CSS 是任何 Web 應用程序的核心部分。css
寬泛而論,若是一個 UI 框架沒有內置向組件添加樣式的方式,那麼它就是半成品。html
這即是爲什麼 Svelte 容許你在組件的 <style>
標籤中添加 CSS 的緣故。java
將 CSS 與標記共存,意味着咱們能夠解決開發人員在編寫 CSS 時遇到的最大問題,在不引入新的問題的同時,還提供極佳的開發體驗。segmentfault
可是 Svelte 的樣式處理確實存在一些限制,在組件之間共享樣式或者應用級優化都艱難重重。框架
這些是咱們計劃在將來版本中解決的,不過與此同時,若是你亟需這些功能的話,你能夠使用與框架無關的 CSS-in-JS 庫。性能
在這裏,咱們用 Emotion 來生成能夠跨多個組件中使用的範圍受限的類名:優化
<script> import { comicSans, link } from './styles.js'; import Hero from './Hero.svelte'; </script> <Hero/> <div class={comicSans}> <p> Did you enjoy your lunch, mom? You drank it fast enough. I know, I just call her Annabelle cause she's shaped like a… she's the belle of the ball! YOU'RE the Chiclet! Not me. Caw ca caw, caw ca caw, caw ca caw! A Colombian cartel that WON'T kidnap and kill you. You go buy a tape recorder and record yourself for a whole day. <a class={link} href="https://bluthipsum.com/">I think you'll be surprised at some of your phrasing.</a> </p> </div>
<script> import { title, comicSans, box } from './styles.js'; </script> <div class="{title} {comicSans}"> <h1> <div class={box}> <div class={box}> <div class={box}>CSS</div> in JS </div> in HTML </div> </h1> </div>
import emotion from 'emotion/dist/emotion.umd.min.js'; const { css } = emotion; const brand = '#74D900'; export const title = css` color: ${brand}; font-size: 1em; white-space: nowrap; `; export const comicSans = css` font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive; `; export const box = css` position: relative; display: inline-block; border: 2px solid ${brand}; line-height: 1; padding: 4px; border-radius: 4px; `; export const link = css` color: inherit; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px solid ${brand}; &:hover { text-decoration: none; background: ${brand}; } `;
不過必定要提醒你的是,大多數的 CSS-in-JS 庫都有一個運行時,許多庫在構建時,不支持將樣式靜態提取到單獨的 .css
所以,僅在你的應用有迫切須要時才建議使用 CSS-in-JS!
請注意,你也能夠混合搭配 CSS-in-JS 和 Svelte 內置的 CSS 處理二者一塊兒使用。
< The End >
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