<!-- 根據條件查詢知足條件的ID集合開始 --> <select id="getQuestionsIdsForExamPaper" resultType="java.lang.String" parameterType="hashmap"> select questionId from questions <where> <include refid="query_questionIds_where"></include> </where> </select> <!-- 查詢試題ID的條件 --> <sql id="query_questionIds_where"> <if test="type!=null"> and type=#{type} </if> <if test="level!=null"> and level=#{level} </if> <!-- 知識點 --> <if test="konwledges!=null"> and knowledgeType in <foreach collection="konwledges" item="knowledge" separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{knowledge} </foreach> </if> <if test="num!=null"> ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT #{num} </if> </sql>
// 測試查詢ID集合 @Test public void test3() throws SQLException { Map<String, Object> condition = new HashMap<String, Object>(); condition.put("type", "單選題"); condition.put("level", 1); condition.put("num", 3); List<String> konwledges = new ArrayList<String>(); konwledges.add("安全生產管理知識"); konwledges.add("電力安全規程制度"); condition.put("num", 3); condition.put("konwledges", konwledges); List<String> IDs = questionsCustomMapper.getQuestionsIdsForExamPaper(condition); System.out.println(IDs.size()); }
<select id="listFirstChargeReport" resultType="map" parameterType="map"> SELECT user_name,gmt_created, '1' AS 當天 <foreach collection="syncDates" item="syncDate" index="indexNum" open="," separator=","> IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '${syncDate}'),'-') AS 第${indexNum + 1}天 </foreach> FROM first_charge c WHERE gmt_created LIKE '${gmtCreated}%' </select>
Map<String, Object> tmpCondition = new HashMap<>(); tmpCondition.put("gmtCreated", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); List<String> syncDates = getDates(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd"), 15); tmpCondition.put("syncDates", syncDates); private List<String> getDates(String dateStr, int i) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); try { Date parseDate = DateUtils.parseDate(dateStr, "yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(parseDate); while (i > 0) { calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); i--; Date time = calendar.getTime(); String formatedTime = DateFormatUtils.format(time, "yyyy-MM-dd"); result.add(formatedTime); } } catch (ParseException e) { // ignore } return result; }
SELECT user_name,gmt_created, '1' AS 當天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-09-05'),'-') AS 第1天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-09-04'),'-') AS 第2天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-09-03'),'-') AS 第3天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-09-02'),'-') AS 第4天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-09-01'),'-') AS 第5天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-31'),'-') AS 第6天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-30'),'-') AS 第7天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-29'),'-') AS 第8天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-28'),'-') AS 第9天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-27'),'-') AS 第10天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-26'),'-') AS 第11天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-25'),'-') AS 第12天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-24'),'-') AS 第13天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-23'),'-') AS 第14天 , IFNULL((SELECT CASE WHEN bet_amount + 0 > 0 THEN '1' END FROM member m WHERE m.user_name = c.user_name AND sync_Date = '2019-08-22'),'-') AS 第15天 FROM first_charge c WHERE gmt_created LIKE '2019-09-06%' LIMIT ?