import java.util.Date; public class Block { public String hash; public String previousHash; private String data; //our data will be a simple message. private long timeStamp; //as number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970. //Block Constructor. public Block(String data,String previousHash ) { this.data = data; this.previousHash = previousHash; this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); } }
正如你能夠看到咱們的基本塊包含String hash,它將保存咱們的數字簽名。變量previoushash保存前一個塊的hash和String data來保存咱們的塊數據數組
熟悉加密算法的朋友們,Java方式能夠實現的加密方式有不少,例如BASE、MD、RSA、SHA等等,我在這裏選用了SHA256這種加密方式,SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm)安全散列算法,這種算法的特色是數據的少許更改會在Hash值中產生不可預知的大量更改,hash值用做表示大量數據的固定大小的惟一值,而SHA256算法的hash值大小爲256位。之因此選用SHA256是由於它的大小正合適,一方面產生重複hash值的可能性很小,另外一方面在區塊鏈實際應用過程當中,有可能會產生大量的區塊,而使得信息量很大,那麼256位的大小就比較恰當了。安全
import java.security.MessageDigest; public class StringUtil { //Applies Sha256 to a string and returns the result. public static String applySha256(String input){ try { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); //Applies sha256 to our input, byte[] hash = digest.digest(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer(); // This will contain hash as hexidecimal for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & hash[i]); if(hex.length() == 1) hexString.append('0'); hexString.append(hex); } return hexString.toString(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
接下來讓咱們在Block類中應用 方法 applySha256 方法,其主要的目的就是計算hash值,咱們計算的hash值應該包括區塊中全部咱們不但願被惡意篡改的數據,在咱們上面所列的Block類中就必定包括previousHash,data和timeStamp,
public String calculateHash() { String calculatedhash = StringUtil.applySha256( previousHash + Long.toString(timeStamp) + data ); return calculatedhash; }
public Block(String data,String previousHash ) { this.data = data; this.previousHash = previousHash; this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); this.hash = calculateHash(); //Making sure we do this after we set the other values. }
第一個塊稱爲創世塊,由於它是頭區塊,因此咱們只需輸入「0」做爲前一個塊的previous hash。
public class NoobChain { public static void main(String[] args) { Block genesisBlock = new Block("Hi im the first block", "0"); System.out.println("Hash for block 1 : " + genesisBlock.hash); Block secondBlock = new Block("Yo im the second block",genesisBlock.hash); System.out.println("Hash for block 2 : " + secondBlock.hash); Block thirdBlock = new Block("Hey im the third block",secondBlock.hash); System.out.println("Hash for block 3 : " + thirdBlock.hash); } }
Hash for block 1: f6d1bc5f7b0016eab53ec022db9a5d9e1873ee78513b1c666696e66777fe55fb Hash for block 2: 6936612b3380660840f22ee6cb8b72ffc01dbca5369f305b92018321d883f4a3 Hash for block 3: f3e58f74b5adbd59a7a1fc68c97055d42e94d33f6c322d87b29ab20d3c959b8f
import java.util.ArrayList; import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; public class NoobChain { public static ArrayList<Block> blockchain = new ArrayList<Block>(); public static void main(String[] args) { //add our blocks to the blockchain ArrayList: blockchain.add(new Block("Hi im the first block", "0")); blockchain.add(new Block("Yo im the second block",blockchain.get(blockchain.size()-1).hash)); blockchain.add(new Block("Hey im the third block",blockchain.get(blockchain.size()-1).hash)); String blockchainJson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(blockchain); System.out.println(blockchainJson); } }
public static Boolean isChainValid() { Block currentBlock; Block previousBlock; //loop through blockchain to check hashes: for(int i=1; i < blockchain.size(); i++) { currentBlock = blockchain.get(i); previousBlock = blockchain.get(i-1); //compare registered hash and calculated hash: if(!currentBlock.hash.equals(currentBlock.calculateHash()) ){ System.out.println("Current Hashes not equal"); return false; } //compare previous hash and registered previous hash if(!previousBlock.hash.equals(currentBlock.previousHash) ) { System.out.println("Previous Hashes not equal"); return false; } } return true; }
在比特幣網絡中全部的網絡節點都分享了它們各自的區塊鏈,然而最長的有效區塊鏈是被全網所統一認可的,若是有人惡意來篡改以前的數據,而後建立一條更長的區塊鏈並全網發佈呈如今網絡中,咱們該怎麼辦呢?這就涉及到了區塊鏈中另一個重要的概念工做量證實,這裏就不得不說起一下hashcash,這個概念最先來自於Adam Back的一篇論文,主要應用於郵件過濾和比特幣中防止雙重支付。
