運行環境 python2.7+window server2008+keep serverhtml
a> 下載 OpenOPC-1.3.1.win32-py2.7 (1).exe 並安裝python
b> pip安裝依賴包 Pywin32 + Pyroapi
c> 將OpenOPC安裝目錄下src文件夾下的OpenOPC.py複製到python安裝目錄下的Lib\site-packages目錄下服務器
d> 修改環境變量dom
OPC_MODE = openpython2.7
# 導入包 import OpenOPC # 生成OpenOPC實例(Open mode) # In Open mode a connection is made to the OpenOPC Gateway Service running on the specified node. This mode is available to both Windows and non-Windows clients. opc = OpenOPC.open_client('localhost) # 顯示可鏈接的opc服務器 print opc.servers() # If the OPC server is running on a different node, you can include the optional host parameter... opc.connect('Matrikon.OPC.Simulation', 'localhost')
taglist=['Channel_4.Device_6.Word_1','Channel_4.Device_6.Word_2', 'Channel_2.Device_3.Tag_1','Channel_2.Device_3.Tag_2', 'Channel_2.Device_3.Tag_3','Channel_4.Device_5.Tag_1', 'Channel_3.Device_4.Word_1','Channel_3.Device_4.Word_2',] # 讀取一系列數據 opc_datas = opc.read(taglist) datas = [i[1] for i in opc_data] # 讀取一個點 opc_data = opc.read(taglist[0]) data = opc_data[1]
# 寫入一個點 # 方式1 opc.write( ('Triangle Waves.Real8', 100.0) ) # 方式2 opc['Triangle Waves.Real8'] = 100.0 # 寫入多個點 opc.write( [('Triangle Waves.Real4', 10.0), ('Random.String', 20.0)] )
# 列出可獲取的opc目錄 >>> opc.list() ['Simulation Items', 'Configured Aliases'] >>> opc.list('Simulation Items') ['Bucket Brigade', 'Random', 'Read Error', 'Saw-toothed Waves', 'Square Waves', 'Triangle Waves', 'Write Error', 'Write Only'] # 模糊查詢 >>> opc.list('Simulation Items.Random.*Real*') ['Random.ArrayOfReal8', 'Random.Real4', 'Random.Real8'] # opc服務器信息 >>> opc.info() [('Host', 'localhost'), ('Server', 'Matrikon.OPC.Simulation'), ('State', 'Running'), ('Version', '1.1 (Build 307)'), ('Browser', 'Hierarchical'), ('Start Time', '06/24/07 13:50:54'), ('Current Time', '06/24/07 18:30:11'), ('Vendor', 'Matrikon Consulting Inc (780) 448-1010 http://www.matrikon.com')] # 關閉opc鏈接 opc.close()
網盤下載連接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17r1WllxDMzpijajGG3RUvw 提取碼: wq6q