聊聊artemis message的duplicateProperty




public interface Message {


   default Object getDuplicateProperty() {
      return null;

   default byte[] getDuplicateIDBytes() {
      Object duplicateID = getDuplicateProperty();

      if (duplicateID == null) {
         return null;
      } else {
         if (duplicateID instanceof SimpleString) {
            return ((SimpleString) duplicateID).getData();
         } else if (duplicateID instanceof String) {
            return new SimpleString(duplicateID.toString()).getData();
         } else {
            return (byte[]) duplicateID;

  • Message接口定義了getDuplicateProperty、getDuplicateIDBytes方法,其中getDuplicateIDBytes方法會讀取getDuplicateProperty的值,而後轉換爲byte數組



public class CoreMessage extends RefCountMessage implements ICoreMessage {


   public Object getDuplicateProperty() {
      return getObjectProperty(Message.HDR_DUPLICATE_DETECTION_ID);

  • CoreMessage實現了ICoreMessage接口,而ICoreMessage接口繼承了Message接口;它的getDuplicateProperty方法會取Message.HDR_DUPLICATE_DETECTION_ID屬性的值



public class PostOfficeImpl implements PostOffice, NotificationListener, BindingsFactory {


   private final ConcurrentMap<SimpleString, DuplicateIDCache> duplicateIDCaches = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();


   public RoutingStatus route(final Message message,
                              final RoutingContext context,
                              final boolean direct,
                              boolean rejectDuplicates,
                              final Binding bindingMove) throws Exception {

      RoutingStatus result;
      // Sanity check
      if (message.getRefCount() > 0) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Message cannot be routed more than once");

      final SimpleString address = context.getAddress(message);

      setPagingStore(address, message);

      AtomicBoolean startedTX = new AtomicBoolean(false);

      applyExpiryDelay(message, address);

      if (context.isDuplicateDetection() && !checkDuplicateID(message, context, rejectDuplicates, startedTX)) {
         return RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID;


      Bindings bindings = addressManager.getBindingsForRoutingAddress(address);

      AddressInfo addressInfo = addressManager.getAddressInfo(address);


      if (server.hasBrokerMessagePlugins()) {
         server.callBrokerMessagePlugins(plugin -> plugin.afterMessageRoute(message, context, direct, rejectDuplicates, result));

      return result;

   private boolean checkDuplicateID(final Message message,
                                    final RoutingContext context,
                                    boolean rejectDuplicates,
                                    AtomicBoolean startedTX) throws Exception {
      // Check the DuplicateCache for the Bridge first

      Object bridgeDup = message.removeExtraBytesProperty(Message.HDR_BRIDGE_DUPLICATE_ID);
      if (bridgeDup != null) {
         // if the message is being sent from the bridge, we just ignore the duplicate id, and use the internal one
         byte[] bridgeDupBytes = (byte[]) bridgeDup;

         DuplicateIDCache cacheBridge = getDuplicateIDCache(BRIDGE_CACHE_STR.concat(context.getAddress(message).toString()));

         if (context.getTransaction() == null) {
            context.setTransaction(new TransactionImpl(storageManager));

         if (!cacheBridge.atomicVerify(bridgeDupBytes, context.getTransaction())) {
            return false;
      } else {
         // if used BridgeDuplicate, it's not going to use the regular duplicate
         // since this will would break redistribution (re-setting the duplicateId)
         byte[] duplicateIDBytes = message.getDuplicateIDBytes();

         DuplicateIDCache cache = null;

         boolean isDuplicate = false;

         if (duplicateIDBytes != null) {
            cache = getDuplicateIDCache(context.getAddress(message));

            isDuplicate = cache.contains(duplicateIDBytes);

            if (rejectDuplicates && isDuplicate) {

               String warnMessage = "Duplicate message detected - message will not be routed. Message information:" + message.toString();

               if (context.getTransaction() != null) {
                  context.getTransaction().markAsRollbackOnly(new ActiveMQDuplicateIdException(warnMessage));


               return false;

         if (cache != null && !isDuplicate) {
            if (context.getTransaction() == null) {
               // We need to store the duplicate id atomically with the message storage, so we need to create a tx for this
               context.setTransaction(new TransactionImpl(storageManager));


            cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get());

      return true;

   public DuplicateIDCache getDuplicateIDCache(final SimpleString address) {
      DuplicateIDCache cache = duplicateIDCaches.get(address);

      if (cache == null) {
         cache = new DuplicateIDCacheImpl(address, idCacheSize, storageManager, persistIDCache);

