<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: liuxiang * Date: 16/7/20 * Time: 17:29 */ class TestIterator { /** * @var string */ public $name = 'PHP'; /** * @var string */ public $address = 'php.net'; /** * @var string */ protected $sex = 'man'; /** * @var int */ private $age = 20; } $testIterator = new TestIterator(); foreach ($testIterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; }
name:PHP address:php.net
public function unAccessIterator() { echo 'Iterator the unaccess fields:'.PHP_EOL; foreach ($this as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; } }
Iterator the unaccess fields: name:PHP address:php.net sex:man age:20
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: liuxiang * Date: 16/7/20 * Time: 17:29 */ class TestIterator implements Iterator{ /** * @var string */ public $name = 'PHP'; /** * @var string */ public $address = 'php.net'; /** * @var string */ protected $sex = 'man'; /** * @var int */ private $age = 20; /** * @var array */ private $composerPackage; public function __construct($composerPackage = []) { $this->composerPackage = $composerPackage; } public function unAccessIterator() { echo 'Iterator the unaccess fields:'.PHP_EOL; foreach ($this as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; } } /** * Return the current element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return mixed Can return any type. * @since 5.0.0 */ public function current() { // TODO: Implement current() method. echo 'Return the current element:'.PHP_EOL; return current($this->composerPackage); } /** * Move forward to next element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. * @since 5.0.0 */ public function next() { // TODO: Implement next() method. echo 'Move forward to next element:'.PHP_EOL; return next($this->composerPackage); } /** * Return the key of the current element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.key.php * @return mixed scalar on success, or null on failure. * @since 5.0.0 */ public function key() { // TODO: Implement key() method. echo 'Return the key of the current element:'.PHP_EOL; return key($this->composerPackage); } /** * Checks if current position is valid * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.valid.php * @return boolean The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated. * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @since 5.0.0 */ public function valid() { // TODO: Implement valid() method. echo 'Checks if current position is valid:'.PHP_EOL; return current($this->composerPackage) !== false; } /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.rewind.php * @return void Any returned value is ignored. * @since 5.0.0 */ public function rewind() { // TODO: Implement rewind() method. echo 'Rewind the Iterator to the first element:'.PHP_EOL; reset($this->composerPackage); } } /* $testIterator = new TestIterator(); foreach ($testIterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; } $testIterator->unAccessIterator();*/ $testIterator = new TestIterator([ 'symfony/http-foundation', 'symfony/http-kernel', 'guzzle/guzzle', 'monolog/monolog' ]); foreach ($testIterator as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; }
Rewind the Iterator to the first element: Checks if current position is valid: Return the current element: Return the key of the current element: 0:symfony/http-foundation Move forward to next element: Checks if current position is valid: Return the current element: Return the key of the current element: 1:symfony/http-kernel Move forward to next element: Checks if current position is valid: Return the current element: Return the key of the current element: 2:guzzle/guzzle Move forward to next element: Checks if current position is valid: Return the current element: Return the key of the current element: 3:monolog/monolog Move forward to next element: Checks if current position is valid:
class TestCollection implements IteratorAggregate{ ... /** * @var array */ private $composerPackage; ... /** * Retrieve an external iterator * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iteratoraggregate.getiterator.php * @return Traversable An instance of an object implementing <b>Iterator</b> or * <b>Traversable</b> * @since 5.0.0 */ public function getIterator() { // TODO: Implement getIterator() method. return new ArrayIterator($this->composerPackage); } } $testCollection = new TestCollection([ 'symfony/http-foundation', 'symfony/http-kernel', 'guzzle/guzzle', 'monolog/monolog' ]); foreach ($testCollection as $key => $value) { echo $key.':'.$value.PHP_EOL; }
0:symfony/http-foundation 1:symfony/http-kernel 2:guzzle/guzzle 3:monolog/monolog