synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。 pass Switch to pass mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass. 處理跳轉到vcl_pass pipe Switch to pipe mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pipe. 處理跳轉到vcl_pipe hash Continue processing the object as a potential candidate for caching. Passes the control over to vcl_hash. 處理跳轉到vcl_hash,在緩存中查找對象,若是有則爲命中, purge Purge the object and it's variants. Control passes through vcl_hash to vcl_purge. 刪除對象和它的變體。控制pass經過vcl_hash到vcl_purge
synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。 pipe Proceed with pipe mode. 使用pip模式處理
synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。 fetch Proceed with pass mode. 繼續pass模式 restart Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher than max_restarts Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
在執行 lookup 指令後,在緩存中找到請求的內容後將自動調用該函數;rest
restart Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher than max_restarts Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。 deliver Deliver the object. Control passes to vcl_deliver. 傳遞對象,使用vcl_deliver處理。 synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。
在執行 lookup 指令後,在緩存中沒有找到請求的內容時自動調用該方法,此函數可用於判斷是否須要從後端服務器獲取內容,從哪個後端獲取內容;orm
synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。 pass Switch to pass mode. Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass. 處理跳轉到vcl_pass fetch Retrieve the requested object from the backend. Control will eventually pass to vcl_backend_fetch. 從後端獲取請求對象。控制最終傳遞到vcl_backend_fetch。 restart Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher than max_restarts Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
lookup Look up the object in cache. Control passes to vcl_miss, vcl_hit or vcl_purge. 從緩存中查找對象。控制傳遞至vcl_miss, vcl_hit 或者 vcl_purge.
synth(status code, reason) Return a synthetic object with the specified status code to the client and abandon the request. 返回一我的爲對象使用指定的狀態碼給客戶端或者放棄請求。 restart Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher than max_restarts Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
deliver Deliver the object to the client. 傳遞對象給客戶端。 restart Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher than max_restarts Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
fetch Fetch the object from the backend. 從後端獲取對象 abandon Abandon the backend request and generates an error. 丟棄後端請求,同時生成一個錯誤頁面。
deliver Possibly insert the object into the cache, then deliver it to the Control will eventually pass to vcl_deliver. 能夠將對象插入到緩存,而後傳遞它到控制器,最終傳遞到vcl_deliver。 abandon Abandon the backend request and generates an error. 丟棄後端請求,同時生成一個錯誤頁面。 retry Retry the backend transaction. Increases the retries counter. If the number of retries is higher than max_retries Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
deliver Deliver the error. 傳遞錯誤頁面 retry Retry the backend transaction. Increases the retries counter. If the number of retries is higher than max_retries Varnish emits a guru meditation error. 從新啓動事務。增長了從新啓動計數器。若是從新啓動的次數比max_restarts高,varnish將返回權威的默認錯誤。
deliver Deliver the object. If the object has a positive TTL then the object is also stored in cache. 傳遞對象,若是對象設置了TTL,該對象還會存儲如緩存中。 restart Restart processing the object. 從新啓動對對象的處理。
ok Normal return, VCL continues loading. 正常返回,VCL繼續加載。
ok Normal return, VCL will be discarded. 正常返回,VCL將再也不使用。