圖1 隊列模型數據結構
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#ifndef _QUEUE_LIST_H #define _QUEUE_LIST_H #define ElementType int struct Node; struct QNode; typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Queue; int IsEmpty( Queue Q ); Queue CreateQueue( void ); void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ); void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ); void Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ); ElementType Front( Queue Q ); void Dequeue( Queue Q ); ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ); #endif /* _QUEUE_LIST_H */</span></strong>文件名:queue_list.c
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#include "queue_list.h" #include "fatal.h" typedef struct QNode { ElementType Element; struct QNode *Next; }QNode, *QNodePtr; struct Node { QNodePtr Front; QNodePtr Rear; }; int IsEmpty( Queue Q ) { return Q->Front == Q->Rear; } Queue CreateQueue( void ) { Queue Q; Q = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); Q->Front = Q->Rear = malloc( sizeof( struct QNode ) ); if (!Q->Front) FatalError( "Out of space!!!"); Q->Front->Next = NULL; return Q; } void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ) { if( Q == NULL ) Error( "Must use CreateQueue first" ); else while( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) Dequeue( Q ); } void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ) { while( Q->Front ) { Q->Rear = Q->Front->Next; free( Q->Front ); Q->Front = Q->Rear; } printf( "\nDispose queue completed!!!" ); } void Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ) { QNodePtr p; p = malloc( sizeof( QNode ) ); if (!p) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); p->Element = X; p->Next = NULL; Q->Rear->Next = p; Q->Rear = p; } ElementType Front( Queue Q ) { if ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) return Q->Front->Next->Element; return 0; /* Return value used to avoid warning */ } void Dequeue( Queue Q ) { if ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) { QNodePtr p; p = malloc( sizeof( QNode ) ); if (!p) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); p = Q->Front->Next; Q->Front->Next = p->Next; if ( Q->Rear == p ) Q->Rear = Q->Front; free( p ); } } ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ) { if ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) { QNodePtr p; p = malloc( sizeof( QNode ) ); if (!p) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); p = Q->Front->Next; ElementType temp = 0; temp = p->Element; Q->Front->Next = p->Next; if ( Q->Rear == p ) Q->Rear = Q->Front; free( p ); return temp; } Error( "Empty queue!!!" ); return 0; /* Return value used to avoid warning */ }</span></strong>文件名:queue_list_main.c
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#include <stdio.h> #include "queue_list.h" int main() { int n, num, m; int i; Queue Q = CreateQueue(); printf( "Initialization complete.\n" ); if ( IsEmpty( Q ) ) printf( "Queue is empty \n" ); printf( "Please input the number of elements in the queue:" ); scanf( "%d", &n ); printf( "Please input %d elements put in queue:", n ); for(i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { scanf( "%d", &num ); Enqueue( num, Q ); } printf( "Front element: %d.\n", Front( Q ) ); printf( "Elements in queue:" ); while ( !IsEmpty( Q )) { printf( "%3d", FrontAndDequeue( Q ) ); } DisposeQueue( Q ); printf( "\n" ); return 0; }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#ifndef QUEUE_ARRAY_H #define QUEUE_ARRAY_H #define ElementType int struct QueueRecord; typedef struct QueueRecord *Queue; int IsEmpty( Queue Q ); int IsFull( Queue Q ); Queue CreateQueue( int MaxElements ); void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ); void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ); void Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ); ElementType Front( Queue Q ); void Dequeue( Queue Q ); ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ); #endif /* QUEUE_ARRAY_H */</span></strong>文件名:queue_array.c
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#include "queue_array.h" #include "fatal.h" /* Place in implementation file * Queue implementation is a dynamically allocated array*/ #define MinQueueSize ( 5 ) struct QueueRecord { int Capacity; int Front; int Rear; int Size; ElementType *Array; }; int IsEmpty( Queue Q ) { return Q->Size == 0; } void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ) { Q->Size = 0; Q->Front = 1; Q->Rear = 0; } static int Succ( int value, Queue Q ) { if ( ++value == Q->Capacity ) value = 0; return value; } void Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ) { if( IsFull( Q ) ) Error( "Full queue" ); else { Q->Size++; Q->Rear = Succ( Q->Rear, Q ); Q->Array[ Q-> Rear ] = X; } } void Dequeue( Queue Q ) { if ( IsEmpty( Q ) ) Error( "Empty queue" ); else { Q->Size--; Q->Front++; } } ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ) { ElementType temp = 0; if ( IsEmpty( Q ) ) Error( "Empty queue" ); else { Q->Size--; temp= Q->Array[ Q->Front ]; Q->Front = Succ( Q->Front, Q ); } return temp; } ElementType Front( Queue Q ) { if ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) return Q->Array[ Q->Front ]; Error( "Empty queue" ); return 0; /* Return value used to avoid warning */ } int IsFull( Queue Q ) { return Q->Size == Q->Capacity; } Queue CreateQueue(int MaxElements ) { Queue Q; if ( MaxElements < MinQueueSize ) Error( "Queue size is too small!!!" ); Q = malloc( sizeof( struct QueueRecord ) ); if ( Q == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); Q->Array = malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * MaxElements ); if ( Q->Array == NULL ) FatalError( "Out of Space!!!" ); Q->Capacity = MaxElements; MakeEmpty( Q ); return Q; } void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ) { if ( Q != NULL ) { free( Q->Array ); free( Q ); } }</span></strong>文件名:queue_main.c
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#include <stdio.h> #include "queue_array.h" int main() { int size; printf( "Please input queue size: " ); scanf( "%d", &size ); Queue Q = CreateQueue( size ); ElementType temp; printf( "Please input queue elements(seperate by space): " ); while ( !IsFull( Q ) ) { scanf( "%d", &temp ); Enqueue( temp, Q ); } printf( "Dequeue queue in turn: " ); while ( !IsEmpty( Q ) ) { printf( "%3d", FrontAndDequeue( Q ) ); } printf( "\n" ); DisposeQueue( Q ); return 0; }</span></strong>
<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define Error( Str ) FatalError( Str ) #define FatalError( Str ) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", Str ), exit( 1 ) </span></strong>