         DuplicateIDCache oldCache = duplicateIDCaches.putIfAbsent(address, cache);

         if (oldCache != null) {
            cache = oldCache;

      return cache;

  • PostOfficeImpl的route方法在context.isDuplicateDetection()爲true時,會調用checkDuplicateID方法,在其返回false時會直接返回RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID;checkDuplicateID方法在bridgeDup爲null時會經過message.getDuplicateIDBytes()獲取duplicateIDBytes,若不爲null則經過getDuplicateIDCache方法從duplicateIDCaches獲取DuplicateIDCache,而後判斷是否包含該duplicateIDBytes,若爲true且rejectDuplicates爲true則返回false;而對於cache不爲null,且isDuplicate爲false的則經過cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get())方法將該duplicateIDBytes添加到cache



public class PostOfficeJournalLoader implements JournalLoader {


   public void handleDuplicateIds(Map<SimpleString, List<Pair<byte[], Long>>> duplicateIDMap) throws Exception {
      for (Map.Entry<SimpleString, List<Pair<byte[], Long>>> entry : duplicateIDMap.entrySet()) {
         SimpleString address = entry.getKey();

         DuplicateIDCache cache = postOffice.getDuplicateIDCache(address);

         if (configuration.isPersistIDCache()) {

  • PostOfficeJournalLoader的handleDuplicateIds方法在configuration.isPersistIDCache()爲true時會執行cache.load(entry.getValue())



public interface DuplicateIDCache {

   boolean contains(byte[] duplicateID);

   boolean atomicVerify(byte[] duplID, Transaction tx) throws Exception;

   void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID) throws Exception;

   void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID, Transaction tx) throws Exception;

    * it will add the data to the cache.
    * If TX == null it won't use a transaction.
    * if instantAdd=true, it won't wait a transaction to add on the cache which is needed on the case of the Bridges
   void addToCache(byte[] duplicateID, Transaction tx, boolean instantAdd) throws Exception;

   void deleteFromCache(byte[] duplicateID) throws Exception;

   void load(List<Pair<byte[], Long>> theIds) throws Exception;

   void load(Transaction tx, byte[] duplID);

   void clear() throws Exception;

   List<Pair<byte[], Long>> getMap();
  • DuplicateIDCache定義了contains、addToCache、load等方法



public class DuplicateIDCacheImpl implements DuplicateIDCache {

   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DuplicateIDCacheImpl.class);

   // ByteHolder, position
   private final Map<ByteArrayHolder, Integer> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

   private final SimpleString address;

   // Note - deliberately typed as ArrayList since we want to ensure fast indexed
   // based array access
   private final ArrayList<Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long>> ids;

   private int pos;

   private final int cacheSize;

   private final StorageManager storageManager;

   private final boolean persist;

   public DuplicateIDCacheImpl(final SimpleString address,
                               final int size,
                               final StorageManager storageManager,
                               final boolean persist) {
      this.address = address;

      cacheSize = size;

      ids = new ArrayList<>(size);

      this.storageManager = storageManager;

      this.persist = persist;

   public void load(final List<Pair<byte[], Long>> theIds) throws Exception {
      long txID = -1;

      // If we have more IDs than cache size, we shrink the first ones
      int deleteCount = theIds.size() - cacheSize;
      if (deleteCount < 0) {
         deleteCount = 0;

      for (Pair<byte[], Long> id : theIds) {
         if (deleteCount > 0) {
            if (txID == -1) {
               txID = storageManager.generateID();
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
               logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl::load deleting id=" + describeID(id.getA(), id.getB()));

            storageManager.deleteDuplicateIDTransactional(txID, id.getB());
         } else {
            ByteArrayHolder bah = new ByteArrayHolder(id.getA());

            Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long> pair = new Pair<>(bah, id.getB());

            cache.put(bah, ids.size());

            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
               logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl::load loading id=" + describeID(id.getA(), id.getB()));


      if (txID != -1) {

      pos = ids.size();

      if (pos == cacheSize) {
         pos = 0;


   public boolean contains(final byte[] duplID) {
      boolean contains = cache.get(new ByteArrayHolder(duplID)) != null;

      if (contains) {
         logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::constains found a duplicate " + describeID(duplID, 0));
      return contains;

   public synchronized void addToCache(final byte[] duplID, final Transaction tx, boolean instantAdd) throws Exception {
      long recordID = -1;

      if (tx == null) {
         if (persist) {
            recordID = storageManager.generateID();
            storageManager.storeDuplicateID(address, duplID, recordID);

         addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID);
      } else {
         if (persist) {
            recordID = storageManager.generateID();
            storageManager.storeDuplicateIDTransactional(tx.getID(), address, duplID, recordID);


         if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCache Adding duplicateID TX operation for " + describeID(duplID, recordID) + ", tx=" + tx);

         if (instantAdd) {
            tx.addOperation(new AddDuplicateIDOperation(duplID, recordID, false));
         } else {
            // For a tx, it's important that the entry is not added to the cache until commit
            // since if the client fails then resends them tx we don't want it to get rejected
            tx.afterStore(new AddDuplicateIDOperation(duplID, recordID, true));

   private synchronized void addToCacheInMemory(final byte[] duplID, final long recordID) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
         logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory Adding " + describeID(duplID, recordID));

      ByteArrayHolder holder = new ByteArrayHolder(duplID);

      cache.put(holder, pos);

      Pair<ByteArrayHolder, Long> id;

      if (pos < ids.size()) {
         // Need fast array style access here -hence ArrayList typing
         id = ids.get(pos);

         // The id here might be null if it was explicit deleted
         if (id.getA() != null) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
               logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory removing excess duplicateDetection " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB()));


            // Record already exists - we delete the old one and add the new one
            // Note we can't use update since journal update doesn't let older records get
            // reclaimed

            if (id.getB() != null) {
               try {
               } catch (Exception e) {


         // The recordID could be negative if the duplicateCache is configured to not persist,
         // -1 would mean null on this case
         id.setB(recordID >= 0 ? recordID : null);

         if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory replacing old duplicateID by " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB()));

         holder.pos = pos;
      } else {
         id = new Pair<>(holder, recordID >= 0 ? recordID : null);

         if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("DuplicateIDCacheImpl(" + this.address + ")::addToCacheInMemory Adding new duplicateID " + describeID(id.getA().bytes, id.getB()));


         holder.pos = pos;

      if (pos++ == cacheSize - 1) {
         pos = 0;

  • DuplicateIDCacheImpl實現了DuplicateIDCache接口,其load方法會將數據加載到cache中,其key爲ByteArrayHolder類型;其contains方法則根據duplID的byte數組建立ByteArrayHolder,而後從cache中查找是否存在;addToCache方法在tx爲null時,則執行addToCacheInMemory,不然往tx添加AddDuplicateIDOperation或者在afterStore時執行AddDuplicateIDOperation;addToCacheInMemory主要是往cache添加記錄,同時將cache的大小維護在指定的cacheSize



private final class AddDuplicateIDOperation extends TransactionOperationAbstract {

      final byte[] duplID;

      final long recordID;

      volatile boolean done;

      private final boolean afterCommit;

      AddDuplicateIDOperation(final byte[] duplID, final long recordID, boolean afterCommit) {
         this.duplID = duplID;
         this.recordID = recordID;
         this.afterCommit = afterCommit;

      private void process() {
         if (!done) {
            addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID);

            done = true;

      public void afterCommit(final Transaction tx) {
         if (afterCommit) {

      public void beforeCommit(Transaction tx) throws Exception {
         if (!afterCommit) {

      public List<MessageReference> getRelatedMessageReferences() {
         return null;
  • AddDuplicateIDOperation繼承了TransactionOperationAbstract;其afterCommit、beforeCommit都會執行process方法,而process方法則是調用addToCacheInMemory(duplID, recordID)


  • CoreMessage實現了ICoreMessage接口,而ICoreMessage接口繼承了Message接口;它的getDuplicateProperty方法會取Message.HDR_DUPLICATE_DETECTION_ID屬性的值
  • PostOfficeImpl的route方法在context.isDuplicateDetection()爲true時,會調用checkDuplicateID方法,在其返回false時會直接返回RoutingStatus.DUPLICATED_ID;checkDuplicateID方法在bridgeDup爲null時會經過message.getDuplicateIDBytes()獲取duplicateIDBytes,若不爲null則經過getDuplicateIDCache方法從duplicateIDCaches獲取DuplicateIDCache,而後判斷是否包含該duplicateIDBytes,若爲true且rejectDuplicates爲true則返回false;而對於cache不爲null,且isDuplicate爲false的則經過cache.addToCache(duplicateIDBytes, context.getTransaction(), startedTX.get())方法將該duplicateIDBytes添加到cache
  • PostOfficeJournalLoader的handleDuplicateIds方法在configuration.isPersistIDCache()爲true時會執行cache.load(entry.getValue())

