Piwik現已更名爲Matomo,這是一套國外著名的開源網站統計系統,相似於百度統計、Google Analytics等系統。最大的區別就是能夠看到其中的源碼,這正合我意。由於我一直對統計的系統很好奇,很想知道里面的運行原理是怎麼樣的,碰巧了解到有這麼一個系統,所以立刻嘗試了一下。國內關於該系統的相關資料比較匱乏,大可能是分享怎麼安裝的,並無找到有關源碼分析的文章。下面先對其作個初步的分析,後面會愈來愈詳細,本人目前的職位是前端,所以會先分析腳本代碼,然後再分析後臺代碼。javascript
<script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; /* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */ _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//loc.piwik.cn/"; //自定義 _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src='piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script>
MDN上說:「此方法可用於經過HTTP將少許數據異步傳輸到Web服務器」。雖然這個方法有兼容問題,但我仍是被震撼到了。它很適合統計的場景,MDN上又講到:「統計代碼會在頁面關閉(window.onunload)以前向web服務器發送數據,但過早的發送數據可能錯過收集數據的機會。然而, 要保證在頁面關閉期間發送數據一直比較困難,由於瀏覽器一般會忽略在卸載事件中產生的異步請求 。在使用sendBeacon()方法後,能使瀏覽器在有機會時異步地向服務器發送數據,同時不會延遲頁面的卸載或影響下一頁的載入。這就解決了提交分析數據時的全部的問題:使它可靠,異步而且不會影響下一頁面的加載,而且代碼更簡單」。下面是代碼片斷(注意看標紅的那句代碼),存在於tracker.js中。
function sendPostRequestViaSendBeacon(request) { var supportsSendBeacon = "object" === typeof navigatorAlias && "function" === typeof navigatorAlias.sendBeacon && "function" === typeof Blob; if (!supportsSendBeacon) { return false; } var headers = { type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }; var success = false; try { var blob = new Blob([request], headers); success = navigatorAlias.sendBeacon(configTrackerUrl, blob); // returns true if the user agent is able to successfully queue the data for transfer, // Otherwise it returns false and we need to try the regular way } catch (e) { return false; } return success; }
/** * Returns the URL to call piwik.php, * with the standard parameters (plugins, resolution, url, referrer, etc.). * Sends the pageview and browser settings with every request in case of race conditions. */ function getRequest(request, customData, pluginMethod, currentEcommerceOrderTs) { var i, now = new Date(), nowTs = Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000), referralTs, referralUrl, referralUrlMaxLength = 1024, currentReferrerHostName, originalReferrerHostName, customVariablesCopy = customVariables, cookieSessionName = getCookieName("ses"), cookieReferrerName = getCookieName("ref"), cookieCustomVariablesName = getCookieName("cvar"), cookieSessionValue = getCookie(cookieSessionName), attributionCookie = loadReferrerAttributionCookie(), currentUrl = configCustomUrl || locationHrefAlias, campaignNameDetected, campaignKeywordDetected; if (configCookiesDisabled) { deleteCookies(); } if (configDoNotTrack) { return ""; } var cookieVisitorIdValues = getValuesFromVisitorIdCookie(); if (!isDefined(currentEcommerceOrderTs)) { currentEcommerceOrderTs = ""; } // send charset if document charset is not utf-8. sometimes encoding // of urls will be the same as this and not utf-8, which will cause problems // do not send charset if it is utf8 since it's assumed by default in Piwik var charSet = documentAlias.characterSet || documentAlias.charset; if (!charSet || charSet.toLowerCase() === "utf-8") { charSet = null; } campaignNameDetected = attributionCookie[0]; campaignKeywordDetected = attributionCookie[1]; referralTs = attributionCookie[2]; referralUrl = attributionCookie[3]; if (!cookieSessionValue) { // cookie 'ses' was not found: we consider this the start of a 'session' // here we make sure that if 'ses' cookie is deleted few times within the visit // and so this code path is triggered many times for one visit, // we only increase visitCount once per Visit window (default 30min) var visitDuration = configSessionCookieTimeout / 1000; if ( !cookieVisitorIdValues.lastVisitTs || nowTs - cookieVisitorIdValues.lastVisitTs > visitDuration ) { cookieVisitorIdValues.visitCount++; cookieVisitorIdValues.lastVisitTs = cookieVisitorIdValues.currentVisitTs; } // Detect the campaign information from the current URL // Only if campaign wasn't previously set // Or if it was set but we must attribute to the most recent one // Note: we are working on the currentUrl before purify() since we can parse the campaign parameters in the hash tag if ( !configConversionAttributionFirstReferrer || !campaignNameDetected.length ) { for (i in