關於重載 Overloading,最基本的是根據如下兩個特性:html
UB_stack a; UB_stack b = a; // copy
auto c = a; auto d {a}; // (or auto d = {a}), deduced type is std::initializer_list
今日一樂:爲什麼感受到了Scott對chinese edition是黑白版本的好奇和無奈。this
Goto: C++ 重載運算符和重載函數spa
雙目算術運算符 | + (加),-(減),*(乘),/(除),% (取模) |
關係運算符 | ==(等於),!= (不等於),< (小於),> (大於>,<=(小於等於),>=(大於等於) |
邏輯運算符 | ||(邏輯或),&&(邏輯與),!(邏輯非) |
單目運算符 | + (正),-(負),*(指針),&(取地址) |
自增自減運算符 | ++(自增),--(自減) |
位運算符 | | (按位或),& (按位與),~(按位取反),^(按位異或),,<< (左移),>>(右移) |
賦值運算符 | =, +=, -=, *=, /= , % = , &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>= |
空間申請與釋放 | new, delete, new[ ] , delete[] |
其餘運算符 | ()(函數調用),->(成員訪問),,(逗號),[](下標) |
成員訪問運算符 | . |
成員指針訪問運算符 | .*, ->* |
域運算符 | :: |
長度運算符 | sizeof |
條件運算符 | ? |
預處理符號 | # |
序號 | 運算符和實例 |
1 | 一元運算符重載 |
2 | 二元運算符重載 |
3 | 關係運算符重載 |
4 | 輸入/輸出運算符重載 |
5 | ++ 和 -- 運算符重載 |
6 | 賦值運算符重載 |
7 | 函數調用運算符 () 重載 |
8 | 下標運算符 [] 重載 |
9 | 類成員訪問運算符 -> 重載 |
重載符號: ==code
// 申明關鍵字
class person{ private: int age; public: person(int a){ this->age=a; }
inline bool operator == (const person &ps) const; };
// 實現方式以下 inline bool person::operator == (const person &ps) const { if (this->age==ps.age) // 這裏的this看上去是「符號」左邊的類 return true; return false; }
// 調用方式以下 #include using namespace std; int main() { person p1(10); person p2(20); if(p1==p2) cout<<」the age is equal!」< return 0; }
重載符號: >>, <<, +, +=
包括:(1) 輸入輸出;(2) 自增自減;(3) 運算
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <UB_stack.h>
using namespace std; class Test { public: Test(int x, int y):a{x},b{y}{} // The output operator must be defined as a friend function // and is usually a non-member function. // The input operator is similar.
friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Test &); friend istream& operator >> (istream&, Test&); friend Test operator +(const Test&, const Test&);// Usually implemented as a member function.
Test& operator += (const Test &); int returnA(void); void init(void); private: int a; int b; }; /******************************************************************************/
void Test::init(void) { this->a = 1; this->b = 1; } int Test::returnA(void) { return (this->a); } ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const Test &t) { os << t.a << " " << t.b << endl; } istream& operator >> (istream &is, Test &t) { is >> t.a >> t.b; } Test& Test::operator += (const Test &t) { this->a += t.a; this->b += t.b; return *this; } Test operator +(const Test &t1, const Test &t2) { Test ret = t1; ret += t2; return ret; } /******************************************************************************/
class SmallInt { public: friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const SmallInt &s); friend bool operator < (const SmallInt&, const SmallInt&); SmallInt(int v): value_{v} {} private: int value_; }; bool operator < (const SmallInt &rhs,const SmallInt &lhs) { return rhs.value_ <= lhs.value_; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SmallInt &s) { os << s.value_; return os; } /******************************************************************************/
int main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; Test t1{1, 2}; Test t2{10, 20}; /* * I/O Operators */ cout << t1 << t2; cin >> t2; cout << t1 << t2; t1.init(); t2.init(); /* * Compound Assignment Operators */ t2 += t1; cout << t2; /* * Arithmetic Operators */ cout << t1+t2; /* * Relational Operators * ... */
/* * Using the STL Sort and Copy Algorithms */ vector<SmallInt> vec{SmallInt{3}, SmallInt{1}, SmallInt{2}}; sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::ostream_iterator<SmallInt>(std::cout, " ")); return 0; }
Ref: 有的操做符重載函數只能是友元函數
根本緣由:this 必須是第一個參數,且 this 默認是 private 的。
重載符號: =
重載符號: [ ]
* 定義實例:
class SafeArray { public: SafeArray(int s); SafeArray(const int v[], int s); ~SafeArray() {delete[] values;} int& operator [] (int i); int operator [] (int i) const; private: int size; int *values; }; SafeArray::SafeArray(int s) : size{s}, values{new int[size]} {} SafeArray::SafeArray(const int v[], int s) : size{s} { values = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { values[i] = v[i]; } } int& SafeArray::operator [](int index) { assert((index >= 0) && (index < size)); return values[index]; } int SafeArray::operator [](int index) const { // 常函數不能修改 函數內的成員 assert((index >= 0) && (index < size)); return values[index]; }
* 使用樣例:
SafeArray s{10}; // s[12] = 2; //這算是兩個operator,比較難,怎麼搞?
cout << s[2] << endl;
Increment and Decrement Operators
重載符號: ++, --
From: https://www.runoob.com/cplusplus/increment-decrement-operators-overloading.html
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Time { private: int hours; // 0 到 23 int minutes; // 0 到 59
public: // 所需的構造函數 Time(){ hours = 0; minutes = 0; } Time(int h, int m){ hours = h; minutes = m; }
// 顯示時間的方法 void displayTime() { cout << "H: " << hours << " M:" << minutes <<endl; }
// 重載前綴遞增運算符( ++ ) Time operator++ () { ++minutes; // 對象加 1 if(minutes >= 60) { ++hours; minutes -= 60; } return Time(hours, minutes); }
// 重載後綴遞增運算符( ++ ) Time operator++( int ) { // 保存原始值 Time T(hours, minutes); // 對象加 1 ++minutes; if(minutes >= 60) { ++hours; minutes -= 60; } // 返回舊的原始值 return T; } };
------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { Time T1(11, 59), T2(10,40); ++T1; // T1 加 1 T1.displayTime(); // 顯示 T1 ++T1; // T1 再加 1 T1.displayTime(); // 顯示 T1 T2++; // T2 加 1 T2.displayTime(); // 顯示 T2 T2++; // T2 再加 1 T2.displayTime(); // 顯示 T2 return 0; }
重載符號: -->, *
Ref: C++ 類成員訪問運算符 -> 重載
-> must be a member function and * is usually a member.
(Here 簡介)
The Basic Idea Behind All Smart Pointers
Conversion operators must be defined as member functions. They
do not take any parameters, nor do they specify a return type.
Typically conversions don’t modify the object and are declared
若是去掉explicit,則User code中的line 2便可成立。
explicit: 聲明爲explicit的構造函數不能在隱式轉換中使用。