mysql InnoDB UUID 主鍵 性能優化【性能分析篇】.md

mysql uuid 主鍵 性能優化【性能分析篇】.md mysql InnoDB UUID 主鍵 性能優化【實踐篇】.md 有序uuid mysql InnoDB UUID 主鍵 性能優化【原理篇】.md mysql InnoDB UUID 主鍵 性能優化【性能分析篇】.md ###性能分析mysql

Benchmarking 主鍵字段的三種存儲方式sql

events_uuid – UUID binary(16) PRIMARY KEY
events_int – 自增序列bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
events_uuid_ordered – Rearranged UUID binary(16) as PRIMARY KEY

I created three stored procedures which insert 25K random rows at a time into the respective tables. There are three more stored procedures which call the random insert-stored procedures in a loop and also calculate the time taken to insert 25K rows and data and index size after each loop. Totally I have inserted 25M records.性能優化


Data Size Horizontal Axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical Axis – Data Size in MB The data size for UUID table is more than other two tables. 輸入圖片說明 ###2.索引大小 Index Size Horizontal axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical axis – Index Size in MB 輸入圖片說明 ###3.總大小 Horizontal Axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical Axis – Total Size in MB 輸入圖片說明 ###4.時間Time taken Horizontal axis – Number of inserts x 25,000 Vertical axis – Time Taken in seconds 輸入圖片說明 參考
