chapter 2java
Every single logger is attached to a
which is responsible for manufacturing loggers as well as arranging them in a tree like hierarchy.
chapter 2app
Loggers are named entities. Their names are case-sensitive and they follow the hierarchical naming rule:A logger is said to be an ancestor of another logger if its name followed by a dot is a prefix of the descendant logger name. A logger is said to be a parent of a child logger if there are no ancestors between itself and the descendant logger.less
For example, the logger named
is a parent of the logger named"com.foo.Bar"
. Similarly,"java"
is a parent of"java.util"
and an ancestor of"java.util.Vector"
. This naming scheme should be familiar to most developers.ideThe root logger resides at the top of the logger hierarchy. It is exceptional in that it is part of every hierarchy at its inception. Like every logger, it can be retrieved by its name, as follows:函數
Logger rootLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT\_LOGGER\_NAME);
(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME)性能All other loggers are also retrieved with the class static
method found in the org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class. This method takes the name of the desired logger as a parameter.flex
chapter 2
Loggers may be assigned levels. The set of possible levels (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR) are defined in thech.qos.logback.classic.Level
class. Note that in logback, theLevel
class is final and cannot be sub-classed, as a much more flexible approach exists in the form ofMarker
objects.If a given logger is not assigned a level, then it inherits one from its closest ancestor with an assigned level. More formally:
The effective level for a given logger
, is equal to the first non-null level in its hierarchy, starting atL
itself and proceeding upwards in the hierarchy towards the root logger.To ensure that all loggers can eventually inherit a level, the root logger always has an assigned level. By default, this level is DEBUG.
本段說明 logback 會對記錄器(Logger
級別的記錄器後繼承它的。爲了確保一個沒有指定級別的記錄器必定會有級別,根記錄器默認有 DEBUG 的級別而且級別不能置爲 null。
chapter 2
Printing methods and the basic selection ruleBy definition, the printing method determines the level of a logging request. For example, if
is a logger instance, then the statementL.info("..")
is a logging statement of level INFO.A logging request is said to beenabled_if its level is higher than or equal to the effective level of its logger. Otherwise, the request is said to be_disabled. As described previously, a logger without an assigned level will inherit one from its nearest ancestor. This rule is summarized below.
Basic Selection Rule:
A log request of level p issued to a logger having an effective level q, is enabled if p >= q.This rule is at the heart of logback. It assumes that levels are ordered as follows:
最後給出了日誌等級的前後大小關係爲TRACE < DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR
chapter 2
Calling the LoggerFactory.getLogger method with the same name will always return a reference to the exact same logger object.
For example, in
Logger x = LoggerFactory.getLogger("wombat"); Logger y = LoggerFactory.getLogger("wombat");x and y refer to exactly the same logger object.
Thus, it is possible to configure a logger and then to retrieve the same instance somewhere else in the code without passing around references.
中,同樣的 param,返回獲得的對象老是那一個。
In fundamental contradiction to biological parenthood, where parents always precede their children, logback loggers can be created and configured in any order. In particular, a "parent" logger will find and link to its descendants even if it is instantiated after them.Configuration of the logback environment is typically done at application initialization. The preferred way is by reading a configuration file. This approach will be discussed shortly.
chapter 2
Logback makes it easy to name loggers by software component. This can be accomplished by instantiating a logger in each class, with the logger name equal to the fully qualified name of the class. This is a useful and straightforward method of defining loggers. As the log output bears the name of the generating logger, this naming strategy makes it easy to identify the origin of a log message. However, this is only one possible, albeit common, strategy for naming loggers. Logback does not restrict the possible set of loggers. As a developer, you are free to name loggers as you wish.Nevertheless, naming loggers after the class where they are located seems to be the best general strategy known so far.
的 param。
仔細思考會發現這個命名範式是很詭異的。若是按照此範式命名,若是某個類的日誌記錄器名爲"a.b",那麼不可能存在「a.b.c」的日誌記錄器,由於一個類不可能像一個包同樣,裏面裝一個類。這樣的話 logback 裏的祖輩子輩日誌記錄器的結構被徹底破壞,所謂樹形結構也不復存在。
chapter 2
The rules governing appender additivity are summarized below.Appender Additivity:
The output of a log statement of loggerL
will go to all the appenders inL
and its ancestors. This is the meaning of the term "appender additivity".However, if an ancestor of logger
, sayP
, has the additivity flag set to false, thenL
's output will be directed to all the appenders inL
and its ancestors up to and includingP
but not the appenders in any of the ancestors ofP
.Loggers have their additivity flag set to true by default.
Since the root logger stands at the top of the logger hierarchy, the additivity flag does not apply to it.
chapter 2
Parameterized logging
Given that loggers in logback-classic implement the SLF4J's Logger interface, certain printing methods admit more than one parameter. These printing method variants are mainly intended to improve performance while minimizing the impact on the readability of the code.
的打印(輸出)方法(所謂'certain printing methods',在超連接過去的API文檔中搜索print,根本沒有。結合下文才能反應過來,其實在日誌系統或者說slf4j或者說logback中,所謂的print就是指info(..)
