- Download the latest rpmforge-release rpm from
wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
- Install rpmforge-release rpm:
rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
- Install nload rpm package:
yum install -y nload
II. 使用
nload -h Options: -a period Sets the length in seconds of the time window for average calculation. 平均計算時間長度 Default is 300. -i max_scaling Specifies the 100% mark in kBit/s of the graph indicating the incoming bandwidth usage. Ignored if max_scaling is 0 or the switch -m is given. 指定入口流量最大值 單位是kBit/s Default is 10240. -m Show multiple devices at a time; no traffic graphs. 同時顯示多個設備統計信息 -o max_scaling Same as -i but for the graph indicating the outgoing bandwidth usage. 和-i相同,可是是出口流量 Default is 10240. -t interval Determines the refresh interval of the display in milliseconds. 刷新間隔 Default is 500. -u h|b|k|m|g Sets the type of unit used for the display of traffic numbers. H|B|K|M|G h: auto, b: Bit/s, k: kBit/s, m: MBit/s etc. H: auto, B: Byte/s, K: kByte/s, M: MByte/s etc. 顯示單位 Default is h. -U h|b|k|m|g Same as -u, but for a total amount of data (without "/s"). H|B|K|M|G Default is H. 和-u相同,可是爲總流量 devices Network devices to use. 指定網卡 Default is to use all auto-detected devices. --help -h Print this help. example: nload -t 200 -i 1024 -o 128 -U M The options above can also be changed at run time by pressing the 'F2' key. 運行時使用F2能夠查看此頁
nload -t 200 -i 1024 -o 128 -U M
nload eth0
nload -m