Most Windows services -- including those run with the option "Allow service to interact with desktop" in Windows XP and Vista -- do not have access to many of the computer's resources, including the console display. This may cause Automated GUI Tests to fail if you are running Apache Tomcat as a Windows Service and are doing any GUI testing. This is true at least for AWT and Abbot frameworks. A typical error might look similar to this:css
[junit] \# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: [junit] \# [junit] \# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d07baf4, pid=3260, tid=288 [junit] \# [junit] \# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_09-b03 mixed mode, sharing) [junit] \# Problematic frame: [junit] \# C [awt.dll+0xbaf4|awt.dll+0xbaf4] [junit] \#
This limitation can be resolved by not running Tomcat as a Windows Service, but instead through a "Scheduled Task" as an Application that runs at logon. There are several options for doing this, an example would be to run "$TOMCAT_HOME\bin\tomcat5.exe". When setting up the scheduled task in Windows Vista consider choosing the check-box for "Run with highest privileges" from the general tab, as this removes the need to always provide administrator privileges and may resolve other issues as well.html
*Note: This workaround/fix may or may not require an admin to be logged in during testing. Running your tests while logged in as a standard user this is fine, but some modifications may need to be made for your individual
Running NetBeans application tests on Jenkins CI is quite easy. You just need to call the ‘test’ target in your NetBeans application’s build script (e.g. ANT build.xml) and Jenkins will do the rest. I initially setup Jenkins as a windows service to run my tests. This works fine for unit tests since they do not require a display to execute.node
But recently I faced some issues when I wanted to run some functional (GUI) tests of a NetBeans platform app using a Jenkins job running on Windows. Since the Jenkins process could not access the windows display all the GUI tests were failing. On a linux box this issue is addressed by using X display such Xvnc (available as a Jenkins plugin), but of course I cannot use X display on windows!linux
After googling around I came across a possible solution which was to enable the option 「Allow service to interact with desktop」 for my Jenkins service. But as promising as it seemed it did not work, my GUI tests continued to fail git
Then I decided to stop and disable the Jenkins windows service and just ran it from the windows command prompt using the refreshingly simple command 「java -jar jenkins.war」. Voila!!! It worked all my GUI tests were running without any problem and I can even see the GUIs opening and closing automagically on my windows desktop.github
This solution was confirmed when I later stumbled upon the wiki here, which shows how to run GUI tests on ‘Hudson’ (Jenkins’ original name before Oracle knocked its head on a rock!) using a Tomcat container running on Windows. Although I didn’t use a servlet container such as Tomcat the solution applies to my situation as well.web
So there you are, if you want to run GUI tests on Jenkins CI running onWindows do not configure it as a windows service instead run it from the command prompt or set it up as a scheduled task to run on windows logon using the command 「java -jar jenkins.war」.chrome
When I run my selenium test (mvn test) from jenkins (windows) I see only the console output. I don't see the real browsers getting opened . How can I configure jenkins so that I can see the browsers running the test?
1,對於selenium testing的GUI或者是browser不能看到,visible。可是能夠看到的是在後臺這個瀏覽器已經啓動了,它其實是後臺運行的。
這裏注意了,千萬不要點擊「File」設置爲服務啓動,若是設置了後,即便你勾選了這個服務中的「Log on」 Tab中的check "interact with desktop" , the desktop that is being referred to is invisble .,
it works after running the agent using JNLP
Hi All, Just to update: this problem is solved. below are the details: Put Internet driver in path Run Browser Hub for remote exectution java -Dwebdriver.server.session.timeout=0 -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -role hub java -Dwebdriver.server.session.timeout=0 -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar -role node -hublocalhost:4444/grid/register Refer following links:
@ECHO off SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION TITLE WebDriver Grid Hub on 4444 ECHO ********************************************* ECHO * ECHO * WebDriver grid Hub instance. ECHO * ECHO * http://localhost:4444/grid/console ECHO * ECHO ********************************************* ECHO. SET JAR=selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar SET "WGET=C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe" IF NOT DEFINED JAVA_HOME ( ECHO You must define a JAVA_HOME environment variable before you run this script. GOTO :ERROR ) SET "PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%" IF NOT EXIST %JAR% ( ECHO Selenium standalone server .jar is missing. IF EXIST "%WGET%" ( ECHO Hit any key to download Selenium standalone .jar file. PAUSE >nul "%WGET%" --dot-style=binary ) ELSE ( ECHO Wget.exe is missing. Install GNU Utils. GOTO :ERROR ) ) ECHO. java.exe -jar %JAR% -role hub -hubConfig hubConfig.json -debug IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO :ERROR GOTO :END :ERROR ECHO There may have been an error. Try running the script again. pause :END
grid node設置腳本:
@ECHO off SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET TITLETEXT=WebDriver Grid Node TITLE %TITLETEXT% SET SET CHROMEDRIVER=chromedriver.exe SET JAR=selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar SET SET IEDRIVER=IEDriverServer.exe SET "WGET=C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe" ECHO ********************************************* ECHO * ECHO * WebDriver Grid Node ECHO * It requires that a WebDriver JSON Hub is already running, usually on port 4444. ECHO * You can run more than one of these if each has its own JSON config file. ECHO * ECHO ********************************************* ECHO. IF NOT DEFINED JAVA_HOME ( ECHO You must define a JAVA_HOME environment variable before you run this script. GOTO :ERROR ) SET "PATH=.;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%" IF NOT EXIST %JAR% ( IF EXIST "%WGET%" ( "%WGET%" --dot-style=binary ) ELSE ( ECHO Wget.exe is missing. Install GNU utils. & GOTO :ERROR ) ) IF NOT EXIST %IEDRIVER% ( IF EXIST "%WGET%" ( "%WGET%" --dot-style=binary jar.exe xvf %IEDRIVERZIP% DEL /Q %IEDRIVERZIP% ) ELSE ( ECHO Wget.exe is missing. & GOTO :ERROR ) ) IF NOT EXIST %CHROMEDRIVER% ( IF EXIST "%WGET%" ( "%WGET%" --dot-style=binary --no-check-certificate jar.exe xvf %CHROMEDRIVERZIP% DEL /Q %CHROMEDRIVERZIP% ) ELSE ( ECHO Wget.exe is missing. & GOTO :ERROR ) ) ECHO. ECHO ====================== ECHO Grid Hub status : & netstat -an | FIND "4444" ECHO ====================== ECHO. TITLE %TITLETEXT% java.exe -jar %JAR% -role node -nodeConfig node1Config.json GOTO :END :ERROR pause :END
Stop Hub 節點的腳本:!topic/selenium-users/_8A3q_ekw0g
http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver?cmd=getLogMessages (Error 500 java.lang.NullPointerException)
http://localhost:4444/lifecycle-manager?action=shutdown (Does nothing)