For some Logger logger, writing,
logger.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i]));incurs the cost of constructing the message parameter, that is converting both integer i and entry[i] to a String, and concatenating intermediate strings. This is regardless of whether the message will be logged or not.
One possible way to avoid the cost of parameter construction is by surrounding the log statement with a test. Here is an example.
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Entry number: " + i + " is " + String.valueOf(entry[i])); }This way you will not incur the cost of parameter construction if debugging is disabled for logger. On the other hand, if the logger is enabled for the DEBUG level, you will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is enabled or not, twice: once in debugEnabled and once in debug. In practice, this overhead is insignificant because evaluating a logger takes less than 1% of the time it takes to actually log a request.
Better alternative
There exists a convenient alternative based on message formats. Assuming entry is an object, you can write:Object entry = new SomeObject(); logger.debug("The entry is {}.", entry);Only after evaluating whether to log or not, and only if the decision is positive, will the logger implementation format the message and replace the '{}' pair with the string value of entry. In other words, this form does not incur the cost of parameter construction when the log statement is disabled.
The following two lines will yield the exact same output. However, in case of a disabled logging statement, the second variant will outperform the first variant by a factor of at least 30.
logger.debug("The new entry is "+entry+"."); logger.debug("The new entry is {}.", entry);A two argument variant is also available. For example, you can write:
logger.debug("The new entry is {}. It replaces {}.", entry, oldEntry);
If three or more arguments need to be passed, an Object[] variant is also available. For example, you can write:Object[] paramArray = {newVal, below, above};
logger.debug("Value {} was inserted between {} and {}.", paramArray);
實現方法就是採用佔位符形式的輸出: logger.debug("The new entry is {}.", entry)
。類比於C語言的printf("the new try is %s",s)
chapter 3
The <logger> element may contain zero or more <appender-ref> elements; each appender thus referenced is added to the named logger. Note that unlike log4j, logback-classic does not close nor remove any previously referenced appenders when configuring a given logger.
chapter 3
對應標題爲「Configuring the root logger, or the<root>
element configures the root logger. It supports a single attribute, namely the level attribute. It does not allow any other attributes because the additivity flag does not apply to the root logger. Moreover, since the root logger is already named as "ROOT", it does not allow a name attribute either. The value of the level attribute can be one of the case-insensitive strings TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALL or OFF. Note that the level of the root logger cannot be set to INHERITED or NULL.
chapter 3
Let us note that the basic-selection rule depends on the effective level of the logger being invoked, not the level of the logger where appenders are attached.Logback will first determine whether a logging statement is enabled or not, and if enabled, it will invoke the appenders found in the logger hierarchy, regardless of their level.
chapter 3
Appender additivity is not intended as a trap for new users. It is quite a convenient logback feature. For instance, you can configure logging such that log messages appear on the console (for all loggers in the system) while messages only from some specific set of loggers flow into a specific appender.
<configuration> <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender"> <file>myApp.log</file> <encoder> <pattern>%date %level [%thread] %logger{10} [%file:%line] %msg%n</pattern> </encoder> </appender> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <encoder> <pattern>%msg%n</pattern> </encoder> </appender> <logger name="chapters.configuration"> <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> </logger> <root level="debug"> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> </root> </configuration>In this example, the console appender will log all the messages (for all loggers in the system) whereas only logging requests originating from the chapters.configuration logger and its children will go into the myApp.log file.
package chapters.configuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter; public class MyApp2 { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyApp2.class); public static void main(String[] args) { // assume SLF4J is bound to logback in the current environment LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); // print logback's internal status StatusPrinter.print(lc); logger.info("Entering application."); Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.doIt(); logger.info("Exiting application."); } }
package chapters.configuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Foo { static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Foo.class); public void doIt() { logger.debug("Did it again!"); } }
配置的實際動做了。final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyApp2.class);
並無配置任何輸出器,因此它不會有任何輸出。但由於記錄器的累加性,在配置文件中被配置的<logger name="chapters.configuration">
爲它的父記錄器,收到了它批准的記錄請求,並交給了本身的輸出器去完成,因而消息變成記錄後保存到了文件。而且由於可加性繼續向上傳,<root level="debug">
,那麼它只會有根元素的控制檯輸出的記錄,而不會產生存儲到文件裏的記錄。這就是引文第一句——Appender additivity is not intended as a trap for new users. It is quite a convenient logback feature. ——記錄器的累加性並非坑害開發者的陷阱,而是一個能夠被好好利用的特性。
chapter 3
對應標題爲」Overriding the default cumulative behaviour「的一整個小節。
<configuration> <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender"> <file>foo.log</file> <encoder> <pattern>%date %level [%thread] %logger{10} [%file : %line] %msg%n</pattern> </encoder> </appender> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <encoder> <pattern>%msg%n</pattern> </encoder> </appender> <logger name="chapters.configuration.Foo" additivity="false"> <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> </logger> <root level="debug"> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> </root> </configuration>