這樣看網址的話毫無規律可言,簡化後發現 https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=1076032554757470就能夠進入。並且containerid=107603(***)這裏,括號裏的數字恰好是用戶的id號,所以咱們能夠經過這個來構造網頁。app
經過以上分析可知,獲取用戶的 id 號是本次爬取數據的關鍵,只須要用 id 構成網址,後面的爬取就相對簡單了。下面是編程部分。
scrapy startproject sinaweibo scrapy genspider xxx(爬蟲名) xxx(所在域名)
import scrapy class SinaweiboItem(scrapy.Item): # define the fields for your item here like: # name = scrapy.Field() name = scrapy.Field() #用戶名 first_news = scrapy.Field() #首條微博 dates = scrapy.Field() #發佈時間 zhuanzai = scrapy.Field() #轉載數 comment = scrapy.Field() #評論數 agree = scrapy.Field() #點贊數 city = scrapy.Field() #所在地區
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 import scrapy 3 from sinaweibo.items import SinaweiboItem 4 import json 5 import re 6 import copy 7 8 9 class WeibodiyuSpider(scrapy.Spider): 10 name = 'weibodiyu' #爬蟲名 11 allowed_domains = ['m.weibo.cn'] #只在該域名內爬取 12 start_urls = ['https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=102803_ctg1_4188_-_ctg1_4188&openApp=0&since_id=1' 13 ] 14 15 def parse1(self, response): 16 infos = json.loads(response.body) #將內容轉爲json對象 17 item = response.meta['item'] #利用meta方法傳入item 18 city = response.meta['city'] #傳入城市 19 try: 20 name = infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["user"]["screen_name"] #爬取名字 21 first_news = re.findall('([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)', str(infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["text"]), re.S) #爬取微博內容,使用正則去除一些雜項如網頁代碼 22 dates = infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["created_at"] #發佈時間 23 zhuanzai = infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["reposts_count"] #轉載數 24 comment = infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["comments_count"] #評論數 25 agree = infos["data"]["cards"][0]["mblog"]["attitudes_count"] #點贊數 26 #將數據賦給item 27 item['name'] = name 28 item['first_news'] = first_news 29 item['dates'] = dates 30 item['zhuanzai'] = zhuanzai 31 item['comment'] = comment 32 item['agree'] = agree 33 item['city'] = city 34 return item #返回 35 except IndexError or KeyError: 36 pass 37 38 def parse2(self, response): #獲取所在地區函數 39 infos = json.loads(response.body) 40 try: 41 item = response.meta['item'] #傳入item 42 city_cont = str(infos["data"]["cards"][1]["card_group"]) 43 city = re.findall('card_type.*?所在地.*?item.*?:(.*?)}]', city_cont, re.S)[0].replace('\'', '').replace( 44 ' ', '') #城市 45 item['city'] = city 46 ids = response.meta['ids'] #傳入id並賦給ids變量 47 n_url1 = 'https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?&containerid=107603' + ids 48 yield scrapy.Request(n_url1, meta={'item': item, 'city': copy.deepcopy(city)}, callback=self.parse1) #執行完上述命令後的步驟 49 except IndexError or KeyError: 50 pass 51 52 def parse(self, response): 53 datas = json.loads(response.body) 54 item = SinaweiboItem() 55 for i in range(0, 20): 56 try: 57 ids = str(datas["data"]["cards"][i]["mblog"]["user"]["id"]) #獲取用戶id 58 n_url2 = 'https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=230283{}_-_INFO'.format(ids) 59 yield scrapy.Request(n_url2, meta={'item': item, 'ids': copy.deepcopy(ids)}, callback=self.parse2) #進入parse2函數執行命令 60 except IndexError or KeyError: 61 pass 62 social_urls = [ 63 'https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=102803_ctg1_4188_-_ctg1_4188&openApp=0&since_id={}'.format( 64 str(i)) for i in range(2, 100)] 65 celebritys_urls = [ 66 'https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=102803_ctg1_4288_-_ctg1_4288&openApp=0&since_id={}'.format( 67 str(j)) for j in range(1, 100)] 68 hots_urls = ['https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex?containerid=102803&openApp=0&since_id={}'.format(str(t)) 69 for 70 t in range(1, 100)] 71 urls = celebritys_urls + social_urls + hots_urls #入口網址 72 for url in urls: 73 yield scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse)
這裏要注意 scrpay.Request 函數的meta參數,它是一個字典,用來進行參數傳遞,如上面代碼所示,我想在parse2()函數中用到parse()函數中爬取的用戶id,就須要進行設置,這裏就不過多解釋了,其實我也是處於摸着石頭過河的理解程度,想深刻了解的朋友可自行百度。
1 BOT_NAME = 'sinaweibo' 2 3 SPIDER_MODULES = ['sinaweibo.spiders'] 4 NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'sinaweibo.spiders' 5 6 USER_AGENT: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36' #消息頭 7 DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.5 #延時0.5s 8 # Crawl responsibly by identifying yourself (and your website) on the user-agent 9 #USER_AGENT = 'sinaweibo (+http://www.yourdomain.com)' 10 FEED_URI = 'file:C:/Users/lenovo/Desktop/weibo.csv' #存入文件位置 11 FEED_FORMAT = 'csv' #保存格式 12 ITEM_PIPELINES= {'sinaweibo.pipelines.SinaweiboPipeline': 300} #管道設置 13 # Obey robots.txt rules 14 ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False 15 FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING = 'UTF8' #編碼格式
在文件中新建了一個 weibo_analysis.py 的文件,使用jieba庫來進行分詞,在此以前,須要先將所需數據提取出來,這裏使用pandas就能夠。
1 import csv 2 import pandas as pd 3 import jieba.analyse 4 5 6 def get_ciyun(city): #進行分詞 7 tags=jieba.analyse.extract_tags(str(city),topK=100,withWeight=True) 8 for item in tags: 9 print(item[0]+'\t'+str(int(item[1]*1000))) 10 11 12 need_citys = ['北京', '上海', '湖南', '四川', '廣東'] 13 beijing = [] 14 shanghai = [] 15 hunan = [] 16 sichuan = [] 17 gd = [] 18 pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', True) #可換行顯示 19 pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) #顯示全部行 20 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) #顯示全部列 21 df = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\lenovo\Desktop\weibo.csv') #讀取文件內容並轉化爲dataframes對象 22 23 contents = df['first_news'] #取微博內容 24 city = df['city'] #取城市 25 for i in range(len(city)): 26 if need_citys[0] in city[i]: #判斷並存入 27 beijing.append(contents[i]) 28 elif need_citys[1] in city[i]: 29 shanghai.append(contents[i]) 30 elif need_citys[2] in city[i]: 31 hunan.append(contents[i]) 32 elif need_citys[3] in city[i]: 33 sichuan.append(contents[i]) 34 elif need_citys[4] in city[i]: 35 gd.append(contents[i]) 36 else: 37 pass 38 39 #輸出 40 get_ciyun(beijing) 41 print('-'*20) 42 get_ciyun(shanghai) 43 print('-'*20) 44 get_ciyun(hunan) 45 print('-'*20) 46 get_ciyun(sichuan) 47 print('-'*20) 48 get_ciyun(gd)