The flowgraph moves data from sources into sinks.html
一個流圖由多個模塊組成,其中通常包括信源(Source)模塊和信宿(Sink)模塊,而後經過連線將他們鏈接在一塊兒並造成一個頂層模塊(top_block類),最後經過調用頂層模塊下的start()成員函數啓動GNU Radio平臺下的軟件運行。在運行過程當中,每個模塊都至關因而一個線程,經過GNU Radio平臺下的調度機制將信源模塊產生的數據通過一系列的處理模塊,最後傳輸到信宿模塊。這樣一個運行過程包括了硬件驅動、數據buffer管理以及線程調度等工做。其中數據buffer的管理機制是零拷貝循環緩存(Section 4 會講到),這樣可以保證來自源的數據流高效在各個模塊之間傳輸。api
Example of data moving with rate changes.緩存
GNU Radio 中的block根據輸入輸出樣點的關係分爲: 任意比例、1: 1,N: 1,1: N (Section 2會講到),其中 sync 是1: 1的關係,即輸出樣點數等於輸入樣點數,decim是N: 1的關係,即輸入: 輸出 = N: 1。經過decim(抽取器)實現降速率傳輸。app
The flowgraph must check the bounds to satify input/output requirements. less
All input streams and output streams must satify the constraints. 異步
Flowgraph 運行時會檢查每一個模塊(block)是否知足輸入輸出的要求。每一個模塊的輸出端口都綁定一個循環緩衝區(buffer),經過一個寫指針 r_ptr 輸出數據。它的下游模塊經過一個讀指針w_ptr 讀取數據。每個模塊在知足輸出緩衝區空間足夠,而且輸入緩衝區可讀數據足夠,該模塊才能正常運行。對於上圖 sync 模塊來講,須要知足n_out >= 2048 && n_in >= 2048 該模塊才能正常運行。 ide
The boundary conditions can change with rate changing blocks. 函數
Decimators need enough input to calculate the decimated output. oop
The conditions are independently established with each block. post
This block is asking for less than it can on the input.
The input and output buffers
general_work / work have two vectors passed to it.
int block::general_work(int output_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) int block::work(int output_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
前面提到,每個模塊(block)都是一個線程,general_work() / work()是該線程的入口函數。經過兩個 vector: intput_items 和 output_items 分別控制輸入輸出緩衝區的讀寫。對於上圖的sync 模塊來講,它有兩個輸入端口,一個輸出端口,那麼input_items[0],input_items[1]分別是兩個輸入端口的讀指針,output_items[0]是輸出端口的寫指針。
general_work has not input/output relationship
It's told the number of output and input items:
int block::general_work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
general_work函數對應的模塊的輸入輸出關係是任意的,經過noutput_items 和 nintput_items來控制輸入和輸出之間的關係。其中咱們注意到:noutput_items是一個變量,而nintout_items 是vector。這是由於GNU Radio要求模塊的每一個輸出端口產生的樣點數都必須相同,而對於輸入則沒有這個要求。對於上圖的 sync 模塊來講,nintput_items[0],nintput_items[1]分別表示兩個端口輸入的樣點數,noutput_items表示全部輸出端口的樣點數。
Number of input and output items?
noutput_items: how many output items work can produce
work函數對應的模塊輸入輸出關係是肯定的,分爲3種:gr::sync_block,gr::sync_decimator,gr::sync_interpolator,輸入輸出的關係分別爲1: 1,N: 1,1: N。而且在work()函數中沒有nintput_items這個變量,由於能夠根據上述關係,經過noutput_items計算出nintput_items。
work operates off just noutput items
From this number, we infer how many input items we have:
int block::work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
The scheduler handles the buffer states, block requirements, messages, and stream tags.
"A stream of samples is much more interesting when there is parsable metadata connected to that stream, such as the time of reception, center frequency, subframe index or even protocol-specific information. So there must be a way to identify PDU boundaries, pass control data between blocks. GNU Radio supports two ways to do this: Message passing and stream tag."
GNU Radio採用兩種機制: Message passing and stream tag,在block 之間傳輸信息,例如接收時間,中心頻率,子幀號或者特定的協議信息。其中Stream tag是同步標籤,只能單向傳輸。Message是異步消息,能夠向任何方向傳輸。在GNU Radio中,Stream tag中實線表示,Message用虛線表示。注意:Stream tag與數據流是並行傳輸模式,不是插入到原始數據流,也不會改變原始數據流,而是綁定到數據流的某一個樣點,只能在block之間傳遞消息,不能經過天線發送出去!
Message Passing Layer
Send commands, metadata, and packets between blocks.
Asynchronous messages from and to any block:
tb.msg_connect(Blk1, "out port", Blk0, "in port") tb.msg_connect(Blk2, "out port", Sink, "in port")
Scheduler Handles the Asynchronous Message Passing
Asynchronous Message Passing:
Stream tag layer
Adds a Control, Logic, and Metadata layer to data flow
Tags carry key/value data associated with a specic sample.
