/** MD2文件頭 */ struct tMd2Header { int magic; /**< 文件標誌 */是代表該文件是MD2文件的標誌,它必須等於"IPD2",否則就不是一個MD2文件。 int version; /**< 文件版本號 */:代表該文件的版本,本文中,它的值爲8。 int skinWidth; /**< 紋理寬度 */紋理的寬度,咱們用這個參數來對紋理座標進行解壓。固然,由於紋理是與MD2文件分離的,你也能夠到文件中去獲取。 int skinHeight; /**< 紋理高度 */紋理的高度,它的用途同上。 int frameSize; /**< 每一幀的字節數 */代表每一個關鍵幀的大小,它決定了咱們每次讀取關鍵幀時的數據讀取量。 int numSkins; /**< 紋理數目 */代表紋理的個數,本文中只有一個紋理。 int numVertices; /**< 頂點數目(每一幀中) */每幀中頂點的個數,咱們用這個參數決定讀取頂點信息時的數據讀取量。 int numTexCoords; /**< 紋理座標數目 */紋理座標的個數,咱們用這個參數決定讀取紋理座標時的數據讀取量。 int numTriangles; /**< 三角行數目 */三角形個數,在動畫模型中,使用三角形索引來繪製一個面。 int numGlCommands; /**< gl命令數目 */OpenGL命令的條數,本文中未使用這個參數。 int numFrames; /**< 總幀數 */總幀數,它決定了咱們須要讀取的幀信息量。 int offsetSkins; /**< 紋理的偏移位置 */紋理名稱在文件中的偏移量,讀取紋理名稱從它指定的地方開始。 int offsetTexCoords; /**< 紋理座標的偏移位置 */紋理座標在文件中的偏移量,讀取紋理座標從它指定的地方開始。 int offsetTriangles; /**< 三角形索引的偏移位置 */面頂點索引在文件中的偏移量,讀取面頂點索引從它指定的地方開始。 int offsetFrames; /**< 第一幀的偏移位置 */第一幀的位置,讀取幀信息時從它指定的地方開始。 int offsetGlCommands; /**< OPenGL命令的偏移位置 */OpenGL命令在文件中的偏移量,文中未使用這個參數。 int offsetEnd; /**< 文件結尾偏移位置 */文件結束的位置,這個參數能夠用來檢查該文件的完整性。 };
/** 幀中的頂點結構 */ struct tMd2AliasFrame { float scale[3];//座標的縮放比例 float translate[3];//座標的偏移量 char name[16];//頂點所屬的幀名 tMd2AliasTriangle aliasVertices[1];//壓縮的頂點 }; /** 壓縮的頂點頂點結構 */ struct tMd2AliasTriangle { BYTE vertex[3];//壓縮的x,y,z值 BYTE lightNormalIndex;//法向量索引 };
/** 紋理名字 */ typedef char tMd2Skin[64];
/** 紋理座標結構 */ struct tMd2TexCoord { short u, v; };
在讀取紋理座標後須要對其進行解壓,公式爲:U = u / skinWidth; V = v / skinHeight。指針
/** 面結構 */ struct tMd2Face { short vertexIndices[3];//頂點索引 short textureIndices[3];//紋理索引 };
/** 解壓後的頂點結構 */ struct tMd2Triangle { float vertex[3];//頂點座標 float normal[3];//法向量 };
/** 面信息 */ struct tFace { int vertIndex[3]; /**< 頂點索引 */ int coordIndex[3]; /**< 紋理座標索引 */ };
/** 關鍵幀結構 */ struct tMd2Frame { char strName[16];//關鍵幀名稱 tMd2Triangle *pVertices;//幀中頂點信息 };
/** 動做信息結構體 */ struct tAnimationInfo { char strName[255]; /**< 幀的名稱 */ int startFrame; /**< 開始幀 */ int endFrame; /**< 結束幀 */ };
/** 對象信息結構體 */ struct t3DObject { int numOfVerts; /**< 模型中頂點的數目 */ int numOfFaces; /**< 模型中面的數目 */ int numTexVertex; /**< 模型中紋理座標的數目 */ int materialID; /**< 紋理ID */ bool bHasTexture; /**< 是否具備紋理映射 */ char strName[255]; /**< 對象的名稱 */ Vector3 *pVerts; /**< 對象的頂點 */ Vector3 *pNormals; /**< 對象的法向量 */ Vector2 *pTexVerts; /**< 紋理UV座標 */ tFace *pFaces; /**< 對象的面信息 */ };
/** 模型信息結構體 */ struct t3DModel { int numOfObjects; /**< 模型中對象的數目 */ int numOfMaterials; /**< 模型中材質的數目 */ int numOfAnimations; /**< 模型中動做的數目 */ int currentAnim; /**< 幀索引 */ int currentFrame; /**< 當前幀 */ vector<tAnimationInfo> pAnimations; /**< 幀信息鏈表 */ vector<tMaterialInfo> pMaterials; /**< 材質鏈表信息 */ vector<t3DObject> pObject; /**< 模型中對象鏈表信息 */ };
//數據讀取函數 void CMD2Loader::ReadMD2Data() { //定義存儲幀信息的緩衝區 unsigned char buffer[MD2_MAX_FRAMESIZE]; //爲紋理名稱申請空間 m_pSkins = new tMd2Skin[m_Header.numSkins]; //爲紋理座標申請空間 m_pTexCoords = new tMd2TexCoord[m_Header.numTexCoords]; //爲面結構申請空間 m_pTriangles = new tMd2Face[m_Header.numTriangles]; //爲幀結構申請空間 m_pFrames = new tMd2Frame[m_Header.numFrames]; //讀取紋理名稱 fseek(m_FilePointer,m_Header.offsetSkins,SEEK_SET); fread(m_pSkins,sizeof(tMd2Skin),m_Header.numSkins,m_FilePointer); //讀取紋理座標 fseek(m_FilePointer,m_Header.offsetTexCoords,SEEK_SET); fread(m_pTexCoords,sizeof(tMd2TexCoord),m_Header.numTexCoords,m_FilePointer); //讀取面信息 fseek(m_FilePointer,m_Header.offsetTriangles,SEEK_SET); fread(m_pTriangles,sizeof(tMd2Face),m_Header.numTriangles,m_FilePointer); fseek(m_FilePointer,m_Header.offsetFrames,SEEK_SET); //循環讀取每個關鍵幀信息 for(int i=0; i<m_Header.numFrames; i++) { //將緩衝區轉換爲幀結構 tMd2AliasFrame *pFrame = (tMd2AliasFrame*)buffer; //爲幀的頂點分配空間 m_pFrames[i].pVertices = new tMd2Triangle[m_Header.numVertices]; //讀取幀信息 fread(pFrame,1,m_Header.frameSize,m_FilePointer); //拷貝幀名稱 strcpy(m_pFrames[i].strName,pFrame->name); //獲取頂點指針 tMd2Triangle *pVertices = m_pFrames[i].pVertices; //循環對關鍵幀的頂點信息進行解壓,注意,要交換y,z軸,並將z軸反向。 for(int j=0; j<m_Header.numVertices; j++) { pVertices[j].vertex[0] = pFrame->aliasVertices[j].vertex[0] * pFrame->scale[0] + pFrame->translate[0]; pVertices[j].vertex[2] = -1 * (pFrame->aliasVertices[j].vertex[1] * pFrame->scale[1] + pFrame->translate[1]); pVertices[j].vertex[1] = pFrame->aliasVertices[j].vertex[2] * pFrame->scale[2] + pFrame->translate[2]; } } }
void CLoadMD2::ConvertDataStructures(t3DModel *pModel) { int j = 0, i = 0; // Assign the number of objects, which is 1 since we only want 1 frame // of animation. In the next tutorial each object will be a key frame // to interpolate between. pModel->numOfObjects = 1; // Create a local object to store the first frame of animation's data t3DObject currentFrame = {0}; // Assign the vertex, texture coord and face count to our new structure currentFrame.numOfVerts = m_Header.numVertices; currentFrame.numTexVertex = m_Header.numTexCoords; currentFrame.numOfFaces = m_Header.numTriangles; // Allocate memory for the vertices, texture coordinates and face data. currentFrame.pVerts = new CVector3 [currentFrame.numOfVerts]; currentFrame.pTexVerts = new CVector2 [currentFrame.numTexVertex]; currentFrame.pFaces = new tFace [currentFrame.numOfFaces]; // Go through all of the vertices and assign them over to our structure for (j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfVerts; j++) { currentFrame.pVerts[j].x = m_pFrames[0].pVertices[j].vertex[0]; currentFrame.pVerts[j].y = m_pFrames[0].pVertices[j].vertex[1]; currentFrame.pVerts[j].z = m_pFrames[0].pVertices[j].vertex[2]; } // We can now free the old vertices stored in this frame of animation delete m_pFrames[0].pVertices; // Go through all of the uv coordinates and assign them over to our structure. // The UV coordinates are not normal uv coordinates, they have a pixel ratio of // 0 to 256. We want it to be a 0 to 1 ratio, so we divide the u value by the // skin width and the v value by the skin height. This gives us our 0 to 1 ratio. // For some reason also, the v coodinate is flipped upside down. We just subtract // the v coordinate from 1 to remedy this problem. for (j=0; j < currentFrame.numTexVertex; j++) { currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].x = m_pTexCoords[j].u / float(m_Header.skinWidth); currentFrame.pTexVerts[j].y = 1 - m_pTexCoords[j].v / float(m_Header.skinHeight); } // Go through all of the face data and assign it over to OUR structure for(j=0; j < currentFrame.numOfFaces; j++) { // Assign the vertex indices to our face data currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[0]; currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[1]; currentFrame.pFaces[j].vertIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].vertexIndices[2]; // Assign the texture coord indices to our face data currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[0] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[0]; currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[1] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[1]; currentFrame.pFaces[j].coordIndex[2] = m_pTriangles[j].textureIndices[2]; } // Here we add the current object (or frame) to our list object list pModel->pObject.push_back(currentFrame); }
// *Note* // // Below are some math functions for calculating vertex normals. We want vertex normals // because it makes the lighting look really smooth and life like. You probably already // have these functions in the rest of your engine, so you can delete these and call // your own. I wanted to add them so I could show how to calculate vertex normals. ////////////////////////////// Math Functions ////////////////////////////////* // This computes the magnitude of a normal. (magnitude = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) #define Mag(Normal) (sqrt(Normal.x*Normal.x + Normal.y*Normal.y + Normal.z*Normal.z)) // This calculates a vector between 2 points and returns the result CVector3 Vector(CVector3 vPoint1, CVector3 vPoint2) { CVector3 vVector; // The variable to hold the resultant vector vVector.x = vPoint1.x - vPoint2.x; // Subtract point1 and point2 x's vVector.y = vPoint1.y - vPoint2.y; // Subtract point1 and point2 y's vVector.z = vPoint1.z - vPoint2.z; // Subtract point1 and point2 z's return vVector; // Return the resultant vector } // This adds 2 vectors together and returns the result CVector3 AddVector(CVector3 vVector1, CVector3 vVector2) { CVector3 vResult; // The variable to hold the resultant vector vResult.x = vVector2.x + vVector1.x; // Add Vector1 and Vector2 x's vResult.y = vVector2.y + vVector1.y; // Add Vector1 and Vector2 y's vResult.z = vVector2.z + vVector1.z; // Add Vector1 and Vector2 z's return vResult; // Return the resultant vector } // This divides a vector by a single number (scalar) and returns the result CVector3 DivideVectorByScaler(CVector3 vVector1, float Scaler) { CVector3 vResult; // The variable to hold the resultant vector vResult.x = vVector1.x / Scaler; // Divide Vector1's x value by the scaler vResult.y = vVector1.y / Scaler; // Divide Vector1's y value by the scaler vResult.z = vVector1.z / Scaler; // Divide Vector1's z value by the scaler return vResult; // Return the resultant vector } // This returns the cross product between 2 vectors CVector3 Cross(CVector3 vVector1, CVector3 vVector2) { CVector3 vCross; // The vector to hold the cross product // Get the X value vCross.x = ((vVector1.y * vVector2.z) - (vVector1.z * vVector2.y)); // Get the Y value vCross.y = ((vVector1.z * vVector2.x) - (vVector1.x * vVector2.z)); // Get the Z value vCross.z = ((vVector1.x * vVector2.y) - (vVector1.y * vVector2.x)); return vCross; // Return the cross product } // This returns the normal of a vector CVector3 Normalize(CVector3 vNormal) { double Magnitude; // This holds the magitude Magnitude = Mag(vNormal); // Get the magnitude vNormal.x /= (float)Magnitude; // Divide the vector's X by the magnitude vNormal.y /= (float)Magnitude; // Divide the vector's Y by the magnitude vNormal.z /= (float)Magnitude; // Divide the vector's Z by the magnitude return vNormal; // Return the normal }
///////////////////////////////// COMPUTER NORMALS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function computes the normals and vertex normals of the objects ///// ///////////////////////////////// COMPUTER NORMALS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\*
void CLoadMD2::ComputeNormals(t3DModel *pModel) { CVector3 vVector1, vVector2, vNormal, vPoly[3]; // If there are no objects, we can skip this part if(pModel->numOfObjects <= 0) return; // What are vertex normals? And how are they different from other normals? // Well, if you find the normal to a triangle, you are finding a "Face Normal". // If you give OpenGL a face normal for lighting, it will make your object look // really flat and not very round. If we find the normal for each vertex, it makes // the smooth lighting look. This also covers up blocky looking objects and they appear // to have more polygons than they do. Basically, what you do is first // calculate the face normals, then you take the average of all the normals around each // vertex. It's just averaging. That way you get a better approximation for that vertex. // Go through each of the objects to calculate their normals for(int index = 0; index < pModel->numOfObjects; index++) { // Get the current object t3DObject *pObject = &(pModel->pObject[index]); // Here we allocate all the memory we need to calculate the normals CVector3 *pNormals = new CVector3 [pObject->numOfFaces]; CVector3 *pTempNormals = new CVector3 [pObject->numOfFaces]; pObject->pNormals = new CVector3 [pObject->numOfVerts]; // Go though all of the faces of this object for(int i=0; i < pObject->numOfFaces; i++) { // To cut down LARGE code, we extract the 3 points of this face vPoly[0] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[0]]; vPoly[1] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[1]]; vPoly[2] = pObject->pVerts[pObject->pFaces[i].vertIndex[2]]; // Now let's calculate the face normals (Get 2 vectors and find the cross product of those 2) vVector1 = Vector(vPoly[0], vPoly[2]); // Get the vector of the polygon (we just need 2 sides for the normal) vVector2 = Vector(vPoly[2], vPoly[1]); // Get a second vector of the polygon vNormal = Cross(vVector1, vVector2); // Return the cross product of the 2 vectors (normalize vector, but not a unit vector) pTempNormals[i] = vNormal; // Save the un-normalized normal for the vertex normals vNormal = Normalize(vNormal); // Normalize the cross product to give us the polygons normal pNormals[i] = vNormal; // Assign the normal to the list of normals } //////////////// Now Get The Vertex Normals ///////////////// CVector3 vSum = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; CVector3 vZero = vSum; int shared=0; for (i = 0; i < pObject->numOfVerts; i++) // Go through all of the vertices { for (int j = 0; j < pObject->numOfFaces; j++) // Go through all of the triangles { // Check if the vertex is shared by another face if (pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[0] == i || pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[1] == i || pObject->pFaces[j].vertIndex[2] == i) { vSum = AddVector(vSum, pTempNormals[j]);// Add the un-normalized normal of the shared face shared++; // Increase the number of shared triangles } } // Get the normal by dividing the sum by the shared. We negate the shared so it has the normals pointing out. pObject->pNormals[i] = DivideVectorByScaler(vSum, float(-shared)); // Normalize the normal for the final vertex normal pObject->pNormals[i] = Normalize(pObject->pNormals[i]); vSum = vZero; // Reset the sum shared = 0; // Reset the shared } // Free our memory and start over on the next object delete [] pTempNormals; delete [] pNormals; } }