9.04 「安卓設計」

  • 活動類型:公益活動(報名請點擊下方原文連接)前端

  • 開始時間:2013-9-4 19:00 至 2013-9-4 21:00 商定android

  • 活動地點:上海市靜安區銅仁路258號EF教育總部1樓(靜安寺地鐵站下來)微信

  • 參會人:前端設計人員、開發者、產品經理、市場人員、諮詢顧問、心理學專家、創業者及關注互聯網愛好者

  • 活動形式:視頻(英文)+交流(中文)ide


     本沙龍是免費活動,但因爲場地有限 並免費提供皮薩,飲料等美食。須要各位改變世界的你提早報名,敬請諒解。spa

     Want to enchant people, simplify their lives, and make them feel amazing with your app? Learn how Android's Design Principles can help you create products that resonate with people. Find out about the meaning and research behind the principles. See real-world examples and practices from the Android Design team. Discover techniques for applying the principles in your daily work. No design experience necessary.


視頻講師介紹: orm

Rachel Garb

  • Rachel leads interaction design for Android apps at Google. She co-authored Android's design principles and is a frequent contributor to the Android Design Guide. Before joining Google, she worked at TiVo, AOL, IBM, and several startups.

  • Helena Roeber

~Helena established Android’s user-centered research program and built a world class team as head of Android’s UX Research team from its beginnings through 2012. She is the co-author of Android’s design principles.

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