Option Explicit
Type WordPoint
x1 As Integer
y1 As Integer
x2 As Integer
y2 As Integer
End Typeios
Declare Function PlgBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdcDest As Long, _
lpPoint As POINTS2D, _
ByVal hdcSrc As Long, _
ByVal nXSrc As Long, _
ByVal nYSrc As Long, _
ByVal nWidth As Long, _
ByVal nHeight As Long, _
ByVal hbmMask As Long, _
ByVal xMask As Long, _
ByVal yMask As Long) As Longapp
Global Const NotPI = 3.14159265238 / 180字體
Public Type POINTS2D
X As Long
Y As Long
End Typethis
Dim current As Stringcode
Public Sub DanRotate(ByRef picDestHdc As Long, xPos As Long, yPos As Long, _
ByVal Angle As Long, _
ByRef picSrcHdc As Long, srcXoffset As Long, srcYoffset As Long, _
ByVal srcWidth As Long, ByVal srcHeight As Long)ci
'## DanRotate - Rotates an image.
'## PicDestHdc = the hDc of the target picturebox (ie. Picture2.hdc )
'## xPos = the target coordinates (note that the image will be centered around these
'## yPos coordinates).
'## Angle = Rotate Angle (0-360)
'## PicSrcHdc = The source image to rotate (ie. Picture1.hdc )
'## srcXoffset = The offset coordinates within the Source Image to grab.
'## srcYoffset
'## srcWidth = The width/height of the source image to grab.
'## srcHeight
'## Returns: Nothing.get
'## Please note this function doesn't check or returns anything. It's up to you to make sure all parameters
'## are valid, checked, etc.
'## Use this code as you like. Credits appreciated.
'## Danny van der Ark (danny@slave-studios.co.uk)
'## Aug 2Oo2it
Dim Points(3) As POINTS2D
Dim DefPoints(3) As POINTS2D
Dim ThetS As Single, ThetC As Single
Dim ret As Long
Dim SrcX1, SrcY1, SrcX2, SrcY2, SrcX3, SrcY3, SrcX4, SrcY4 As Doubleio
SrcX1 = -(srcWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY1 = (srcHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX2 = (srcWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY2 = (srcHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX3 = -(srcWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY3 = -(srcHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX4 = (srcWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY4 = -(srcHeight - 1) / 2
'Theta = Angle * NotPI
ThetS = Sin(Angle * NotPI)
ThetC = Cos(Angle * NotPI)
'// 旋轉後四個角的座標(以圖像中心爲座標系原點)
Dim DstX1, DstY1, DstX2, DstY2, DstX3, DstY3, DstX4, DstY4 As Double
DstX1 = ThetC * SrcX1 + ThetS * SrcY1
DstY1 = -ThetS * SrcX1 + ThetC * SrcY1
DstX2 = ThetC * SrcX2 + ThetS * SrcY2
DstY2 = -ThetS * SrcX2 + ThetC * SrcY2
DstX3 = ThetC * SrcX3 + ThetS * SrcY3
DstY3 = -ThetS * SrcX3 + ThetC * SrcY3
DstX4 = ThetC * SrcX4 + ThetS * SrcY4
DstY4 = -ThetS * SrcX4 + ThetC * SrcY4
xPos = max(Abs(DstX4 - DstX1), Abs(DstX3 - DstX2)) + 0.5
yPos = max(Abs(DstY4 - DstY1), Abs(DstY3 - DstY2)) + 0.5
Points(0).X = -srcWidth * 0.5
Points(0).Y = -srcHeight * 0.5
Points(1).X = Points(0).X + srcWidth
Points(1).Y = Points(0).Y
Points(2).X = Points(0).X
Points(2).Y = Points(0).Y + srcHeight
' ThetS = Sin(Angle * NotPI)
' ThetC = Cos(Angle * NotPI)
DefPoints(0).X = (Points(0).X * ThetC - Points(0).Y * ThetS) + xPos / 2
DefPoints(0).Y = (Points(0).X * ThetS + Points(0).Y * ThetC) + yPos / 2
DefPoints(1).X = (Points(1).X * ThetC - Points(1).Y * ThetS) + xPos / 2
DefPoints(1).Y = (Points(1).X * ThetS + Points(1).Y * ThetC) + yPos / 2function
