首先咱們有必要介紹一下etch。 css
etch是atom團隊下的開源項目,是一套很是簡潔然而功能十分完善的virtualDOM機制。我在偶然的狀況下接觸到了這個開源項目,在讀README時爲它簡潔的設計而驚歎,而在閱讀源碼的過程當中也爲它巧妙的實現而讚歎。 node
我將我的對etch源碼的實踐和理解寫成了一個項目,地址爲源碼解讀地址 git
我的建議是直接去我這個項目看,我在項目中整理的總體的流程,也對具體的代碼添加的筆記,應該很好懂,不過,若是你只是想簡單瞭解一下,那麼能夠繼續看這篇文章。 github
正常來講咱們應該從index.js開始看,可是index.js只是負責將函數彙總了一下,因此咱們從真正的開始——component-helpers文件的initialize函數開始。 segmentfault
/** @jsx etch.dom */ const etch = require('etch') class MyComponent { // Required: Define an ordinary constructor to initialize your component. constructor (props, children) { // perform custom initialization here... // then call `etch.initialize`: etch.initialize(this) } // Required: The `render` method returns a virtual DOM tree representing the // current state of the component. Etch will call `render` to build and update // the component's associated DOM element. Babel is instructed to call the // `etch.dom` helper in compiled JSX expressions by the `@jsx` pragma above. render () { return <div></div> } // Required: Update the component with new properties and children. update (props, children) { // perform custom update logic here... // then call `etch.update`, which is async and returns a promise return etch.update(this) } // Optional: Destroy the component. Async/await syntax is pretty but optional. async destroy () { // call etch.destroy to remove the element and destroy child components await etch.destroy(this) // then perform custom teardown logic here... } }
function initialize(component) { if (typeof component.update !== 'function') { throw new Error('Etch components must implement `update(props, children)`.') } let virtualNode = component.render() if (!isValidVirtualNode(virtualNode)) { let namePart = component.constructor && component.constructor.name ? ' in ' + component.constructor.name : '' throw new Error('invalid falsy value ' + virtualNode + ' returned from render()' + namePart) } applyContext(component, virtualNode) component.refs = {} component.virtualNode = virtualNode component.element = render(component.virtualNode, { refs: component.refs, listenerContext: component }) }
如下是.babelrc配置文件內容 { "presets": ["env"], "plugins": [ ["transform-react-jsx", { "pragma": "etch.dom" // default pragma is React.createElement }],"transform-object-rest-spread","transform-regenerator" ] }
function dom (tag, props, ...children) { let ambiguous = [] //這裏其實就是我以前在bl寫的flatternChildren,做用就是對children進行一些處理,將數組或者是字符串轉化爲真正的vnode for (let i = 0; i < children.length;) { const child = children[i] switch (typeof child) { case 'string': case 'number': children[i] = {text: child} i++ break; case 'object': if (Array.isArray(child)) { children.splice(i, 1, ...child) } else if (!child) { children.splice(i, 1) } else { if (!child.context) { ambiguous.push(child) if (child.ambiguous && child.ambiguous.length) { ambiguous = ambiguous.concat(child.ambiguous) } } i++ } break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid child node: ${child}`) } } //對於props進行處理,props包括全部在jsx上的屬性 if (props) { for (const propName in props) { const eventName = EVENT_LISTENER_PROPS[propName] //處理事件掛載 if (eventName) { if (!props.on) props.on = {} props.on[eventName] = props[propName] } } //處理css類掛載 if (props.class) { props.className = props.class } } return {tag, props, children, ambiguous} }
unction render (virtualNode, options) { let domNode if (virtualNode.text != null) { domNode = document.createTextNode(virtualNode.text) } else { const {tag, children} = virtualNode let {props, context} = virtualNode if (context) { options = {refs: context.refs, listenerContext: context} } if (typeof tag === 'function') { let ref if (props && props.ref) { ref = props.ref } const component = new tag(props || {}, children) virtualNode.component = component domNode = component.element // console.log(domNode,"!!!",virtualNode) if (typeof ref === "function") { ref(component) } else if (options && options.refs && ref) { options.refs[ref] = component } } else if (SVG_TAGS.has(tag)) { domNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tag); if (children) addChildren(domNode, children, options) if (props) updateProps(domNode, null, virtualNode, options) } else { domNode = document.createElement(tag) if (children) addChildren(domNode, children, options) if (props) updateProps(domNode, null, virtualNode, options) } } virtualNode.domNode = domNode return domNode }
function update (component, replaceNode=true) { if (syncUpdatesInProgressCounter > 0) { updateSync(component, replaceNode) return Promise.resolve() } //這是一個能夠完成異步的機制 let scheduler = getScheduler() //經過這個判斷保證了再一次DOM實質性更新完成以前不會再次觸發 if (!componentsWithPendingUpdates.has(component)) { componentsWithPendingUpdates.add(component) scheduler.updateDocument(function () { componentsWithPendingUpdates.delete(component) //而根據這個咱們能夠很清楚的發現真正的更新仍是靠同步版update updateSync(component, replaceNode) }) } return scheduler.getNextUpdatePromise() }
function updateSync (component, replaceNode=true) { if (!isValidVirtualNode(component.virtualNode)) { throw new Error(`${component.constructor ? component.constructor.name + ' instance' : component} is not associated with a valid virtualNode. Perhaps this component was never initialized?`) } if (component.element == null) { throw new Error(`${component.constructor ? component.constructor.name + ' instance' : component} is not associated with a DOM element. Perhaps this component was never initialized?`) } let newVirtualNode = component.render() if (!isValidVirtualNode(newVirtualNode)) { const namePart = component.constructor && component.constructor.name ? ' in ' + component.constructor.name : '' throw new Error('invalid falsy value ' + newVirtualNode + ' returned from render()' + namePart) } applyContext(component, newVirtualNode) syncUpdatesInProgressCounter++ let oldVirtualNode = component.virtualNode let oldDomNode = component.element let newDomNode = patch(oldVirtualNode, newVirtualNode, { refs: component.refs, listenerContext: component }) component.virtualNode = newVirtualNode if (newDomNode !== oldDomNode && !replaceNode) { throw new Error('The root node type changed on update, but the update was performed with the replaceNode option set to false') } else { component.element = newDomNode } // We can safely perform additional writes after a DOM update synchronously, // but any reads need to be deferred until all writes are completed to avoid // DOM thrashing. Requested reads occur at the end of the the current frame // if this method was invoked via the scheduler. Otherwise, if `updateSync` // was invoked outside of the scheduler, the default scheduler will defer // reads until the next animation frame. if (typeof component.writeAfterUpdate === 'function') { component.writeAfterUpdate() } if (typeof component.readAfterUpdate === 'function') { getScheduler().readDocument(function () { component.readAfterUpdate() }) } syncUpdatesInProgressCounter-- }
unction destroySync (component, removeNode=true) { syncDestructionsInProgressCounter++ destroyChildComponents(component.virtualNode) if (syncDestructionsInProgressCounter === 1 && removeNode) component.element.remove() syncDestructionsInProgressCounter-- } /** * 若爲組件直接摧毀,不然摧毀子元素中爲組件的部分 * @param {*} virtualNode */ function destroyChildComponents(virtualNode) { if (virtualNode.component && typeof virtualNode.component.destroy === 'function') { virtualNode.component.destroy() } else if (virtualNode.children) { virtualNode.children.forEach(destroyChildComponents) } }
到這裏咱們就走徹底部流程了。這就是一套etch virtualNode,很簡單,頗有趣,很巧妙。