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Don’t Get Hung Up When You Want to Play
You’ve just received your new module and you want to test it. You go back the seller’s web page and find instructions that are only slightly clearer than mud. In fact, one of things you discover as you attempt to unravel the odd form of English that is used is that you can’t seem to figure out what the I2C address is.ide
You can certainly find the data sheet for the device that the module is built around. With a little work, you should also be able to identify the address pins. Then, with a little probing, you can identify the address.oop
In fact, at some point in your project development, it may even become necessary. Alas, sometimes you only have a few minutes to play and you just want to see the freaking thing work.ui
If that describes you, then try running the following sketch. It will scan I2C possible addresses and report the address of the device that responds.this
address of the device that