Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of
假設給定數組 ab, ac, ad, 那麼最長公共前綴爲a排序
1. 切分出每一個字符串的全部前綴,好比abc的前綴爲, "", a, ab, abc; 字符串
2. 將這些前綴鏈接成一個新的前綴數組;對於給定的例子, 能夠獲得,["", a, ab, "", a, ac, "", a, ad]的前綴數組;string
3. 那麼公共的前綴的,其數量必然等於輸入字符數組的總和n;好比 "" 確定是一個公共前綴,那麼在前綴數組總, 必然包含n個 "";it
最簡單的方法先排序,而後依次掃描前綴, 並計數;直到找到一個計數少於n的前綴,那麼前一個就是最長公共前綴;function
但若是排過序了, 其實能夠用二分查找的方式更快的找到答案;下面是二分查找的代碼:
package main import ( "fmt" "sort" ) func main() { strs := []string{"flower", "flow", "flight"} fmt.Printf("%s\n", longestCommonPrefix(strs)) } func longestCommonPrefix(strs []string) string { if len(strs) == 0 { return "" } prefix := make([]string, 0, len(strs)) for _, str := range strs { prefix = appendStrPrefix(prefix, str) } sort.Strings(prefix) return findCommonPrefix(prefix, len(strs)) } func findCommonPrefix(pres []string, n int) string { i, j := 0, len(pres)-1 for i <= j { m := (i + j) / 2 c := countOfPreAt(pres, m) if c == n { i = m + 1 } else { j = m - 1 } } return pres[i-1] } func countOfPreAt(pres []string, p int) int { s := pres[p] i := p for i >= 0 && pres[i] == s { i-- } j := p for j < len(pres) && pres[j] == s { j++ } return (j - 1) - (i + 1) + 1 } func appendStrPrefix(pre []string, str string) []string { for i := 0; i <= len(str); i++ { pre = appendMore(pre, str[:i]) } return pre } func appendMore(strs []string, str string) []string { if len(strs)+1 == cap(strs) { tmp := make([]string, len(strs), 2*cap(strs)) copy(tmp, strs) strs = tmp } return append(strs, str) }