'Author:MENGFEIYANG 'Time:20110507 '方法使用:Popup 方法 Function FormateTime(sendTime,Para) '格式化時間 select case Para case "1" sendTime = Right("00" & Hour(sendTime),2) & ":"& right( "00" & minute(sendTime),2) & ":"& right( "00" & Second(sendTime),2) end select FormateTime = SendTime end Function Function FormateDate(sendTime,Para) '格式化日期 select case Para Rem YYYY年MM月DD日 case "1" sendTime = year(sendTime) & "年"& right( "00" & month(sendTime),2) & "月"& right( "00" & day(sendTime),2)& "日 " End select FormateDate = SendTime end Function 'MsgBox FormateDate(date(), "1") 'MsgBox FormateTime(time(), "1") Dim a,b,c,d,x,y,i,k,t,dt,MyWeekDay,user'定義變量 MyWeekDay = Weekday(date) Select case MyWeekDay Case 1 MyWeekDay = "星期日" Case 2 MyWeekDay = "星期一" Case 3 MyWeekDay = "星期二" Case 4 MyWeekDay = "星期三" Case 5 MyWeekDay = "星期四" Case 6 MyWeekDay = "星期五" Case 7 MyWeekDay = "星期六" End select 'MsgBox MyWeekDay t = FormateTime(time(), "1") dt = FormateDate(date(), "1") user = InputBox ("請輸入您的用戶名:","用戶名輸入","飛陽123") If user = "" Then user = "Null" End If d = InputBox("請輸入您要提醒的事件:"&vbCrLf&vbCrLf&"當前時間爲:"&t&vbCrLf&vbcrlf&"今天日期是:"&dt&" "&MyWeekDay&vbcrlf,"提示","無提醒事件") If d = "" Then d = "無提醒事件" End If a = Mid(t,1,2)'獲取當前小時 b = Split(t,":",-1,1) c = b(1)'獲取當前分鐘 i = Right(t,2)'獲取當前秒數 For x = a To 24 Step + 1 '小時循環 For y = c To 59 Step + 1 '分鐘循環 For z = i to 59 step +1 '每數60次y加1 k = CreateObject("wscript.shell").popup ("今天日期爲:"&dt&" "&MyWeekDay&vbcrlf&vbcrlf&"如今時間爲:"&x&" 時 "&y&" 分 "&z&" 秒"&vbCrLf&vbcrlf&"提醒事件爲:"&d,1,user&"的簡易時鐘",64) '每1秒點擊1次肯定 Select Case k Case 1 WScript.Quit End select Next i = Right(Time,2)'校訂當前秒數 Next Next