configCampaignNameParameters) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(configCampaignNameParameters, i) ) { campaignNameDetected = getUrlParameter( currentUrl, configCampaignNameParameters[i] ); if (campaignNameDetected.length) { break; } } } for (i in configCampaignKeywordParameters) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( configCampaignKeywordParameters, i ) ) { campaignKeywordDetected = getUrlParameter( currentUrl, configCampaignKeywordParameters[i] ); if (campaignKeywordDetected.length) { break; } } } } // Store the referrer URL and time in the cookie; // referral URL depends on the first or last referrer attribution currentReferrerHostName = getHostName(configReferrerUrl); originalReferrerHostName = referralUrl.length ? getHostName(referralUrl) : ""; if ( currentReferrerHostName.length && // there is a referrer !isSiteHostName(currentReferrerHostName) && // domain is not the current domain (!configConversionAttributionFirstReferrer || // attribute to last known referrer !originalReferrerHostName.length || // previously empty isSiteHostName(originalReferrerHostName)) ) { // previously set but in current domain referralUrl = configReferrerUrl; } // Set the referral cookie if we have either a Referrer URL, or detected a Campaign (or both) if (referralUrl.length || campaignNameDetected.length) { referralTs = nowTs; attributionCookie = [ campaignNameDetected, campaignKeywordDetected, referralTs, purify(referralUrl.slice(0, referralUrlMaxLength)) ]; setCookie( cookieReferrerName, JSON_PIWIK.stringify(attributionCookie), configReferralCookieTimeout, configCookiePath, configCookieDomain ); } } // build out the rest of the request request += "&idsite=" + configTrackerSiteId + "&rec=1" + "&r=" + String(Math.random()).slice(2, 8) + // keep the string to a minimum "&h=" + now.getHours() + "&m=" + now.getMinutes() + "&s=" + now.getSeconds() + "&url=" + encodeWrapper(purify(currentUrl)) + (configReferrerUrl.length ? "&urlref=" + encodeWrapper(purify(configReferrerUrl)) : "") + (configUserId && configUserId.length ? "&uid=" + encodeWrapper(configUserId) : "") + "&_id=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.uuid + "&_idts=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.createTs + "&_idvc=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.visitCount + "&_idn=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.newVisitor + // currently unused (campaignNameDetected.length ? "&_rcn=" + encodeWrapper(campaignNameDetected) : "") + (campaignKeywordDetected.length ? "&_rck=" + encodeWrapper(campaignKeywordDetected) : "") + "&_refts=" + referralTs + "&_viewts=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.lastVisitTs + (String(cookieVisitorIdValues.lastEcommerceOrderTs).length ? "&_ects=" + cookieVisitorIdValues.lastEcommerceOrderTs : "") + (String(referralUrl).length ? "&_ref=" + encodeWrapper(purify(referralUrl.slice(0, referralUrlMaxLength))) : "") + (charSet ? "&cs=" + encodeWrapper(charSet) : "") + "&send_image=0"; // browser features for (i in browserFeatures) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(browserFeatures, i)) { request += "&" + i + "=" + browserFeatures[i]; } } var customDimensionIdsAlreadyHandled = []; if (customData) { for (i in customData) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(customData, i) && /^dimension\d+$/.test(i) ) { var index = i.replace("dimension", ""); customDimensionIdsAlreadyHandled.push(parseInt(index, 10)); customDimensionIdsAlreadyHandled.push(String(index)); request += "&" + i + "=" + customData[i]; delete customData[i]; } } } if (customData && isObjectEmpty(customData)) { customData = null; // we deleted all keys from custom data } // custom dimensions for (i in customDimensions) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(customDimensions, i)) { var isNotSetYet = -1 === indexOfArray(customDimensionIdsAlreadyHandled, i); if (isNotSetYet) { request += "&dimension" + i + "=" + customDimensions[i]; } } } // custom data if (customData) { request += "&data=" + encodeWrapper(JSON_PIWIK.stringify(customData)); } else if (configCustomData) { request += "&data=" + encodeWrapper(JSON_PIWIK.stringify(configCustomData)); } // Custom