工廠方法(Factory Method)模式,正如經典著做《Gang of Four》中所述,是一個建立型模式:app
在一個含有 User 實體和 Wish 實體的領域模型內,User 扮演了聚合根的角色。不存在無 User 的 Wish。User 實體應該管理它的聚合。單元測試
把對 Wish 的控制轉移到 User 實體的辦法就是經過在聚合根內放置一個工廠方法:測試
class User { // ... public function makeWish(WishId $wishId, $email, $content) { $wish = new WishEmail( $wishId, $this->id(), $email, $content ); DomainEventPublisher::instance()->publish( new WishMade($wishId) ); return $wish; } }
$wish = $aUser->makeWish( $wishRepository->nextIdentity(), 'user@example.com', 'I want to be free!' );
在一個含有 Forum(論壇) 和 Post(帖子) 實體的領域模型裏,Post 聚合是聚合根 Forum 的一部分,發佈一個 Post 就像這樣:spa
class Forum { // ... public function publishPost(PostId $postId, $content) { $post = new Post($this->id, $postId, $content); DomainEventPublisher::instance()->publish( new PostPublished($postId) ); return $post; } }
在與領域專家溝通後,咱們得知當 Forum 關閉後就不能建立 Post。這是一個不變量,而且咱們能夠在建立 Post 時強制這樣,從而避免領域狀態的不一致。代理
class Forum { // ... public function publishPost(PostId $postId, $content) { if ($this->isClosed()) { throw new ForumClosedException(); } $post = new Post($this->id, $postId, $content); DomainEventPublisher::instance()->publish( new PostPublished($postId) ); return $post; } }
考慮下面的服務例子。給定一個外部的請求,咱們想基於最新的 Posts 添加到系統時構建一個反饋(feed):
namespace Application\Service; use Domain\Model\Post; use Domain\Model\PostRepository; class LatestPostsFeedService { private $postRepository; public function __construct(PostRepository $postRepository) { $this->postRepository = $postRepository; } /** * @param LatestPostsFeedRequest $request */ public function execute($request) { $posts = $this->postRepository->latestPosts($request->since); return array_map(function (Post $post) { return [ 'id' => $post->id()->id(), 'content' => $post->body()->content(), 'created_at' => $post->createdAt() ]; }, $posts); } }
倉儲裏的 Finder 方法(例如 latestPosts)有一些限制,由於它們無限制地持續增長複雜性到咱們的倉儲中。正如咱們在第 10 章,倉儲 中討論的,規格是一個更好的方法。
咱們很幸運,在 PostRepository 中咱們有一個與規格工做很好的 query 方法:
class LatestPostsFeedService { // ... public function execute($request) { $posts = $this->postRepository->query($specification); } }
class LatestPostsFeedService { public function execute($request) { $posts = $this->postRepository->query( new SqlLatestPostSpecification($request->since) ); } }
將高層次的應用服務和將層次的規格實現耦合在一塊兒,會混合層並破壞關注點分離(Separation of Concerns)。除此以外,將服務耦合到具體基礎設施實現中也是至關壞的方式。你沒法在 SQL 持久化解決方案以外使用此服務。若是咱們想經過內存實現來測試咱們的服務怎麼辦?
問題的解決方案就是,經過使用抽象工廠模式(Abstract Factory pattern)從服務自己解耦規格的建立。依據 OODesign.com:
namespace Domain\Model; interface PostSpecificationFactory { public function createLatestPosts(DateTimeImmutable $since); }
而後咱們須要爲每一個 PostRepository 實現建立工廠。做爲一個例子,對於內存中的 PostRepository 實現就像這樣:
namespace Infrastructure\Persistence\InMemory; use Domain\Model\PostSpecificationFactory; class InMemoryPostSpecificationFactory implements PostSpecificationFactory { public function createLatestPosts(DateTimeImmutable $since) { return new InMemoryLatestPostSpecification($since); } }
class LatestPostsFeedService { private $postRepository; private $postSpecificationFactory; public function __construct( PostRepository $postRepository, PostSpecificationFactory $postSpecificationFactory ) { $this->postRepository = $postRepository; $this->postSpecificationFactory = $postSpecificationFactory; } public function execute($request) { $posts = $this->postRepository->query( $this->postSpecificationFactory->createLatestPosts( $request->since ) ); } }
如今,經過內存中的 PostRepository 實現對咱們的服務進行單元測試很是容易:
namespace Application\Service; use Domain\Model\Body; use Domain\Model\Post; use Domain\Model\PostId; use Infrastructure\Persistence\InMemory\InMemoryPostRepositor; class LatestPostsFeedServiceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var \Infrastructure\Persistence\InMemory\InMemoryPostRepository */ private $postRepository; /** * @var LatestPostsFeedService */ private $latestPostsFeedService; public function setUp() { $this->latestPostsFeedService = new LatestPostsFeedService( $this->postRepository = new InMemoryPostRepository() ); } /** * @test */ public function shouldBuildAFeedFromLatestPosts() { $this->addPost(1, 'first', '-2 hours'); $this->addPost(2, 'second', '-3 hours'); $this->addPost(3, 'third', '-5 hours'); $feed = $this->latestPostsFeedService->execute( new LatestPostsFeedRequest( new \DateTimeImmutable('-4 hours') ) ); $this->assertFeedContains([ ['id' => 1, 'content' => 'first'], ['id' => 2, 'content' => 'second'] ], $feed); } private function addPost($id, $content, $createdAt) { $this->postRepository->add(new Post( new PostId($id), new Body($content), new \DateTimeImmutable($createdAt) )); } private function assertFeedContains($expected, $feed) { foreach ($expected as $index => $contents) { $this->assertArraySubset($contents, $feed[$index]); $this->assertNotNull($feed[$index]['created_at']); } } }
