在使用Python 開發一段時間發現Python有不少優勢,可是Python是解釋型語言,Python項目的部署時源碼是裸露的,針對這個問題如今也有幾種解決方案。在使用以上幾種解決方案保護Python源碼時不太方便和安全。因此提出一種利用編譯型語言保護Python源碼方法。python
- 計劃使用純Python代碼利密碼學保護源碼,隨着代碼的編寫發現不管如何利用對稱加密、非對稱加密和Hash算法都須要一個入口代碼,別人能夠利用入口代碼一步步的進行破解。(論證沒法解決問題)
- 由於以前寫過C/C++,考慮編譯型語言爲何不須要保護源碼,編譯型語言的可執行文件是二進制文件,很難進行反編譯。隨着這個思路能不能利用編譯型語言的保密性對Python源碼進行保護。
- 因爲Python代碼在運行時會被加載到內存,當程序運行成功是磁盤上的Python源碼能夠不存在。
- 利用Go將Python源碼加密,使用時執行Go的二進制執行文件進行解密,Python代碼啓動成功後刪除解密後的Python源碼,只保留加密後的Python源碼。
package main /* * Using Go binary file and encryption method to prevent Python code leakage. * Encrypting Python files --> Decrypting Python files --> Runing Python files --> Delete Decrypted Python files * Only Go binary and Encrypted Python files are left at run time and stop time. */ import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/des" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "syscall" "time" ) //File encryption func EncryptFile(fileName string, writfileName string, key []byte) (int, error) { file, err:=os.Open(fileName) writfile, err1:=os.Create(writfileName) if err!=nil { fmt.Println("File not found") os.Exit(0) } if err1!=nil { fmt.Println("File not found") os.Exit(0) } defer file.Close() defer writfile.Close() //Read file contents plain,_:=ioutil.ReadAll(file) //Create block block,_:=des.NewTripleDESCipher(key) EncryptMode:=cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block,key[:8]) //Plaintext complement plain=PKCS5append(plain) EncryptMode.CryptBlocks(plain,plain) err2:= ioutil.WriteFile(writfileName, []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(plain)), 0777) if err2!=nil{ fmt.Println("Failed to save encrypted file") return -1, nil }else{ fmt.Println("The file is encrypted. Remember to encrypt the key") return 0, nil } } //Decrypt files func DecryptFile(fileName string, writfileName string, key []byte) (int, error) { file,err:=os.Open(fileName) writfile, err1:=os.Create(writfileName) if err!=nil { fmt.Println("File not found") os.Exit(0) } if err1!=nil { os.Exit(0) } defer file.Close() defer writfile.Close() //Read file contents plain,_:=ioutil.ReadAll(file) //Create block block,_:=des.NewTripleDESCipher(key) DecryptMode:=cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block,key[:8]) plain,_=base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(plain)) DecryptMode.CryptBlocks(plain,plain) plain=PKCS5remove(plain) err2 := ioutil.WriteFile(writfileName,plain,0777) if err2!=nil{ fmt.Println("Failed to save decrypted file") return -1, err2 }else{ fmt.Println("File decrypted") return 0, nil } } func PKCS5append(plaintext []byte) []byte { num := 8 - len(plaintext)%8 for i:=0;i<num;i++{ plaintext=append(plaintext,byte(num)) } return plaintext } func PKCS5remove(plaintext []byte) []byte { length := len(plaintext) num := int(plaintext[length-1]) return plaintext[:(length - num)] } func main() { fmt.Println(syscall.Getpid()) var PassKey string = "***********************" //Generate key PassKeyByte :=sha256.Sum224([]byte(PassKey)) key :=PassKeyByte[:24] num1, _:= EncryptFile("PrimaryFile.py", "EncryptFile.py", key) num2, _ := DecryptFile("EncryptFile.py", "DecryptFile.py", key) //Using a goroutine for task processing go RunPython() //Wait for the task to finish processing time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) fmt.Println(num1, num2) } //Execute Python program func RunPython() { cmd := exec.Command("python3", "DecryptFile.py") lines,_ := cmd.Output() err2 := cmd.Start() if err2!=nil{ fmt.Println(err2) os.Exit(1) } else { fmt.Println(string(lines)) } err3 := cmd.Wait() if err3 !=nil { fmt.Println(err3) } else { fmt.Println("succeeded") } err := os.Remove("DecryptFile.py") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Deletion failed") } else { fmt.Println("Deletion succeeded") } }