This post describes work appearing at CSCW
Many online activities today involve interacting with other people, and these interactions are often dictated by social norms – unspoken rules that classify socially acceptable behavior. Whether intentional or otherwise, people sometimes break these rules. Behavior that goes against established norms is called deviant behavior, and in many cases is assumed to be negative. In online communities, deviant behavior is commonly believed to be harmful, and is expected to drive users to leave the community. For example, intentionally incorrect responses on a question and answer site may discourage new users from asking questions. Our work looks at patterns of player behavior in an online game. We build a metric to predict a specific kind of deviant behavior, toxicity, and we use this metric to examine whether deviant behavior causes other players to quitless
We look at deviant behavior in the popular online game League of Legends. League of Legends is a competitive multiplayer game where two teams of five players compete to destroy the other team’s base. Each player controls a single character, and every character has unique abilities which, when used skillfully, can help the player’s team overcome an enemy team. If you’ve never played League of Legends, check out this four-minute introduction video from League’s developer, Riot
Deviant behavior in League of Legends is a known problem. Riot has addressed it with several interventions, such as rallying the community behind a common code of conduct and using social psychology techniques to subtly influence player behavior. Problematic deviant behaviors in League of Legends manifest in several ways: A player could verbally abuse other players, quit a match early or help the enemy team win. Riot is specifically concerned with some of these behaviors, which they call 「toxicity.」 In their talk last Spring, they define toxicity as any behavior that negatively impacts other players’ experiences. You can see more on Riot’s efforts to influence player behavior in their GDC2013 talk.ui
Using data donated by Duowan (the creators of a popular Chinese add-on for League of Legends) we analyzed 18 million matches across three months. The add-on allows players to give feedback to their teammates. From recorded social and match data, we built a metric called toxicity index. Toxicity index is a ratio between 「thumbs up」 and 「thumbs down」 scores, used to identify players with consistently negative feedback. A higher toxicity index means a player was given lots of negative feedback by their peers. Similar to the 「report a player」 feature built in to League of Legends, thumbs down messages are strongly associated with toxic behavior in the game.this
Toxicity Index
Once we were able to identify toxic players, we found several common correlations with toxicity index:spa
- Ranked matches are more competitive matches which have a public-facing rating. Players in ranked matches often had a higher toxicity index than players in normal matches. 排位賽比普通匹配中更容易出現低分評價、負面評價和惡意行爲
- Different character roles predicted different levels of toxicity. 不一樣英雄角色的負面評價不一樣
- Playing characters with lots of damage-dealing abilities (carries and bruisers) usually predicted players with higher toxicity indexes. Carry位和中單一般負面評價較高
Different character roles predicted different levels of toxicity.code
Playing characters with lots of damage-dealing abilities (carries and bruisers) usually predicted players with higher toxicity indexes. Carry和中單一般負面評價較高
Playing characters with abilities that promote teamwork (supports and tanks) usually predicted players with lower toxicity indexes. 輔助和tank一般負面評價較高