1 MongoDb 命令查詢全部數據庫列表 2 3 CODE: 4 5 > show dbs 6 7 若是想查看當前鏈接在哪一個數據庫下面,能夠直接輸入db 8 CODE: 9 10 > db 11 Admin 12 想切換到test數據庫下面 13 CODE: 14 15 > use test 16 switched to db test 17 > db 18 Test 19 想查看test下有哪些表或者叫collection,能夠輸入 20 CODE: 21 22 23 > show collections 24 system.indexes 25 user 26 想知道mongodb支持哪些命令,能夠直接輸入help 27 CODE: 28 > help 29 Dos代碼 收藏代碼 30 31 HELP 32 show dbs show database names 33 show collections show collections in current database 34 show users show users in current database 35 show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms 36 use <db name> set curent database to <db name> 37 db.help() help on DB methods 38 db.foo.help() help on collection methods 39 db.foo.find() list objects in collection foo 40 db.foo.find( { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1 41 it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate 42 43 若是想知道當前數據庫支持哪些方法: 44 CODE: 45 46 47 48 > db.help(); 49 Java代碼 收藏代碼 50 51 DB methods: 52 db.addUser(username, password) 添加數據庫受權用戶 53 db.auth(username, password) 訪問認證 54 db.cloneDatabase(fromhost) 克隆數據庫 55 db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command 56 db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost) 複製數據庫 57 db.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } ) 建立表 58 db.currentOp() displays the current operation in the db 59 db.dropDatabase() 刪除當前數據庫 60 db.eval_r(func, args) run code server-side 61 db.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname 62 db.getCollectionNames() 獲取當前數據庫的表名 63 db.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string 64 db.getLastErrorObj() - return full status object 65 db.getMongo() get the server connection object 66 db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair 67 db.getName() 68 db.getPrevError() 69 db.getProfilingLevel() 70 db.getReplicationInfo() 71 db.getSisterDB(name) get the db at the same server as this onew 72 db.killOp() kills the current operation in the db 73 db.printCollectionStats() 打印各表的狀態信息 74 db.printReplicationInfo() 打印主數據庫的複製狀態信息 75 db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() 打印從數據庫的複製狀態信息 76 db.printShardingStatus() 打印分片狀態信息 77 db.removeUser(username) 刪除數據庫用戶 78 db.repairDatabase() 修復數據庫 79 db.resetError() 80 db.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command. if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 } 81 db.setProfilingLevel(level) 0=off 1=slow 2=all 82 db.shutdownServer() 83 db.version() current version of the server 84 85 若是想知道當前數據庫下的表或者表collection支持哪些方法,能夠使用一下命令如: 86 CODE: 87 88 > db.user.help(); user爲表名 89 Java代碼 收藏代碼 90 91 DBCollection help 92 db.foo.count() 統計表的行數 93 db.foo.dataSize() 統計表數據的大小 94 db.foo.distinct( key ) - eg. db.foo.distinct( 'x' ) 按照給定的條件除重 95 db.foo.drop() drop the collection 刪除表 96 db.foo.dropIndex(name) 刪除指定索引 97 db.foo.dropIndexes() 刪除全部索引 98 db.foo.ensureIndex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups 增長索引 99 db.foo.find( [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return. 100 101 102 根據條件查找數據 103 ----------------------- 104 經過條件查詢: db.foo.find( { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } ) 105 ----------------------------- 106 107 若是想知道當前數據庫下的表或者表collection支持哪些方法,能夠使用一下命令如: 108 CODE: 109 110 > db.user.help(); user爲表名 111 Java代碼 收藏代碼 112 113 DBCollection help 114 db.foo.count() 統計表的行數 115 db.foo.dataSize() 統計表數據的大小 116 db.foo.distinct( key ) - eg. db.foo.distinct( 'x' ) 按照給定的條件除重 117 db.foo.drop() drop the collection 刪除表 118 db.foo.dropIndex(name) 刪除指定索引 119 db.foo.dropIndexes() 刪除全部索引 120 db.foo.ensureIndex(keypattern,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups 增長索引 121 db.foo.find( [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to return. 