SLA:Service Level Authorization(服務層受權)java
若是啓用了sla (,則每次服務端收到rpc請求後,都會對請求作權限檢測。RPCServer在收到客戶端的rpc請求後會對該請求作sla檢測。apache
流程: processRpcOutOfBandRequest(RpcRequestHeaderProto header, DataInputStream dis) -->org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server.Connection.processConnectionContext(DataInputStream dis) -->org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server.Connection.authorizeConnection() -->org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server.authorize(UserGroupInformation user, String protocolName, InetAddress addr) --> user, Class<?> protocol, Configuration conf, InetAddress addr)
/** * Authorize proxy users to access this server * @throws WrappedRpcServerException - user is not allowed to proxy */ private void authorizeConnection() throws WrappedRpcServerException { try { // If auth method is TOKEN, the token was obtained by the // real user for the effective user, therefore not required to // authorize real user. doAs is allowed only for simple or kerberos // authentication if (user != null && user.getRealUser() != null && (authMethod != AuthMethod.TOKEN)) { ProxyUsers.authorize(user, this.getHostAddress()); } //用戶user從主機(getHostInetAddress())發起了協議protocolName的訪問,此處對該訪問進行受權 authorize(user, protocolName, getHostInetAddress()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Successfully authorized " + connectionContext); } rpcMetrics.incrAuthorizationSuccesses(); } catch (AuthorizationException ae) {"Connection from " + this + " for protocol " + connectionContext.getProtocol() + " is unauthorized for user " + user); rpcMetrics.incrAuthorizationFailures(); throw new WrappedRpcServerException( RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_UNAUTHORIZED, ae); } } /** * Authorize the incoming client connection. * * @param user client user * @param protocolName - the protocol * @param addr InetAddress of incoming connection * @throws AuthorizationException when the client isn't authorized to talk the protocol */ private void authorize(UserGroupInformation user, String protocolName, InetAddress addr) throws AuthorizationException { if (authorize) { if (protocolName == null) { throw new AuthorizationException("Null protocol not authorized"); } Class<?> protocol = null; try { protocol = getProtocolClass(protocolName, getConf()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cfne) { throw new AuthorizationException("Unknown protocol: " + protocolName); } serviceAuthorizationManager.authorize(user, protocol, getConf(), addr); } } /** * Authorize the user to access the protocol being used. * * @param user user accessing the service * @param protocol service being accessed * @param conf configuration to use * @param addr InetAddress of the client * @throws AuthorizationException on authorization failure */ public void authorize(UserGroupInformation user, Class<?> protocol, Configuration conf, InetAddress addr ) throws AuthorizationException { AccessControlList[] acls = protocolToAcls.get(protocol); MachineList[] hosts = protocolToMachineLists.get(protocol); if (acls == null || hosts == null) { throw new AuthorizationException("Protocol " + protocol + " is not known."); } // get client principal key to verify (if available) KerberosInfo krbInfo = SecurityUtil.getKerberosInfo(protocol, conf); String clientPrincipal = null; if (krbInfo != null) { String clientKey = krbInfo.clientPrincipal(); if (clientKey != null && !clientKey.isEmpty()) { try { clientPrincipal = SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal( conf.get(clientKey), addr); } catch (IOException e) { throw (AuthorizationException) new AuthorizationException( "Can't figure out Kerberos principal name for connection from " + addr + " for user=" + user + " protocol=" + protocol) .initCause(e); } } } if((clientPrincipal != null && !clientPrincipal.equals(user.getUserName())) || acls.length != 2 || !acls[0].isUserAllowed(user) || acls[1].isUserAllowed(user)) { AUDITLOG.warn(AUTHZ_FAILED_FOR + user + " for protocol=" + protocol + ", expected client Kerberos principal is " + clientPrincipal); throw new AuthorizationException("User " + user + " is not authorized for protocol " + protocol + ", expected client Kerberos principal is " + clientPrincipal); } if (addr != null) { String hostAddress = addr.getHostAddress(); if (hosts.length != 2 || !hosts[0].includes(hostAddress) || hosts[1].includes(hostAddress)) { AUDITLOG.warn(AUTHZ_FAILED_FOR + " for protocol=" + protocol + " from host = " + hostAddress); throw new AuthorizationException("Host " + hostAddress + " is not authorized for protocol " + protocol) ; } } + user + " for protocol="+protocol); }
ServiceAuthorizationManager維護了 協議與用戶、主機的映射關係,包括白名單和黑名單,支持動態刷新。oop