import java.util.Date; public class Block { public String hash; public String previousHash; private String data; //our data will be a simple message. private long timeStamp; //as number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970. private int nonce; //Block Constructor. public Block(String data,String previousHash ) { this.data = data; this.previousHash = previousHash; this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); this.hash = calculateHash(); //Making sure we do this after we set the other values. } //Calculate new hash based on blocks contents public String calculateHash() { String calculatedhash = StringUtil.applySha256( previousHash + Long.toString(timeStamp) + Integer.toString(nonce) + data ); return calculatedhash; } public void mineBlock(int difficulty) { String target = new String(new char[difficulty]).replace('\0', '0'); //Create a string with difficulty * "0" while(!hash.substring( 0, difficulty).equals(target)) { nonce ++; hash = calculateHash(); } System.out.println("Block Mined!!! : " + hash); } }
咱們在NoobChain類 中增長difficulty這個靜態變量。
public static int difficulty = 5;
import java.util.ArrayList; import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; public class NoobChain { public static ArrayList<Block> blockchain = new ArrayList<Block>(); public static int difficulty = 5; public static void main(String[] args) { //add our blocks to the blockchain ArrayList: blockchain.add(new Block("Hi im the first block", "0")); System.out.println("Trying to Mine block 1... "); blockchain.get(0).mineBlock(difficulty); blockchain.add(new Block("Yo im the second block",blockchain.get(blockchain.size()-1).hash)); System.out.println("Trying to Mine block 2... "); blockchain.get(1).mineBlock(difficulty); blockchain.add(new Block("Hey im the third block",blockchain.get(blockchain.size()-1).hash)); System.out.println("Trying to Mine block 3... "); blockchain.get(2).mineBlock(difficulty); System.out.println("\nBlockchain is Valid: " + isChainValid()); String blockchainJson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(blockchain); System.out.println("\nThe block chain: "); System.out.println(blockchainJson); } public static Boolean isChainValid() { Block currentBlock; Block previousBlock; String hashTarget = new String(new char[difficulty]).replace('\0', '0'); //loop through blockchain to check hashes: for(int i=1; i < blockchain.size(); i++) { currentBlock = blockchain.get(i); previousBlock = blockchain.get(i-1); //compare registered hash and calculated hash: if(!currentBlock.hash.equals(currentBlock.calculateHash()) ){ System.out.println("Current Hashes not equal"); return false; } //compare previous hash and registered previous hash if(!previousBlock.hash.equals(currentBlock.previousHash) ) { System.out.println("Previous Hashes not equal"); return false; } //check if hash is solved if(!currentBlock.hash.substring( 0, difficulty).equals(hashTarget)) { System.out.println("This block hasn't been mined"); return false; } } return true; } }
Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket' Trying to Mine block 1... Block Mined!!! : 0000016667d4240e9c30f53015310b0ec6ce99032d7e1d66d670afc509cab082 Trying to Mine block 2... Block Mined!!! : 000002ea55735bea4cac7e358c7b0d8d81e8ca24021f5f85211bf54fd4ac795a Trying to Mine block 3... Block Mined!!! : 000000576987e5e9afbdf19b512b2b7d0c56db0e6ca49b3a7e638177f617994b Blockchain is Valid: true [ { "hash": "0000016667d4240e9c30f53015310b0ec6ce99032d7e1d66d670afc509cab082", "previousHash": "0", "data": "first", "timeStamp": 1520659506042, "nonce": 618139 }, { "hash": "000002ea55735bea4cac7e358c7b0d8d81e8ca24021f5f85211bf54fd4ac795a", "previousHash": "0000016667d4240e9c30f53015310b0ec6ce99032d7e1d66d670afc509cab082", "data": "second", "timeStamp": 1520659508825, "nonce": 1819877 }, { "hash": "000000576987e5e9afbdf19b512b2b7d0c56db0e6ca49b3a7e638177f617994b", "previousHash": "000002ea55735bea4cac7e358c7b0d8d81e8ca24021f5f85211bf54fd4ac795a", "data": "third", "timeStamp": 1520659515910, "nonce": 1404341 } ]