122 123 124 根據條件查找數據 125 ----------------------- 126 經過條件查詢: db.foo.find( { x : 77 } , { name : 1 , x : 1 } ) 127 ----------------------------- 128 instead of connecting to a mongod instance 129 -v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more 130 verbosity e.g. -vvvvv) 131 -o [ --out ] arg (=dump) output directory 132 [falcon@www.fwphp.cn ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongodump -d test -o test/ 133 connected to: 134 DATABASE: test to test/test 135 test.user to test/test/user.bson 136 100000 objects 137 test.system.indexes to test/test/system.indexes.bson 138 1 objects 139 [falcon@www.fwphp.cn ~/mongodb/bin]$ ls 140 2 mongo mongodump mongofiles mongorestore mongosniff 141 dump mongod mongoexport mongoimport mongos test 142 MongoDB的數據恢復工具mongorestore 143 144 查看test庫中的表 145 CODE: 146 147 > show collections 148 system.indexes 149 User 150 刪除user表 151 CODE: 152 153 > db.user.drop(); 154 True 155 156 > show collections 157 System.indexes 158 如今利用mongorestore表恢復剛纔利用mongodump備份的數據 159 CODE: 160 161 [falcon@www.fwphp.cn ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongorestore --help 162 usage: ./mongorestore [options] [directory or filename to restore from] 163 options: 164 --help produce help message 165 -h [ --host ] arg mongo host to connect to 166 -d [ --db ] arg database to use 167 -c [ --collection ] arg collection to use (some commands) 168 -u [ --username ] arg username 169 -p [ --password ] arg password 170 --dbpath arg directly access mongod data files in this path, 171 instead of connecting to a mongod instance 172 -v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more 173 verbosity e.g. -vvvvv) 174 175 [falcon@www.fwphp.cn ~/mongodb/bin]$ ./mongorestore -d test -c user test/test/user.bson 176 connected to: 177 test/test/user.bson 178 going into namespace [test.user] 179 180 100000 objects 181 User表中的10w條記錄已經恢復 182 CODE: 183 184 > show collections 185 system.indexes 186 user 187 > db.user.find(); 188 { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347000000"), "uid" : 1, "username" : "Falcon.C-1" } 189 { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347010000"), "uid" : 2, "username" : "Falcon.C-2" } 190 { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347020000"), "uid" : 3, "username" : "Falcon.C-3" } 191 { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347030000"), "uid" : 4, "username" : "Falcon.C-4" } 192 { "_id" : ObjectId("4b9c8db08ead0e3347040000"), "uid" : 5, "username" : "Falcon.C-5" } 193 ................. 194 has more 195 196 197 198 199 200 1. 超級用戶相關: 201 202 #增長或修改用戶密碼 203 204 db.addUser('admin','pwd') 205 206 #查看用戶列表 207 208 db.system.users.find() 209 210 #用戶認證 211 212 db.auth('admin','pwd') 213 214 #刪除用戶 215 216 db.removeUser('mongodb') 217 218 #查看全部用戶 219 220 show users 221 222 #查看全部數據庫 223 224 show dbs 225 226 #查看全部的collection 227 228 show collections 229 230 #查看各collection的狀態 231 232 db.printCollectionStats() 233 234 #查看主從複製狀態 235 236 db.printReplicationInfo() 237 238 #修復數據庫 239 240 db.repairDatabase() 241 242 #設置記錄profiling,0=off 1=slow 2=all 243 244 db.setProfilingLevel(1) 245 246 #查看profiling 247 show profile 248 249 #拷貝數據庫 250 251 db.copyDatabase('mail_addr','mail_addr_tmp') 252 253 #刪除collection 254 255 db.mail_addr.drop() 256 257 #刪除當前的數據庫 258 259 db.dropDatabase() 260 261 2. 客戶端鏈接 262 263 /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo user_addr -u user -p 'pwd' 264 265 3. 增刪改 266 267 #存儲嵌套的對象 268 269 db.foo.save({'name':'ysz','address':{'city':'beijing','post':100096},'phone':[138,139]}) 270 271 #存儲數組對象 272 273 db.user_addr.save({'Uid':'yushunzhi@sohu.com','Al':['test-1@sohu.com','test-2@sohu.com']}) 274 275 #根據query條件修改,若是不存在則插入,容許修改多條記錄 276 db.foo.update({'yy':5},{'$set':{'xx':2}},upsert=true,multi=true) 277 278 #刪除yy=5的記錄 279 280 db.foo.remove({'yy':5}) 281 282 #刪除全部的記錄 283 284 db.foo.remove() 285 286 4. 索引 287 288 增長索引:1(ascending),-1(descending) 289 290 db.things.ensureIndex({firstname: 1, lastname: 1}, {unique: true}); 291 292 #索引子對象 293 294 db.user_addr.ensureIndex({'Al.Em': 1}) 295 296 #查看索引信息 297 298 db.deliver_status.getIndexes() 299 300 db.deliver_status.getIndexKeys() 301 302 #根據索引名刪除索引 303 db.user_addr.dropIndex('Al.Em_1') 304 305 5. 查詢 306 307 查找全部 308 309 db.foo.find() 310 311 #查找一條記錄 312 313 db.foo.findOne() 314 315 #根據條件檢索10條記錄 316 317 db.foo.find({'msg':'Hello 1'}).limit(10) 318 319 #sort排序 320 321 db.deliver_status.find({'From':'yushunzhi@sohu.com'}).sort({'Dt',-1}) 322 323 db.deliver_status.find().sort({'Ct':-1}).limit(1) 324 325 #count操做 326 327 db.user_addr.count() 328 329 #distinct操做 330 331 db.foo.distinct('msg') 332 #>操做 333 334 db.foo.find({"timestamp": {"$gte" : 2}}) 335 336 #子對象的查找 337 338 db.foo.find({'address.city':'beijing'}) 339 340 6. 管理 341 342 查看collection數據的大小 343 344 db.deliver_status.dataSize() 345 346 #查看colleciont狀態 347 348 db.deliver_status.stats() 349 350 #查詢全部索引的大小 351 352 db.deliver_status.totalIndexSize()