DefPoints(2).X = (Points(2).X * ThetC - Points(2).Y * ThetS) + xPos / 2
DefPoints(2).Y = (Points(2).X * ThetS + Points(2).Y * ThetC) + yPos / 2
PlgBlt picDestHdc, DefPoints(0), picSrcHdc, srcXoffset, srcYoffset, srcWidth, srcHeight, 0, 0, 0
End Sub
Public Function Rotate(src As Object, dst As Object, ByVal RotaryAngle As Single)
Dim rx0, ry0 As Double '旋轉點
Dim dstX, dstY, DstC As Long
Dim Move_X, Move_Y As Integer
Dim X, Y As Double
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim OldWidth, OldHeight As Integer
Dim NewWidth, NewHeight As Integer
Dim Theta, ThetS, ThetC As Double
Dim dx, dy As Single
' 源圖四個角的座標(以圖像中心爲座標系原點)
Dim SrcX1, SrcY1, SrcX2, SrcY2, SrcX3, SrcY3, SrcX4, SrcY4 As Double
OldWidth = src.Width
OldHeight = src.Height
SrcX1 = -(OldWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY1 = (OldHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX2 = (OldWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY2 = (OldHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX3 = -(OldWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY3 = -(OldHeight - 1) / 2
SrcX4 = (OldWidth - 1) / 2
SrcY4 = -(OldHeight - 1) / 2
Theta = RotaryAngle / 180 * 3.141592653
ThetS = Sin(Theta)
ThetC = Cos(Theta)
'// 旋轉後四個角的座標(以圖像中心爲座標系原點)
Dim DstX1, DstY1, DstX2, DstY2, DstX3, DstY3, DstX4, DstY4 As Double
DstX1 = ThetC * SrcX1 + ThetS * SrcY1
DstY1 = -ThetS * SrcX1 + ThetC * SrcY1
DstX2 = ThetC * SrcX2 + ThetS * SrcY2
DstY2 = -ThetS * SrcX2 + ThetC * SrcY2
DstX3 = ThetC * SrcX3 + ThetS * SrcY3
DstY3 = -ThetS * SrcX3 + ThetC * SrcY3
DstX4 = ThetC * SrcX4 + ThetS * SrcY4
DstY4 = -ThetS * SrcX4 + ThetC * SrcY4
NewWidth = max(Abs(DstX4 - DstX1), Abs(DstX3 - DstX2)) + 0.5
NewHeight = max(Abs(DstY4 - DstY1), Abs(DstY3 - DstY2)) + 0.5
dx = -0.5 * NewWidth * ThetC - 0.5 * NewHeight * ThetS + 0.5 * OldWidth
dy = 0.5 * NewWidth * ThetS - 0.5 * NewHeight * ThetC + 0.5 * OldHeight
rx0 = OldWidth * 0.5 '(rx0,ry0)爲旋轉中心
ry0 = OldHeight * 0.5
For i = 0 To NewHeight
For j = 0 To NewWidth
X = (j - rx0) * ThetC - (i - ry0) * ThetS + rx0 '+ dx
Y = (j - rx0) * ThetS + (i - ry0) * ThetC + ry0 '+ dy
If X < 0 Or Y < 0 Or X >= OldWidth Or Y >= OldHeight Then 'out of range
SetPixel dst.hdc, j, i, vbBlack
SetPixel dst.hdc, j, i, GetPixel(src.hdc, X, Y)
End If
Next j
Next i
End Function
Public Function Position(src As Object)
Dim col As Long
Dim srcWidth, srcHeight As Integer
Dim BlackCount, WhiteCount As Integer
Dim yTop, yBottom, xTop, xBottom As Integer
srcWidth = src.ScaleWidth
srcHeight = src.ScaleHeight
For j = 0 To srcHeight
BlackCount = 0
WhiteCount = 0
For i = 0 To srcWidth
col = GetPixel(src.hdc, i, j)
If col = vbWhite Then
WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
End If
'SetPixel Src.hdc, i, j, vbRed
Next i
If WhiteCount > 20 Then
yBottom = j
j = srcHeight + 1
i = srcWidth + 1
End If
Next j
For j = srcHeight To 0 Step -1
BlackCount = 0
WhiteCount = 0
For i = 0 To srcWidth
col = GetPixel(src.hdc, i, j)
If col = vbWhite Then
WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
End If
'SetPixel Src.hdc, i, j, vbRed
Next i
If WhiteCount > 3 Then
yTop = j
j = 0
i = srcWidth + 1
End If
Next j
For i = 0 To srcWidth
BlackCount = 0
WhiteCount = 0
For j = 0 To srcHeight ' To 0 Step -1
col = GetPixel(src.hdc, i, j)
If col = vbWhite Then
WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
