠正常運行.多方查證,不少人有這個問題啊,解決方法也不少,不過都沒搞定個人。總結一下,固然了,重裝時試過的。office 2003-07都是這個情況。app

1,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ right click and select permissions
Give full control permissions to everyone;Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Office, and give the same permissions to the key,還有人提示在能夠運行的用戶賬號下導出這個兩個鍵值,而後導入到那個不能運行的賬戶中。ide

2,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data\
If you are running Office 2003, right-click Opa11.dat, and then click
Properties. If you are running Office XP, right-click Data.dat, and then
click Properties.
Click the Security tab.
Click Advanced.
Click the Permissions tab.
Click to select Everyone in the Permission entries list, and then click Edit.
Click to select the Full Control check box.
Click OK three times.
If these steps do not resolve this issue, delete the Opa11.dat file or the
Data.dat file from the following folder, and then restart an Office 2003
program or an Office XP program
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data 這個方法是針對Opa11.dat這個文件進行的。this

3,The file that is causing this error is MSO.DLL located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11 for Office 2003 and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12 for Office 2007. Somehow Microsoft has updated this file to give you this error message when it detects a pirated copy of Office that is installed on your computer. When you try to run a repair or even uninstallation, the setup wouldn’t touch the MSO.DLL file at all. That is why after repairing / uninstallation, you’ll still get the same error.這個是提倡置換MSO.DLL這個文件。spa



對於這種文件若是須要使用到 RunAs 的功能,能夠新建一個空的快捷方式,在快捷方式嚮導對話框中鍵入項目的位置爲 runas /savecred /usr:administrator "command line to the real application" 便可。其中 /usr: 後面的 administrator 表示以 administrator 用戶身份運行程序;command line to the real application 填寫實際程序的執行命令; /savecred 參數將自動保存輸入的密碼,這樣在下一次運行快捷方式的時候就不須要再輸入密碼(該參數在 XP Home Edition 版本中無效),若是不但願系統保存密碼去掉該參數便可。get


