-- setup.sql to set up test environment -- 1st: Set up login account and assign a few permissions plus role memberships --setup.sql to set up test environment -- 1st: Set up login account and assign a few permissions plus role memberships USE master; GO if exists (select * from sys.server_principals where name = 'Bobby') drop login [Bobby]; CREATE LOGIN [Bobby] WITH PASSWORD = 'User$To!Clon3@'; GO EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; GO GRANT ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON ENDPOINT::[TSQL Default TCP] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GO -- 2nd. Create databases IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'TestA') DROP DATABASE TestA; CREATE DATABASE TestA; GO IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'TestB') DROP DATABASE TestB; CREATE DATABASE TestB; GO -- 3rd, create permissions or db role memberships for [Bobby] USE TestA; GO CREATE USER [Bobby] FROM LOGIN [Bobby]; GO EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_securityadmin', @membername = 'Bobby'; CREATE ROLE TestRoleInTestA; GO EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'TestRoleInTestA', @membername = 'Bobby'; GO if object_id('dbo.t', 'U') is not null drop table dbo.t; create table dbo.t (a int identity, b varchar(30), d datetime default current_timestamp); go -- only SELECT ON TWO columns GRANT SELECT on object::dbo.t (a, d) to [Bobby]; DENY UPDATE on object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; GO USE TestB; GO CREATE USER [Bobby] FROM LOGIN [Bobby]; GO GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER::dbo TO [Bobby]; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'S0m3Str0ng!!P4ssw0rd@'; CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY ASymKey WITH ALGORITHM = RSA_2048; CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY SymKey1 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY ASYMMETRIC KEY ASymKey; CREATE CERTIFICATE TestCert WITH SUBJECT = 'A Test Cert to Show Permission Cloning'; CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY SymKey2 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE TestCert; GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SimpleProc AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT 'Test Procedure'; END; GO GRANT CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::ASymKey TO [Bobby]; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON CERTIFICATE::TestCert TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey1 TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey2 TO [Bobby]; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.SimpleProc TO [Bobby]; DENY VIEW DEFINITION ON dbo.SimpleProc TO [Bobby]; GO Use testB go CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION XSC AS N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" > <xsd:complexType name="StepType" mixed="true" > <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" > <xsd:element name="tool" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="material" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="blueprint" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="specs" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="diag" type="xsd:string" /> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="root"> <xsd:complexType mixed="true"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Location" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType mixed="true"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="step" type="StepType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="LocationID" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="SetupHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="MachineHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="LaborHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="LotSize" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema>' ; GO GRANT ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; DENY TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; GO alter database testA set enable_broker; use testA create message type [//MyTest/Sample/RequestMsg] validation = well_formed_xml; create message type [//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] validation = well_formed_xml; create contract [//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] ( [//MyTest/Sample/RequestMsg] sent by initiator, [//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] sent by target); create queue InitQu; --create queue TargetQu; create service [//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] on queue InitQu; create route ExpenseRoute with service_name= '//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc', Address='tcp://www.sqlserver.com:1234'; grant alter on Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] Grant references on message type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] Deny view definition on Route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant alter on route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant View Definition on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Deny alter on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] create fulltext catalog ftCat as default; create fulltext stoplist mystopList; grant alter on fulltext catalog::ftcat to [Bobby] Deny view definition on fulltext Stoplist::myStopList to [Bobby] grant alter on fulltext Stoplist::myStopList to [Bobby] go USE master GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [bobby];
在這個環境中,把全部不一樣的grant/deny 權限,來自用戶[Bobby]的權限,不管是服務器登錄帳戶仍是數據庫帳戶的權限都獲取了。總之,這就是一個權限 的grant/deny 腳本。服務器
-- summary script -- as server Login account use Master; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; GO GRANT ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON ENDPOINT::[TSQL Default TCP] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [bobby]; GO -- as db account in [TestA] db Use TestA EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_securityadmin', @membername = 'Bobby'; EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'TestRoleInTestA', @membername = 'Bobby'; GRANT SELECT on object::dbo.t (a, d) to [Bobby]; DENY UPDATE on object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] GRANT REFERENCES ON MESSAGE TYPE::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] DENY VIEW DEFINITION on Route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] GRANT ALTER ON ROUTE::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant View Definition on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] DENY ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] GO -- as db account in [TestB] db use TestB EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; GRANT ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON ENDPOINT::[TSQL Default TCP] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; DENY TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; GO