End If
'SetPixel Src.hdc, i, j, vbRed
Next j
If WhiteCount > 20 Then
xBottom = i
j = srcHeight + 1
i = srcWidth + 1
End If
Next i
For i = srcWidth To 0 Step -1
BlackCount = 0
WhiteCount = 0
For j = 0 To srcHeight ' To 0 Step -1
col = GetPixel(src.hdc, i, j)
If col = vbWhite Then
WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
End If
'SetPixel Src.hdc, i, j, vbRed
Next j
If WhiteCount > 20 Then
xTop = i
j = srcHeight + 1
i = 0
End If
Next i
src.Line (xBottom, yBottom)-(xBottom, yTop), vbBlue
src.Line (xBottom, yBottom)-(xTop, yBottom), vbBlue
src.Line (xBottom, yTop)-(xTop, yTop), vbBlue
src.Line (xTop, yBottom)-(xTop, yTop), vbBlue
' WhiteCount = 0
' BlackCount = 0
' For i = yBottom To yTop
' BlackCount = 0
' For j = xBottom To xTop '圖像迴歸
' 'For y = 0 To NewHeight
' col = GetPixel(Src.hdc, j, i)
' If col = vbWhite Then
' WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
' ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
' BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
' End If
' Next j
' Src.Line (0, i)-(BlackCount / 5, i), vbYellow
' Src.Refresh
' DoEvents
' Next i
Dim ret As Integer
ret = WordsPosition(src, xBottom, yBottom, xTop, yTop)
' For i = xBottom To xTop
' BlackCount = 0
' For j = yBottom To yTop '文字定位
' 'For y = 0 To NewHeight
' col = GetPixel(Src.hdc, i, j)
' If col = vbWhite Then
' 'WhiteCount = WhiteCount + 1
' ElseIf col = vbBlack Then
' BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
' End If
' Next j
' col = GetPixel(Src.hdc, i - 1, j)
' Src.Line (i, 0)-(i, BlackCount), vbYellow
' If BlackCount = 0 And col <> vbBlack Then Src.Line (i, 0)-(i, xTop), vbBlue
' Src.Refresh
' DoEvents
' Next i
End Function
Public Function WordsPosition(src As Object, ByVal xBottom As Integer, ByVal yBottom As Integer, ByVal xTop As Integer, ByVal yTop As Integer)
Dim i, j, ii, jj, p As Integer
Dim BlackCount, col As Long
Dim xLevel, yLevel As Integer '閾值
Dim myWord(0 To 20) As WordPoint
Dim inWord As Boolean
Dim x1temp, x2temp, y1temp, y2temp As Single
Dim bool1stScan As Boolean
Dim ax As Integer '最小
Dim ay As Integer 'biggest
Dim bx As Integer 'smallest
Dim by As Integer 'biggest
ax = 0
ay = yBottom / 2 + yTop / 2
bx = 0
by = yBottom / 2 + yTop / 2
xLevel = 1
yLevel = 1
inWord = False
p = 0
For i = xBottom + 5 To xTop - 5
BlackCount = 0
For j = yBottom + 5 To yTop - 5 '文字定位
'For y = 0 To NewHeight
col = GetPixel(src.hdc, i, j)
If col = vbBlack Then
BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
If Not bool1stScan Then
' If i <= ax Then
' ax = i
' End If
' If i >= bx Then
' bx = i
' End If
If j <= ay Then
ay = j
End If
If j >= by Then
by = j
End If
bool1stScan = False
ax = i
bx = i 'big
ay = j
by = j 'big
End If
End If
Next j
If BlackCount > xLevel Then '開始進入字體區間
If inWord = False Then
myWord(p).x1 = i
inWord = True
End If
End If
If BlackCount < xLevel Then '退出字符區間
If inWord = True Then
myWord(p).x2 = i
myWord(p).y1 = ay
myWord(p).y2 = by
p = p + 1
ay = yBottom / 2 + yTop / 2
by = yBottom / 2 + yTop / 2
src.Line (myWord(p - 1).x1, myWord(p - 1).y1)-(myWord(p - 1).x2, myWord(p - 1).y2), vbBlue, B
'src.Line (58, 40)-(72, 63), vbBlue, B
inWord = False
recog src, myWord(p - 1).x1, myWord(p - 1).x2, myWord(p - 1).y1, myWord(p - 1).y2
' '++++++++++++ start of y position check +++++++++++
' For jj = yBottom + 5 To yTop - 5 '文字定位 y