Tags are propagated downstream through each block.
Tags are updated by data rate changes.
1 #ifndef INCLUDED_GR_TAGS_H 2 #define INCLUDED_GR_TAGS_H 3 4 #include <gnuradio/api.h> 5 #include <pmt/pmt.h> 6 7 namespace gr { 8 9 struct GR_RUNTIME_API tag_t 10 { 11 //! the item \p tag occurred at (as a uint64_t) 12 uint64_t offset; 13 14 //! the key of \p tag (as a PMT symbol) 15 pmt::pmt_t key; 16 17 //! the value of \p tag (as a PMT) 18 pmt::pmt_t value; 19 20 //! the source ID of \p tag (as a PMT) 21 pmt::pmt_t srcid; 22 23 //! Used by gr_buffer to mark a tagged as deleted by a specific block. You can usually ignore this. 24 std::vector<long> marked_deleted; 25 26 /*! 27 * Comparison function to test which tag, \p x or \p y, came 28 * first in time 29 */ 30 static inline bool offset_compare(const tag_t &x, 31 const tag_t &y) 32 { 33 return x.offset < y.offset; 34 } 35 36 inline bool operator == (const tag_t &t) const 37 { 38 return (t.key == key) && (t.value == value) && \ 39 (t.srcid == srcid) && (t.offset == offset); 40 } 41 42 tag_t() 43 : offset(0), 44 key(pmt::PMT_NIL), 45 value(pmt::PMT_NIL), 46 srcid(pmt::PMT_F) // consistent with default srcid value in block::add_item_tag 47 { 48 } 49 50 ~tag_t() 51 { 52 } 53 }; 54 55 } /* namespace gr */ 56 57 #endif /*INCLUDED_GR_TAGS_H*/
Propagate tags downstream based on the tag_propagation_policy.
在block.h 中定義了3中tag傳播策略:
enum tag_propagation_policy_t { TPP_DONT = 0, TPP_ALL_TO_ALL = 1, TPP_ONE_TO_ONE = 2 };
其中默認是TPP_ALL_TO_ALL,即輸入端口收到的tag 會傳輸到每個輸出端口。TPP_ONE_TO_ONE模式是輸入端口 i 收到的tag只能傳出到輸出端口 i 。TPP_DONE表示該block 收到tag 以後再也不向後面的模塊傳輸。
Tag propagation:
Review of propagation policies
set_alignment(int multiple)
Set alignment in number of items.
Output Multiple
set_output_multiple(int multiple)
Overloaded function of the class
Tells scheduler how many input items are required for each output item.
History sets read pointer history() items back in time.
Buffer Size and Controlling Flow and Latency
Set of features that affect the buffers
Scheduler Manages the Data Stream Conditions
General tasks:
Scetion 4: Scheduler Flow Chart
Scheduler Flow Chart: top_block.start()
Start in
Initialize thread for each block:
Each block's thread runs the loop until done
Handles messages, state, and calls run_one_iteration:
run_one_iteration in
Start of the iteration:
If block has inputs (sinks/blocks), handle input/output reqs.:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Fixed Rate
Fixed rate blocks have special restrictions:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Alignment
Works to keeps buers aligned if possible:
run_one_iteration::try_again: Failure
If something goes wrong, try again, fail, or block and wait:
Call work and do book-keeping:
When the owgraph can't continue, end it:
"Get items_available for all inputs"
Gets dierence between write pointers and read pointers for all inputs:
"Calc space on output buffer"
Space available is the difference between write pointers to the first read pointer. noutput_items is the minimum for all output buffers:
"call forecast, sets ninput_items_required"
Given noutput_items, forecast calculates the required number of items available for each input.
void sync_decimator::forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required) { unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++) ninput_items_required[i] = \ fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(noutput_items); } int sync_decimator::fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(int noutput_items) { return noutput_items * decimation() + history() - 1; }
"Do all inputs have nitems req.?"
Tests that items_available[i] >= ninput_items_required[i] for all i.
Scetion 5: Buffer Creation
Buffers are handled almost completely behind the scenes
Standard Creation
User controls
Circular buers in memory
Shows guard pages and memory-mapped half
Buffer creation techniques
Controlled by the vmcircbuf classes
Buffer creation: Create File Mapping
Generally used for MS Windows
Buffer creation: Memory-mapped Temp File
Generally used for OSX
Buffer creation: System V Shared Memory
Generally used for Linux/POSIX
Buffer creation: Memory-mapped Shared Memory
Alternative implementation for Linux/POSIX
VM circular buffer preference setting
Working VM Circular Buffer technique is stored in a prefs file
Building a gr::buffer
Buffers are built and attached at runtime
Calculating gr::buffer size
Calculating gr::buffer size: granularity
gr::buffer::allocate_buffer handles the actual creation
Controlling the size of buffers: min/max
User interface allows us to set min/max buffer for all blocks
Scetion 6: Wrap-up
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