在我本地的電腦上,我有兩個數據庫實例,一個叫作[TP_W520](默認),另外一個叫作[TP_W520\SQL2014]。分別在兩個實例上運行。ok,接下來就是PowerShell 腳本了。app
#requires -version 3.0 add-type -assembly "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91"; #if Version-11.xx means sql server 2012 function Clone-SQLLogin { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] Param ( # Param1 help description [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [string[]] $ServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $OldLogin, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $NewLogin, [string] $NewPassword="", [string] $FilePath="", [switch] $Execute ) Begin { [string]$newUser=$newLogin.Substring($newLogin.IndexOf('\')+1); # if $newLogin is a Windows account, such as domain\username, since "\" is invalid in db user name, we need to remove it [hashtable[]] $hta = @(); # a hashtable array [hashtable] $h = @{}; if ( ($FilePath -ne "") -and (test-path -Path $FilePath)) { del -Path $filepath; } } Process { foreach ($sqlinstance in $ServerInstance) { $svr = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $sqlinstance; if ($svr.Edition -eq $null) { Write-warning "$sqlinstance cannot be connected"; continue; } [string]$str = ""; if (-not $WindowsLogin) { $str += "create login $($newLogin) with password='$($newPassword)'; `r`n" } else { $str += "create login $($newLogin) from windows;`r`n " } #find role membership for $login if ($svr.logins[$OldLogin] -ne $null) { $svr.logins[$oldLogin].ListMembers() | % {$str += "exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = '$($newLogin)', @rolename = '$($_)'; `r`n"};} else { Write-warning "$oldLogin does not exist on server [$($svr.name)] so this sql instance is skipped"; continue; } # find permission granted to $login $svr.EnumObjectPermissions($oldLogin) | % { if ($_.PermissionState -eq 'GrantWithGrant') {$str += "GRANT $($_.PermissionType) on $($_.ObjectClass)::[$($_.ObjectName)] to [$newLogin] WITH GRANT OPTION; `r`n"} else { $str += "$($_.PermissionState) $($_.PermissionType) on $($_.ObjectClass)::[$($_.ObjectName)] to [$newLogin]; `r`n"} } $svr.EnumServerPermissions($oldLogin) | % { if ($_.PermissionState -eq 'GrantWithGrant') { $str += "GRANT $($_.PermissionType) to [$newLogin] WITH GRANT OPTION; `r`n"} else { $str += "$($_.PermissionState) $($_.PermissionType) to [$newLogin]; `r`n" } } $h = @{Server=$sqlinstance; DBName = 'master'; sqlcmd = $str}; $hta += $h; #$str; $ObjPerms = @(); # store login mapped users in each db on $svr $Roles = @(); $DBPerms = @(); foreach ($itm in $svr.logins[$oldLogin].EnumDatabaseMappings()) { if ($svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Status -ne 'Normal') { continue;} if ($svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Users[$newUser] -eq $null) { $hta += @{Server=$sqlinstance; DBName = $itm.DBName; sqlcmd = "create user [$newUser] for login [$newLogin];`r`n" }; } $r = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Users[$itm.UserName].EnumRoles(); if ($r -ne $null) { $r | % { $hta += @{Server=$sqlinstance; DBName = $itm.DBName; sqlcmd = "exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='$_', @memberName='$($newUser)';`r`n" } } } $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].EnumDatabasePermissions($itm.UserName); if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName) if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p}; } $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Certificates | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} #AsymmetricKeys $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].AsymmetricKeys | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p}; } #SymmetricKeys $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].SymmetricKeys | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} #XMLSchemaCollections $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].XMLSchemaCollections | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} #service broker components $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.MessageTypes | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.Routes | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.ServiceContracts | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.Services | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} #Full text $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].FullTextCatalogs | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].FullTextStopLists | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p -ne $null) { $ObjPerms += @{DBName=$itm.DBName; Permission=$p};} } #generate t-sql to apply permission using SMO only #[string]$str = ([System.String]::Empty) foreach ($pr in $ObjPerms) { $h = @{Server=$sqlinstance; DBName=$($pr.DBName); sqlcmd=""}; $str = "" #"use $($pr.DBName) `r`n" foreach ($p in $pr.Permission) { [string]$op_state = $p.PermissionState; if ($p.ObjectClass -ne "ObjectOrColumn") { [string] $schema = ""; if ($p.ObjectSchema -ne $null) { $schema = "$($p.ObjectSchema)."