Google VR SDK for Android

The Google VR SDK for Android supports both Daydream and Cardboard, including a simple API used for creating apps inserted into Cardboard viewers, and the more complex API for supporting Daydream-ready phones and the Daydream controller.
谷歌的Android SDK支持VR的遐想和紙板,包括一個簡單的API用於建立應用程序插入紙板的觀衆,和更復雜的API支持的白日夢準備手機和遐想控制器。android

The Google VR NDK for Android provides a C/C++ API for developers writing native code.
谷歌對Android NDK提供了一個虛擬的C / C++ API的開發者編寫本地代碼。web

Developers familiar with OpenGL can quickly start creating VR applications using the Google VR SDK, simplifying common VR development tasks such as:
開發商熟悉OpenGL能夠快速開始使用谷歌VR SDK建立虛擬現實技術的應用,簡化了經常使用的虛擬現實開發等任務:app

  • Lens distortion correction.
  • Spatial audio.
  • Head tracking.
  • 3D calibration.
  • Side-by-side rendering.
  • Stereo geometry configuration.
  • User input event handling.ide


  • 鏡頭畸變校訂。
  • 空間音頻。
  • 頭部跟蹤。
  • 三維標定。
  • 並排渲染。
  • 立體幾何構型。
  • 用戶輸入事件處理。

We’re keeping the hardware and software open to encourage community participation and compatibility with VR content available elsewhere.

To learn more:google