class SignUpUserService { private $userRepository; public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) { $this->userRepository = $userRepository; } /** * @param SignUpUserRequest $request */ public function execute($request) { $email = $request->email(); $password = $request->password(); $user = $this->userRepository->userOfEmail($email); if (null !== $user) { throw new UserAlreadyExistsException(); } $this->userRepository->persist(new User( $this->userRepository->nextIdentity(), $email, $password )); return $user; } }
想象以下的一個 User 實體:
class User { private $userId; private $email; private $password; public function __construct(UserId $userId, $email, $password) { // ... } // ... }
假定咱們想用 Doctrine 做爲咱們的基礎持久化機制。Doctrine 須要一個普通字符串變量的 id 來保證工做正常。在咱們的實體中,$userId 是一個 UserId 值對象。添加一個額外的 id 到 User 實體僅僅是由於 Doctrine 會將咱們的領域模型和持久化機制耦合。咱們在第 4 章,實體 裏看到,咱們能夠用一個代理(Surrogate) ID 解決這個問題,即經過在基礎設施層的 User 實體外圍建立一個 wrapper:
class DoctrineUser extends User { private $surrogateUserId; public function __construct(UserId $userId, $email, $password) { parent:: __construct($userId, $email, $password); $this->surrogateUserId = $userId->id(); } }
由於在應用服務中建立 DoctrineUser 會再次耦合持久層和領域,咱們須要用抽象工廠在服務外解耦這個建立邏輯。
interface UserFactory { public function build(UserId $userId, $email, $password); }
class DoctrineUserFactory implements UserFactory { public function build(UserId $userId, $email, $password) { return new DoctrineUser($userId, $email, $password); } }
class SignUpUserService { private $userRepository; private $userFactory; public function __construct( UserRepository $userRepository, UserFactory $userFactory ) { $this->userRepository = $userRepository; $this->userFactory = $userFactory; } /** * @param SignUpUserRequest $request */ public function execute($request) { // ... $user = $this->userFactory->build( $this->userRepository->nextIdentity(), $email, $password ); $this->userRepository->persist($user); return $user; } }
class Author { private $username; private $email ; private $fullName; public function __construct( Username $aUsername, FullName $aFullName, Email $anEmail ) { $this->username = $aUsername; $this->email = $anEmail ; $this->fullName = $aFullName; } // ... }
class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @test */ public function itDoesSomething() { $author = new Author( new Username('johndoe'), new FullName('John', 'Doe' ), new Email('john@doe.com' ) ); //do something with author } }
class AuthorObjectMother { public static function createOne() { return new Author( new Username('johndoe'), new FullName('John', 'Doe'), new Email('john@doe.com') ); } } class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @test */ public function itDoesSomething() { $author = AuthorObjectMother::createOne(); } }
class AuthorBuilder { private $username; private $email; private $fullName; private function __construct() { $this->username = new Username('johndoe'); $this->email = new Email('john@doe.com'); $this->fullName = new FullName('John', 'Doe'); } public static function anAuthor() { return new self(); } public function withFullName(FullName $aFullName) { $this->fullName = $aFullName; return $this; } public function withUsername(Username $aUsername) { $this->username = $aUsername; return $this; } public function withEmail(Email $anEmail) { $this->email = $anEmail; return $this; } public function build() { return new Author($this->username, $this->fullName, $this->email); } } class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @test */ public function itDoesSomething() { $author = AuthorBuilder::anAuthor() ->withEmail(new Email('other@email.com')) ->build(); } }
咱們甚至能夠結合使用測試數據構建器來構建更復雜的聚合,好比 Post:
class Post { private $id; private $author; private $body; private $createdAt; public function __construct( PostId $anId, Author $anAuthor, Body $aBody ) { $this->id = $anId; $this->author = $anAuthor; $this->body = $aBody; $this->createdAt = new DateTimeImmutable(); } }
讓咱們看看 Post 相應的測試數據構建器。咱們能夠重用 AuthorBuilder 來構建一個默認的 Author:
class PostBuilder { private $postId; private $author; private $body; private function __construct() { $this->postId = new PostId(); $this->author = AuthorBuilder::anAuthor()->build(); $this->body = new Body('Post body'); } public static function aPost() { return new self(); } public function withAuthor(Author $anAuthor) { $this->author = $anAuthor; return $this; } public function withPostId(PostId $aPostId) { $this->postId = $aPostId; return $this; } public function withBody(Body $body) { $this->body = $body; return $this; } public function build() { return new Post($this->postId, $this->author, $this->body); } }
class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @test */ public function itDoesSomething() { $post = PostBuilder::aPost() ->withAuthor(AuthorBuilder::anAuthor() ->withUsername(new Username('other')) ->build()) ->withBody(new Body('Another body')) ->build(); //do something with the post } }