' BlackCount = 0
' For ii = xBottom + 5 To xTop - 5
' col = GetPixel(Src.hdc, ii, jj)
' If col = vbBlack Then
' BlackCount = BlackCount + 1
' End If
' Next ii
' If BlackCount > yLevel Then '開始進入字體區間
' If inWord = False Then
' myWord(p).y1 = jj
' inWord = True
' End If
' End If
' If BlackCount < yLevel Then '退出字符區間
' If inWord = True Then
' myWord(p).y2 = jj
' p = p + 1
' inWord = False
' x1temp = myWord(p - 1).x1
' x2temp = myWord(p - 1).x2
' y1temp = myWord(p - 1).y1
' y2temp = myWord(p - 1).y2
' 'Src.Line (myWord(p - 1).x1, myWord(p - 1).y1)-(myWord(p - 1).x2, myWord(p - 1).y2), vbYellow, B
' Src.Line (x1temp, y1temp)-(x2temp, y2temp), vbBlue, B
' End If
' End If
' Next jj
' '++++++++++++ end of y position check +++++++++++++
End If
End If
' Src.Line (i, 0)-(i, BlackCount), vbYellow
Next i
End Function
Public Function recog(src As Object, ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal y2 As Integer)
Dim i, max, maxtch As Integer
Dim template, ans, name, s As String
Dim match As Integer
Dim px, py, p As Double
Dim myImage(0 To 500, 0 To 500) As Long
'frmMain.Pic2.ScaleWidth = x2 - x1
'frmMain.Pic2.ScaleHeight = y2 - y1
'frmMain.Pic2.Width = (x2 - x1) * 1.8
'frmMain.Pic2.Height = (y2 - y1) * 1.2
If y2 - y1 < 100 Then py = 100 / (y2 - y1)
If x2 - x1 < 100 Then px = 100 / (x2 - x1)
If py < px Then
p = py
Else: p = px
End If
Dim SrcX, SrcY, kx, ky As Integer
kx = 0
ky = 0
current = ""
For i = 0 To (x2 - x1) * p Step (x2 - x1) * p / 20
ky = 0
For j = 0 To (y2 - y1) * p Step (y2 - y1) * p / 20
SrcX = i / p + x1 'dstX / p ' * (srcWidth / dstWidth)
SrcY = j / p + y1 'dstY / p '* (srcHeight / dstHeight)
If GetPixel(src.hdc, SrcX, SrcY) = vbBlack Then
SetPixel frmMain.Pic2.hdc, i, j, GetPixel(src.hdc, SrcX, SrcY)
current = current & 0
current = current & 1
End If
ky = ky + 1
If ky = 20 Then j = (y2 - y1) * p + 100
Next j
kx = kx + 1
If kx = 20 Then i = (x2 - x1) * p + 100
Next i
Debug.Print "current=" & current
'current = ""
' For i = x1 To x2 - (x2 - x1) / 20 Step (x2 - x1) / 20
' For j = y1 To y2 - (y2 - y1) / 20 Step (y2 - y1) / 20
' If src.Point(i, j) = vbBlack Then
' current = current & src.Point(i, j)
' Else
' current = current & 1
' End If
' Next j
' Next i
template = ""
max = 0
Open "d:\data.rec" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, s
match = 0
template = Right(s, Len(s) - 1)
name = Left(s, 1)
i = 1
While i <= Len(current) And Len(current) - i + match >= max
If Mid(current, i, 1) = Mid(template, i, 1) Then match = match + 1
i = i + 1
If match > max Then
max = match
ans = name
End If
Debug.Print match, "->", name
Close #1
frmMain.Text3.Text = frmMain.Text3.Text + ans
End Function
Public Function Zoom(dst As Object, src As Object, p As Single)
Dim srcWidth, srcHeight, dstWidth, dstHeight As Long
srcWidth = src.Width
srcHeight = src.Height
dstWidth = (srcWidth - 1) * p
dstHeight = (srcHeight - 1) * p
Dim dstX, dstY, SrcX, SrcY As Integer
dst.AutoRedraw = True
For dstX = 0 To dstWidth
For dstY = 0 To dstHeight
SrcX = dstX / p ' * (srcWidth / dstWidth)
SrcY = dstY / p '* (srcHeight / dstHeight)
SetPixel dst.hdc, dstX, dstY, GetPixel(src.hdc, SrcX, SrcY)
'If dstY = 160 Then Stop
Next dstY
Next dstX
End Function
Public Function max(a As Double, b As Double) As Double If a > b Then max = a Else max = b End Function