} [string]$option = ""; if ($op_state -eq "GRANTwithGrant") { $op_state = 'GRANT'; $option = ' WITH GRANT OPTION'; } Switch ($p.ObjectClass) { 'Database' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'SqlAssembly' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Assembly::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'Schema' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON SCHEMA::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'UserDefinedType' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON TYPE::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'AsymmetricKey' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'SymmetricKey' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON SYMMETRIC KEY::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n";} 'Certificate' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Certificate::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'XmlNamespace' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'FullTextCatalog' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON FullText Catalog::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'FullTextStopList' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON FullText Stoplist::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'MessageType' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Message Type::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'ServiceContract' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Contract::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'ServiceRoute' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Route::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} 'Service' { $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Service::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n";} #you can add other stuff like Available Group etc in this switch block as well }#switch } else { [string]$col = "" #if grant is on column level, we need to capture it if ($p.ColumnName -ne $null) { $col = "($($p.ColumnName))"}; $str += "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Object::$($p.ObjectSchema).$($p.ObjectName) $col to [$newUser];`r`n"; }#else } #$str += "go`r`n"; $h.sqlcmd = $str; $hta += $h; } }#loop $ServerInstance } #process block End { [string] $sqlcmd = ""; if ($FilePath.Length -gt 3) # $FilePath is provided { [string]$servername=""; foreach ($h in $hta) { if ($h.Server -ne $Servername) { $ServerName=$h.Server; $sqlcmd += ":connect $servername `r`n" } $sqlcmd += "use $($h.DBName);`r`n" + $h.sqlcmd +"`r`ngo`r`n"; } $sqlcmd | out-file -FilePath $FilePath -Append ; } if ($Execute) { foreach ($h in $hta) { $server = new-object "Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server" $h.Server; $database = $server.databases[$h.DBName]; $database.ExecuteNonQuery($h.sqlcmd) } } #$Execute }#end block } #clone-sqllogin # test, change parameters to your own. The following creates a script about all permissions assigned to [Bobby] # Clone-SQLLogin -Server "$env:ComputerName", "$env:ComputerName\sql2014" -OldLogin Bobby -NewLogin Bobby -FilePath "c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql";
打開一個PowerShell ISE的窗口,複製、黏貼這個PS腳本到一個新的窗口,而後還須要取消最後一行的註釋(還有修改服務器參數的名稱:-Server parameter),接着運行腳本。運維
你將會看到一個新生成位於c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql 的腳本。而後在NotePad 中打開這個腳本,以下:dom
:connect TP_W520 use master; create login Bobby with password=''; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; Grant IMPERSONATE on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW DEFINITION on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER on Endpoint::[TSQL Default TCP] to [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL SERVER to [Bobby]; Grant CONNECT SQL to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW SERVER STATE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='TestRoleInTestA', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_securityadmin', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant CREATE TABLE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; Deny UPDATE ON Object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (a) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (d) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant REFERENCES ON Message Type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Deny ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; Grant EXECUTE ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Certificate::TestCert to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::ASymKey to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey1 to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey2 to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] Deny TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] go :connect TP_W520\sql2014 use master; create login Bobby with password=''; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; Grant IMPERSONATE on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW DEFINITION on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER on Endpoint::[TSQL Default TCP] to [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL SERVER to [Bobby]; Grant CONNECT SQL to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW SERVER STATE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='TestRoleInTestA', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_securityadmin', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant CREATE TABLE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; Deny UPDATE ON Object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (a) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (d) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant REFERENCES ON Message Type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Deny ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; Grant EXECUTE ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Certificate::TestCert to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::ASymKey to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey1 to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey2 to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] Deny TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] go
注意: 看到生成的腳本與咱們以前總結的有一點不一樣,由於受權的同時默認受權的了鏈接權限。不然,若是鏈接不被許可那麼第一步建立帳戶都不能實現。tcp
# clone [Bobby] to [Johnny] Clone-SQLLogin -Server $Env:ComputerName, "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2014" -OldLogin Bobby -NewLogin Johnny -NewPassword "P@s$w0Rd" -Execute; # generate a permission auditing script, change parameter valeus to your needs, make sure [OldLogin] and [NewLogin] are same. Clone-SQLLogin -Server $Env:ComputerName, "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2014" -OldLogin Johnny -NewLogin Johnny -FilePath "c:\temp\Johnny_perm.sql";
咱們能夠比較以前的c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql與新的c:\temp\Johnny_perm.sql 而後發現他們是徹底同樣的除了帳戶名稱。
查找並複製用戶的權限在SQLServer內是一個廣泛的任務。利用這個技巧咱們能夠建立一個高級的PowerShell 函數來作這個工做來處理多服務器的狀況,不必去分別到目標服務器去執行代碼。同時建議將這個PS腳本放到一個module中來正常使用,所以當你須要的時候只須要加在PS文件就能夠自動加載該功能了。
這個腳本適合我當前的工做,可是若是想進一步升級這個功能好比屬性列表和可利用羣組等權限則還須要進一步完善,同時要求數據庫是2012及其之後版本才能支持。因爲目前個人服務器還存在大量2008r2 全部我只能暫時忽略這些了。不過目前看也是夠用了。