有些安全性不過重要的數據,我不想花大力氣搞一臺服務器,再安裝mysql或者 monogdb,再寫點rest接口。這也太麻煩了,瀏覽器裏原本就有很好用的數據庫。你爲何不嘗試一下呢?
方案 | 優勢 | 缺點 |
localStorage | 簡單易用,同步操做 | 存儲容量小,通常不超過10MB |
indexDB | 接口都是異步的,操做不便 | 容量比localStorage大 |
若是要使用localStorage,那麼存儲量比較小。若是是用indexDB,那麼最好找點開源庫,直接封裝友好的API, 來方便咱們使用indexDB。html5
離線存儲, 提供強大的API封裝IndexedDB,WebSQL,localStorage
localforage.setItem('key', 'value', function (err) { // if err is non-null, we got an error localforage.getItem('key', function (err, value) { // if err is non-null, we got an error. otherwise, value is the value }); });
專業封裝 IndexedDB
const db = new Dexie('MyDatabase'); // Declare tables, IDs and indexes db.version(1).stores({ friends: '++id, name, age' }); // Find some old friends await db.friends .where('age') .above(75) .toArray(); // or make a new one await db.friends.add({ name: 'Camilla', age: 25, street: 'East 13:th Street', picture: await getBlob('camilla.png') });
給HTML5 IndexedDB 封裝相似mongodb相似接口, 若是你熟悉mongodb, 那必定會用zangodb
let db = new zango.Db('mydb', { people: ['age'] }); let people = db.collection('people'); let docs = [ { name: 'Frank', age: 20 }, { name: 'Thomas', age: 33 }, { name: 'Todd', age: 33 }, { name: 'John', age: 28 }, { name: 'Peter', age: 33 }, { name: 'George', age: 28 } ]; people.insert(docs).then(() => { return people.find({ name: { $ne: 'John' }, age: { $gt: 20 } }).group({ _id: { age: '$age' }, count: { $sum: 1 } }).project({ _id: 0, age: '$_id.age' }).sort({ age: -1 }).forEach(doc => console.log('doc:', doc)); }).catch(error => console.error(error));
使用相似 sql的接口操做 indexDB
var value = { column1: value1, column2: value2, column3: value3, ... columnN: valueN }; connection.insert({ into: "TABLE_NAME", values: [Value], //you can insert multiple values at a time }).then(function(rowsAffected) { if (rowsAffected > 0) { alert('Successfully Added'); } }).catch(function(error) { alert(error.message); });
// Require minimongo var minimongo = require("minimongo"); var LocalDb = minimongo.MemoryDb; // Create local db (in memory database with no backing) db = new LocalDb(); // Add a collection to the database db.addCollection("animals"); doc = { species: "dog", name: "Bingo" }; // Always use upsert for both inserts and modifies db.animals.upsert(doc, function() { // Success: // Query dog (with no query options beyond a selector) db.animals.findOne({ species:"dog" }, {}, function(res) { console.log("Dog's name is: " + res.name); }); });
var db = new PouchDB('dbname'); db.put({ _id: 'dave@gmail.com', name: 'David', age: 69 }); db.changes().on('change', function() { console.log('Ch-Ch-Changes'); }); db.replicate.to('http://example.com/mydb');
小型json數據庫,瀏覽器端基於localStorage, lodash風格的接口,讓它很是可愛😊
import low from 'lowdb' import LocalStorage from 'lowdb/adapters/LocalStorage' const adapter = new LocalStorage('db') const db = low(adapter) db.defaults({ posts: [] }) .write() // Data is automatically saved to localStorage db.get('posts') .push({ title: 'lowdb' }) .write()