版本: zookeeper: zookeeper-3.4.12.tar.gz kafka: kafka_2.11-2.0.0.tgzjava
[root@thor zookeeper-3.4.12]# bin/zkCli.sh -server Connecting to 2018-09-12 14:24:21,455 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.12-e5259e437540f349646870ea94dc2658c4e44b3b, built on 03/27/2018 03:55 GMT 2018-09-12 14:24:21,460 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:host.name=Thor 2018-09-12 14:24:21,460 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_162 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.home=/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_10/jre 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.class.path=/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../build/classes:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../build/lib/*.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/netty-3.10.6.Final.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/jline-0.9.94.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../lib/audience-annotations-0.5.0.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../zookeeper-3.4.12.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../src/java/lib/*.jar:/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12/bin/../conf:/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_10/lib:/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib:/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_10/lib:/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib: 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.library.path=../lib:/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/tmp 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:java.compiler=<NA> 2018-09-12 14:24:21,462 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:os.name=Linux 2018-09-12 14:24:21,463 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:os.arch=amd64 2018-09-12 14:24:21,463 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:os.version=3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 2018-09-12 14:24:21,463 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:user.name=root 2018-09-12 14:24:21,463 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:user.home=/root 2018-09-12 14:24:21,463 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment@100] - Client environment:user.dir=/mnt/liudong/lean/zookeeper-3.4.12 2018-09-12 14:24:21,464 [myid:] - INFO [main:ZooKeeper@441] - Initiating client connection, connectString= sessionTimeout=30000 watcher=org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain$MyWatcher@4b85612c Welcome to ZooKeeper! 2018-09-12 14:24:21,492 [myid:] - INFO [main-SendThread($SendThread@1028] - Opening socket connection to server Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) JLine support is enabled 2018-09-12 14:24:21,559 [myid:] - INFO [main-SendThread($SendThread@878] - Socket connection established to, initiating session [zk: 0] 2018-09-12 14:24:21,596 [myid:] - INFO [main-SendThread($SendThread@1302] - Session establishment complete on server, sessionid = 0x100191eca480000, negotiated timeout = 30000 WATCHER:: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null [zk: 0] help ZooKeeper -server host:port cmd args stat path [watch] set path data [version] ls path [watch] delquota [-n|-b] path ls2 path [watch] setAcl path acl setquota -n|-b val path history redo cmdno printwatches on|off delete path [version] sync path listquota path rmr path get path [watch] create [-s] [-e] path data acl addauth scheme auth quit getAcl path close connect host:port [zk: 1] ls . Command failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path must start with / character [zk: 2] ls ./ Command failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path must start with / character [zk: 3] ls [zk: 4] ls / [zookeeper] [zk: 5] ls /zookeeper [quota] [zk: 6] create /zk_test mydata Created /zk_test [zk: 7] ls [zk: 8] ls [zk: 9] ls / [zookeeper, zk_test] [zk: 10] get /zk_test mydata cZxid = 0x2 ctime = Wed Sep 12 14:27:46 CST 2018 mZxid = 0x2 mtime = Wed Sep 12 14:27:46 CST 2018 pZxid = 0x2 cversion = 0 dataVersion = 0 aclVersion = 0 ephemeralOwner = 0x0 dataLength = 6 numChildren = 0 [zk: 11] set /zk_test junk cZxid = 0x2 ctime = Wed Sep 12 14:27:46 CST 2018 mZxid = 0x3 mtime = Wed Sep 12 14:28:36 CST 2018 pZxid = 0x2 cversion = 0 dataVersion = 1 aclVersion = 0 ephemeralOwner = 0x0 dataLength = 4 numChildren = 0 [zk: 12] get /zk_test junk cZxid = 0x2 ctime = Wed Sep 12 14:27:46 CST 2018 mZxid = 0x3 mtime = Wed Sep 12 14:28:36 CST 2018 pZxid = 0x2 cversion = 0 dataVersion = 1 aclVersion = 0 ephemeralOwner = 0x0 dataLength = 4 numChildren = 0 [zk: 13] delete /zk_test [zk: 14] ld / ZooKeeper -server host:port cmd args stat path [watch] set path data [version] ls path [watch] delquota [-n|-b] path ls2 path [watch] setAcl path acl setquota -n|-b val path history redo cmdno printwatches on|off delete path [version] sync path listquota path rmr path get path [watch] create [-s] [-e] path data acl addauth scheme auth quit getAcl path close connect host:port [zk: 15] ls / [zookeeper] [zk: 16] get /zookeeper cZxid = 0x0 ctime = Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970 mZxid = 0x0 mtime = Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970 pZxid = 0x0 cversion = -1 dataVersion = 0 aclVersion = 0 ephemeralOwner = 0x0 dataLength = 0 numChildren = 1 [zk: 17]
> bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties [2013-04-22 15:01:47,028] INFO Verifying properties (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties) [2013-04-22 15:01:47,051] INFO Property socket.send.buffer.bytes is overridden to 1048576 (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties) ...
[root@thor kafka_2.11-2.0.0]# bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test Created topic "test". [root@thor kafka_2.11-2.0.0]# bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 test
[root@thor kafka_2.11-2.0.0]# bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test >this is a test >this is a ^Hnothre test >this is anathor test >this is another test >hello >world >hehe >
[root@thor kafka_2.11-2.0.0]# bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning this is a test this is anothre test this is anathor test this is another test hello world world hehe
C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0>.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper.properties C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0>.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0\bin\windows>kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topic1992 C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0\bin\windows>kafka-topics.bat --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 C:\kafka_2.11-2.0.0\bin\windows>.\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic topic1992 --from-beginning