package main import "strconv" import "fmt" func main() { taskChan := make(chan string, 3) doneChan := make(chan int, 1) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { taskChan <- strconv.Itoa(i) fmt.Println("send: ", i) } go func() { for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { task := <-taskChan fmt.Println("received: ", task) } doneChan <- 1 }() <-doneChan }
make(chan TYPE {, NUM})
, TYPE指的是channel中傳輸的數據類型,第二個參數是可選的,指的是channel的容量大小。CHAN <- DATA
, CHAN指的是目的channel即收集數據的一方,DATA則是要傳的數據。go func(){ BODY }()
新建一個線程運行一個匿名函數。DATA := <-CHAN
,和向channel傳入數據相反,在數據輸送箭頭的右側的是channel,形象地展示了數據從‘隧道’流出到變量裏。上面這個程序就是main routine向另外一個routine發送了3條int類型的數據,當3條數據被接收到後,主線程也從阻塞狀態恢復運行,隨後結束。html
我一開始用channel的時候有報過"fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! "的錯誤,真實的代碼是下面這樣的:java
package main import "fmt" func main() { ch := make(chan int) ch <- 1 // I'm blocked because there is no channel read yet. fmt.Println("send") go func() { <-ch // I will never be called for the main routine is blocked! fmt.Println("received") }() fmt.Println("over") }
個人本意是從main routine發送給另外一個routine一個int型的數據,可是運行出了上述的錯誤,緣由有2個:golang
ch <- 1
進入休眠狀態,程序的餘下部分根原本不及運行,那麼channel裏的數據永遠不會被讀出,也就不能喚醒main routine,進入「死鎖」。解決這個「死鎖」的方法但是是設置channel的容量大小大於1,那麼channel就不會由於數據輸入而阻塞主程; 或者將數據輸入channel的語句置於啓動新的goroutine以後。服務器
// Initialize a channel which records the process of the map jobs. mapJobChannel := make(chan string) // Start a goroutine to send the nMap(the number of the Map jobs) tasks to the main routine. go func() { for m := 0; m < nMap; m++ { // Send the "start a Map job <m>" to the receiver. mapJobChannel <- "start, " + strconv.Itoa(m) } }() // Main routine listens on this mapJobChannel for the Map job task information. nMapJobs := nMap // Process the nMap Map tasks util they're all done. for nMapJobs > 0 { // Receive the Map tasks from the channel. taskInfo := strings.Split(<-mapJobChannel, ",") state, mapNo := taskInfo[0], taskInfo[1] if state == "start" { // Assign a Map task with number mapNo to a worker. go func() { // Wait for a worker to finish the Map task. ok, workNo := assignJobToWorker("Map", mapNo) if ok { // Send a task finish signal and set the worker's state to idle. mapJobChannel <- "end, " + mapNo setWorkerState(workNo, "idle") } else { // Restart this task and set the worker's state to finished. mapJobChannel <- "start, " + mapNo setWorkerState(workNo, "finished") } }() } else { nMapJobs-- } }