RPM Spec File Reference

Spec File Reference


  • Name: is used to define the name of the software being packaged.
  • Version: defines the version of the software being packaged.
  • Release: can be thought of as the package's version.
  • %description describe the packages intended use.
  • Summary: is used to define a one-line description of the packaged software.
  • Copyright: is used to define the copyright terms applicable to the software being packaged.
  • Distribution: is used to define a group of packages, of which this package is a part.
  • Icon: is used to name a file containing an icon representing the packaged software.
  • Vendor: is used to define the name of the entity that is responsible for packaging the software.
  • URL: is used to define a URL that can be used to obtain additional information about the packaged software.
  • Group: is used to group packages together by the types of functionality they provide.
  • Packager: is used to hold the name and contact information for the person or persons who built the package.
  • Requires: is used to alert RPM to the fact that the package needs to have certain capabilities available in order to operate properly.
  • Serial: is used to define a serial number for a package. This is only necessary if RPM is unable to determine the ordering of a package's version numbers.
  • Conflicts: is used to alert RPM to the fact that the package is not compatible with other packages.
  • AutoReqProv: is used to control the automatic dependency processing performed when the package is being built.
    • To disable automatic dependency processing, add the following line: AutoReqProv: no
  • ExcludeArch: is used to direct RPM to ensure that the package does not attempt to build on the excluded architecture(s).
  • ExclusiveArch: is used to direct RPM to ensure the package is only built on the specified architecture(s).
  • ExcludeOs: is used to direct RPM to ensure that the package does not attempt to build on the excluded operating system(s).
  • ExclusiveOs: is used to denote which operating system(s) should only be be permitted to build the package.
  • Prefix: is used to define part of the path RPM will use when installing the package's files.
  • BuildArch: is used to define the architecture of the intended install target.
  • BuildRoot: is used to define an alternate build root, where the software will be installed during the build process.
  • Source: is used to define the filename of the sources to be packaged.
  • NoSource: is used to alert RPM to the fact that one or more source files should be excluded from the source package file.
  • Patch: is used to define the name of a patch file to be applied to the package's sources.
  • NoPatch: is used to alert RPM to the fact that one or more patch files should be excluded from the source package file.
  • %files list indicates to RPM which files on the build system are to be packaged.


  • %prep is executed first during an rpm build (creating an rpm).
  • %build is the second scriptlet executed during an rpm build.
  • %install does whatever is necessary to actually install the newly built software.
  • %clean as the name implies, is used to clean up the software's build directory tree.
  • %pre executes just before the package is to be installed.
  • %post executes after the package has been installed.
  • %preun executes just before the package is to be erased.
  • %postun executes after the package has been erased.
  • %verifyscript executes whenever the installed package is verified by RPM's verification command.


  • %setup is used to unpack the original sources, in preparation for the build.
  • %patch as its name implies, is used to apply patches to the unpacked sources.

File-related Directives

  • %doc flags the filename(s) that follow, as being documentation.
  • %config is used to flag the specified file as being a configuration file.
  • %attr permits finer control over three key file attributes: mode, uid, gid
  • %verify can control which of 9 file attributes are to be checked when an RPM verification is done.
  • %docdir is used to add a directory to the list of directories that will contain documentation.
  • %dir RPM will package only the directory itself.
  • %package is used to permit the creation of more than one package per spec file and can appear at any point in the spec file.


  • %ifarch is used to begin a section of the spec file that is architecture-specific.
  • %ifnarch is used in a similar fashion to %ifarch, except that the logic is reversed.
  • %ifos is used to control RPM's spec file processing based on the build system's operating system.
  • %ifnos is the logical complement to %ifos
  • %else is placed between a %if conditional of some persuasion, and a %endif.
  • %endif is used to end a conditional block of spec file statements.