Variables, scope "page" function appendCustomVariablesToRequest(customVariables, parameterName) { var customVariablesStringified = JSON_PIWIK.stringify(customVariables); if (customVariablesStringified.length > 2) { return ( "&" + parameterName + "=" + encodeWrapper(customVariablesStringified) ); } return ""; } var sortedCustomVarPage = sortObjectByKeys(customVariablesPage); var sortedCustomVarEvent = sortObjectByKeys(customVariablesEvent); request += appendCustomVariablesToRequest(sortedCustomVarPage, "cvar"); request += appendCustomVariablesToRequest(sortedCustomVarEvent, "e_cvar"); // Custom Variables, scope "visit" if (customVariables) { request += appendCustomVariablesToRequest(customVariables, "_cvar"); // Don't save deleted custom variables in the cookie for (i in customVariablesCopy) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(customVariablesCopy, i)) { if (customVariables[i][0] === "" || customVariables[i][1] === "") { delete customVariables[i]; } } } if (configStoreCustomVariablesInCookie) { setCookie( cookieCustomVariablesName, JSON_PIWIK.stringify(customVariables), configSessionCookieTimeout, configCookiePath, configCookieDomain ); } } // performance tracking if (configPerformanceTrackingEnabled) { if (configPerformanceGenerationTime) { request += ">_ms=" + configPerformanceGenerationTime; } else if ( performanceAlias && performanceAlias.timing && performanceAlias.timing.requestStart && performanceAlias.timing.responseEnd ) { request += ">_ms=" + (performanceAlias.timing.responseEnd - performanceAlias.timing.requestStart); } } if (configIdPageView) { request += "&pv_id=" + configIdPageView; } // update cookies cookieVisitorIdValues.lastEcommerceOrderTs = isDefined(currentEcommerceOrderTs) && String(currentEcommerceOrderTs).length ? currentEcommerceOrderTs : cookieVisitorIdValues.lastEcommerceOrderTs; setVisitorIdCookie(cookieVisitorIdValues); setSessionCookie(); // tracker plugin hook request += executePluginMethod(pluginMethod, { tracker: trackerInstance, request: request }); if (configAppendToTrackingUrl.length) { request += "&" + configAppendToTrackingUrl; } if (isFunction(configCustomRequestContentProcessing)) { request = configCustomRequestContentProcessing(request); } return request; }
二、qt:是否支持QuickTime Player播放器
五、dir:是否支持Macromedia Director
六、fla:是否支持Adobe FlashPlayer
八、gears:是否安裝了Google Gears
九、ag:是否安裝了Microsoft Silverlight
/* * Browser features (plugins, resolution, cookies) */ function detectBrowserFeatures() { var i, mimeType, pluginMap = { // document types pdf: "application/pdf", // media players qt: "video/quicktime", realp: "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin", wma: "application/x-mplayer2", // interactive multimedia dir: "application/x-director", fla: "application/x-shockwave-flash", // RIA java: "application/x-java-vm", gears: "application/x-googlegears", ag: "application/x-silverlight" }; // detect browser features except IE < 11 (IE 11 user agent is no longer MSIE) if (!new RegExp("MSIE").test(navigatorAlias.userAgent)) { // general plugin detection if (navigatorAlias.mimeTypes && navigatorAlias.mimeTypes.length) { for (i in pluginMap) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(pluginMap, i)) { mimeType = navigatorAlias.mimeTypes[pluginMap[i]]; browserFeatures[i] = mimeType && mimeType.enabledPlugin ? "1" : "0"; } } } // Safari and Opera // IE6/IE7 navigator.javaEnabled can't be aliased, so test directly // on Edge navigator.javaEnabled() always returns `true`, so ignore it if ( !new RegExp("Edge[ /](\\d+[\\.\\d]+)").test(navigatorAlias.userAgent) && typeof navigator.javaEnabled !== "unknown" && isDefined(navigatorAlias.javaEnabled) && navigatorAlias.javaEnabled() ) { browserFeatures.java = "1"; } // Firefox if (isFunction(windowAlias.GearsFactory)) { browserFeatures.gears = "1"; } // other browser features browserFeatures.cookie = hasCookies(); } var width = parseInt(screenAlias.width, 10); var height = parseInt(screenAlias.height, 10); browserFeatures.res = parseInt(width, 10) + "x" + parseInt(height, 10); }
除了上述20多個參數以外,在系統官網上可點擊「Tracking HTTP API」查看到全部的參數,只不過都是英文的。