由於在OpenShift 4.1環境中不建議直接登陸集羣主機操做,所以不少操做可能須要在外部的Client VM上完成。固然用rhel的worker node的同事也能夠和原來習慣保持一致。node
INFO Creating infrastructure resources... ********************************************************************************************* INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the Kubernetes API at https://api.cluster-8447.sandbox.opentlc.com:6443... INFO API v1.13.4+3a25c9b up INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for bootstrapping to complete... INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources... INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the cluster at https://api.cluster.sandbox.opentlc.com:6443 to initialize... INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created... INFO Install complete! INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/cluster/auth/kubeconfig' INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: https://console-openshift-console.apps.cluster.sandbox.opentlc.com INFO Login to the console with user: kubeadmin, password: TyCzM-ShJPQ-cgepT-dkDwq
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/cluster-${GUID}/auth/kubeconfig echo "export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/cluster-${GUID}/auth/kubeconfig" >>$HOME/.bashrc
[root@clientvm 0 ~]# oc get svc -n openshift-image-registry NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE image-registry ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP 5h2m
oc patch configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge
oc login -u kubeadm HOST=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ .spec.host }}') podman login -u kubeadm -p $(oc whoami -t) --tls-verify=false $HOST
podman build -t default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.cluster-8447.sandbox452.opentlc.com/myproject/mytomcat:slim .
[root@clientvm 127 ~/cluster-8447]# podman images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.cluster-8447.sandbox452.opentlc.com/myproject/mytomcat slim ec32b2cdbea2 About a minute ago 518 MB <none> <none> 0426c1689356 5 minutes ago 500 MB docker.io/library/openjdk 8-jdk 08ded5f856cc 6 days ago 500 MB
[root@clientvm 125 ~]# podman push default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps.cluster-d60b.sandbox509.opentlc.com/myproject/mytomcat:slim --tls-verify=false Getting image source signatures Copying blob ea23cfa0bea9 done Copying blob 2bf534399aca done Copying blob eb25e0278d41 done Copying blob 46ff59048438 done Copying blob f613cd1e50cc done Copying blob 1c95c77433e8 done Copying blob 6d520b2e1077 done Copying config 7670309228 done Writing manifest to image destination Copying config 7670309228 done Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures
[root@clientvm 0 ~/cluster-8447]# oc new-app mytomcat:slim --> Found image ec32b2c (6 minutes old) in image stream "myproject/mytomcat" under tag "slim" for "mytomcat:slim" * This image will be deployed in deployment config "mytomcat" * Port 8080/tcp will be load balanced by service "mytomcat" * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "mytomcat" * WARNING: Image "myproject/mytomcat:slim" runs as the 'root' user which may not be permitted by your cluster administrator --> Creating resources ... deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "mytomcat" created service "mytomcat" created --> Success Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below: 'oc expose svc/mytomcat' Run 'oc status' to view your app.
OpenShift 4.1 的用戶認證這塊也基於Operator實現,和3.11很大的區別在於3.11是配置在master-config.yaml下面,缺省是HTPasswd,
而4是缺省identity provider是沒有的,須要基於authentication的cr配置出來。
在Cluster Setting的Global Configuration裏面能夠看到OAuth這項內容。
點擊進去能夠看到identity Provider爲空
缺省只能用kubeadmin登陸,若是須要添加用戶,首先須要建立CR(Custom Resource)
htpasswd -c -B -b users.htpasswd admin welcome1
htpasswd -b users.htpasswd eric welcome1
htpasswd -b users.htpasswd alice welcome1
2. 在openshift-config下建立secret
oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=htpasswd=/root/users.htpasswd -n openshift-config
oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=htpasswd=/root/users.htpasswd -n openshift-config --dry-run -o yaml | oc apply -f -
完成後能夠在openshift-config下看到這個secret, 選擇edit secret,看到裏面包含得用戶名
3. 更新CR, 寫一個yaml文件, 這一步也能夠直接在界面上添加。
[root@clientvm 0 ~]# cat htpass.yaml apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1 kind: OAuth metadata: name: cluster spec: identityProviders: - name: my_htpasswd_provider mappingMethod: claim type: HTPasswd htpasswd: fileData: name: htpass-secret
[root@clientvm 0 ~]# oc apply -f htpass.yaml Warning: oc apply should be used on resource created by either oc create --save-config or oc apply oauth.config.openshift.io/cluster configured
檢查Pod的狀態(在openshift-authentication project下),若是沒有從新更新,就手工delete Pod讓他從新裝載一遍.
用oc get users看一看,怎麼什麼都沒有。。。這裏有個坑,只有登陸事後的用戶才能看到,因此直接登陸吧
[root@clientvm 0 ~]# oc login -u eric Authentication required for https://api.cluster-8447.sandbox452.opentlc.com:6443 (openshift) Username: eric Password: Login successful. You don't have any projects. You can try to create a new project, by running oc new-project <projectname>
再切換回 kubeadmin用戶,就能夠看到了
[root@clientvm 0 ~]# oc get users NAME UID FULL NAME IDENTITIES admin 463b2706-c3d9-11e9-b6ad-0a580a81001f my_htpasswd_provider:admin alice d73b3e6f-c3db-11e9-ba6d-0a580a80001a my_htpasswd_provider:alice eric 4c8b7952-c3de-11e9-ab5a-0a580a82001b my_htpasswd_provider:eric
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin