使用jquery檢查/取消選中複選框? [重複] - check / uncheck checkbox using jquery? [duplicate]


This question already has an answer here: 這個問題在這裏已有答案: jquery

I have some input text fields in my page and am displaying their values using JavaScript. 個人頁面中有一些輸入文本字段,並使用JavaScript顯示其值。 ide

I am using .set("value","") function to edit the value, add an extra checkbox field, and to pass a value. 我使用.set("value","")函數來編輯值,添加一個額外的複選框字段,並傳遞一個值。 函數

Here I want to check that if value == 1 , then this checkbox should be checked. 在這裏,我想檢查若是value == 1 ,則應選中此複選框。 Otherwise, it should remain unchecked. 不然,它應該保持未選中狀態。 this

I did this by using two divs, but I am not feeling comfortable with that, is there any other solution? 我經過使用兩個div來作到這一點,但我對此感到不舒服,還有其餘解決方案嗎? spa

if(value == 1) {
} else{


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/1B5sM/使用jquery檢查-取消選中複選框-重複
參考二: https://oldbug.net/q/1B5sM/check-uncheck-checkbox-using-jquery-duplicate