原文地址:http://www.javashuo.com/article/p-kvigzkkz-bd.html html
A password is considered strong if below conditions are all met:git
Write a function strongPasswordChecker(s), that takes a string s as input, and return the MINIMUM change required to make s a strong password. If s is already strong, return 0.app
Insertion, deletion or replace of any one character are all considered as one change.ide
編寫函數 strongPasswordChecker(s),s 表明輸入字符串,若是 s 已經符合強密碼條件,則返回0;不然返回要將 s 修改成知足強密碼條件的字符串所須要進行修改的最小步數。ui
1 class Solution { 2 func strongPasswordChecker(_ s: String) -> Int { 3 var digitNum = 0 4 var upperNum = 0 5 var lowerNum = 0 6 7 var repeatArr = Array<Int>() 8 var lastChar = 0 9 var repeatnum = 1 10 for c in s.unicodeScalars{ 11 let num = c.value 12 if num >= 48 && num < 58{ 13 digitNum += 1 14 } 15 if num >= 65 && num < 91{ 16 upperNum += 1 17 } 18 if num >= 97 && num < 123{ 19 lowerNum += 1 20 } 21 if num == lastChar{ 22 repeatnum += 1 23 }else{ 24 if repeatnum >= 3{ 25 repeatArr.append(repeatnum) 26 } 27 repeatnum = 1 28 } 29 lastChar = Int(num) 30 } 31 if repeatnum >= 3{ 32 repeatArr.append(repeatnum) 33 } 34 //補全三種字符須要的步驟 (插入,替換) 35 var step1 = 0 36 step1 += digitNum == 0 ? 1:0 37 step1 += upperNum == 0 ? 1:0 38 step1 += lowerNum == 0 ? 1:0 39 40 //插入 41 if s.count < 6{ 42 //不滿6位 與 種類不齊均可以經過 插入同時結局 因此 取大值 43 return max(step1,6-s.count) 44 } 45 //大於6位只進行替換 和 刪除,二者互斥 因此求和 46 else{ 47 //至少須要的刪除操做 48 let deleteStep = (s.count - 20) > 0 ? s.count - 20 : 0 49 var deleteStepTemp = deleteStep 50 for i in 0...2{ 51 if deleteStepTemp < (i+1){ 52 break 53 } 54 for index in 0..<repeatArr.count{ 55 if deleteStepTemp < (i+1){ 56 break 57 } 58 let num = repeatArr[index] 59 if num % 3 == i && num >= 3{ 60 repeatArr[index] = num - i - 1 61 deleteStepTemp -= (i + 1) 62 } 63 } 64 } 65 //須要經過替換消除3連的部署(每n個數相連 須要替換n/3個) 66 var changeStep = 0 67 for i in 0..<repeatArr.count{ 68 let num = repeatArr[i] 69 changeStep += num/3 70 } 71 //消除3連的替換changeStep步數 和 step1步數 能夠同事知足 因此取大值 72 var res = max(changeStep,step1) 73 //總步數 = 必須刪除的步數 + 須要替換的步數 74 res = deleteStep + res 75 return res 76 } 77 } 78 }
Runtime: 8 mscode
1 class Solution { 2 func strongPasswordChecker(_ s: String) -> Int { 3 var requiredChar:Int = GetRequiredChar(s) 4 if s.count < 6 5 { 6 return max(requiredChar, 6 - s.count) 7 } 8 var replace:Int = 0 9 var oned:Int = 0 10 var twod:Int = 0 11 12 var i:Int = 0 13 var arrS:[Character] = Array(s) 14 while(i < s.count) 15 { 16 var len:Int = 1 17 while(i + len < s.count && arrS[i + len] == arrS[i + len - 1]) 18 { 19 len += 1 20 } 21 if len >= 3 22 { 23 replace += len / 3 24 if len % 3 == 0 {oned += 1} 25 if len % 3 == 1 {twod += 2} 26 } 27 i += len 28 } 29 if s.count <= 20 30 { 31 return max(requiredChar, replace) 32 } 33 var deleteCount:Int = s.count - 20 34 replace -= min(deleteCount, oned) 35 replace -= min(max(deleteCount - oned, 0), twod) / 2 36 replace -= max(deleteCount - oned - twod, 0) / 3 37 return deleteCount + max(requiredChar, replace) 38 } 39 40 func GetRequiredChar(_ s:String) -> Int 41 { 42 var lowercase:Int = 1 43 var uppercase:Int = 1 44 var digit:Int = 1 45 for c in s 46 { 47 if c >= "a" && c <= "z" {lowercase = 0} 48 else if c >= "A" && c <= "Z" {uppercase = 0} 49 else if c >= "0" && c <= "9" {digit = 0} 50 } 51 return lowercase + uppercase + digit 52 } 53 }