#!/usr/bin/lua dev = arg[1] local sys = require "luci.sys" local utl = require "luci.util" local iw = luci.sys.wifi.getiwinfo(dev) function scanlist(times) local i, k, v local l = { } local s = { } for i = 1, times do for k, v in ipairs(iw.scanlist or { }) do if not s[v.bssid] then l[#l+1] = v s[v.bssid] = true end end end return l end function format_wifi_encryption(info) if info.wep == true then return "WEP" elseif info.wpa > 0 then return string.format("Pairwise: %s / Group: %s >%s - %s", table.concat(info.pair_ciphers, ", "), table.concat(info.group_ciphers, ", "), (info.wpa == 3) and string.format("mixed WPA/WPA2") or (info.wpa == 2 and "WPA2" or "WPA"), table.concat(info.auth_suites, ", ") ) elseif info.enabled then return unknown else return open end end for i, net in ipairs(scanlist(3)) do net.encryption = net.encryption or { } print("channel:",net.channel); print("ssid:",net.ssid); print("bssid:",net.bssid); print("Mode:",net.mode); wep=net.encryption.wep and 1 or 0 print("Encryption:",format_wifi_encryption(net.encryption)); print(""); end
root@OPENWRT:~# ./scanwifi.lua radio0spa
root@OPENWRT:~# ./scanwifi.lua radio1code