INFO 26-12 23:40:13,220 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Basic logging
INFO 26-12 23:40:13,221 - Kitchen - Start of run.
INFO 26-12 23:40:13,374 - WAN_PT_OLD_SJ_DAY_ADD - Start of job execution
ERROR 26-12 23:42:50,832 - WAN_PT_OLD_SJ_DAY_ADD - A serious error occurred during job execution: org.
Error occured while trying to connect to the database
Invalid JNDI connection ETL : IO Error: Connection reset
INFO 26-12 23:42:50,837 - Kitchen - Finished!
ERROR 26-12 23:42:50,837 - Kitchen - Finished with errors
INFO 26-12 23:42:50,838 - Kitchen - Start=2013/12/26 23:40:13.221, Stop=2013/12/26 23:42:50.837
INFO 26-12 23:42:50,838 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 2 minutes and 37 seconds (157 seconds total).