這裏是WMP的版本ClassID,從WMP7後ID就成了clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6,以前的6.4爲clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95,可是以前的版本仍是能夠用的,只不過新功能用不了罷了。 下面這個是具體的版本號,你能夠對比一下你如今的是什麼版本。 版本號 Windows Media Player (WMP) 的版本 ---------------------------------------------------------------- WMP 5.2 Beta WMP 5.2 6.02.902 WMP 6.0 WMP 6.0 Internet Explorer 5 RC0 Beta WMP 6.0 WMP 6.2 Beta WMP 6.4 6.4.6.* WMP 6.4 for Windows 2000 Beta WMP 6.4,具備多位速率 (MBR) 更新,用於Internet Explorer WMP 6.4,具備 MBR 更新(在 的基礎上對錯誤消息進行了較小更新) 6.4.9.* WMP 6.4,僅用於 Windows 2000 WMP 7 WMP 7 更新 WMP 7,更新了安裝程序 WMP 7,用於 Windows Millennium Edition (Me) WMP 7.1 WMP for Windows XP WMP 9 系列,用於 Windows XP、Windows 98 Second Edition、Windows Me 和 Windows 2000 WMP 9 系列,用於 Windows Server 2003 WMP 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 官方的插入方式真夠簡單的,我都有點想踹他們兩腳,下面是具體參數在不一樣瀏覽器的可用性,這個東東真是太有用了,好多參數用了不得做用,我都測試的快瘋了,一看這個列表,原來人家壓根不支持,暈... PARAM name Internet Explorer Firefox with mime type application/x-ms-wmp Firefox with any other mime type autoStart yes yes yes balance yes yes yes baseURL yes yes yes captioningID yes yes yes currentMarker yes yes yes currentPosition yes yes yes defaultFrame yes no no enableContextMenu yes yes yes enabled yes yes yes enableErrorDialogs yes yes no fileName no yes yes fullScreen yes no no invokeURLs yes no no mute yes yes yes playCount yes yes no rate yes yes yes SAMIFileName yes yes yes SAMILang yes yes yes SAMIStyle yes yes yes SRC no yes yes stretchToFit yes yes no URL yes yes yes volume yes yes yes windowlessVideo yes yes yes 參數的默認值: Parameter Default Description AudioStream true AutoSize true AutoStart true Sets if the player should start automatically AnimationAtStart true Sets if an animation should show while the file loads AllowScan true AllowChangeDisplaySize true AutoRewind false Balance false BaseURL BufferingTime 5 CaptioningID ClickToPlay true Sets if the player should start when the user clicks in the play area CursorType false CurrentPosition true CurrentMarker false DefaultFrame DisplayBackColor false DisplayForeColor 16777215 DisplayMode false DisplaySize false Enabled true EnableContextMenu true EnablePositionControls true EnableFullScreenControls false EnableTracker true Filename URL The URL of the file to play InvokeURLs true Language true Mute false PlayCount 1 PreviewMode false Rate 1 SAMILang SAMIStyle SAMIFileName SelectionStart true SelectionEnd true SendOpenStateChangeEvents true SendWarningEvents true SendErrorEvents true SendKeyboardEvents false SendMouseClickEvents false SendMouseMoveEvents false SendPlayStateChangeEvents true ShowCaptioning false ShowControls true Sets if the player controls should show ShowAudioControls true Sets if the audio controls should show ShowDisplay false Sets if the display should show ShowGotoBar false Sets if the GotoBar should show ShowPositionControls true ShowStatusBar false ShowTracker true TransparantAtStart false VideoBorderWidth false VideoBorderColor false VideoBorder3D false Volume -200 WindowlessVideo false 可能你最想知道的是怎麼用程序(我偏向用JS)來控制WMP的播放、中止、快進吧,看看這裏吧,http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd564034%28VS.85%29.aspx,有詳細的說明和例子。(英文的)瀏覽器