<div class="upload-music-container"> <el-upload class="upload-music" ref="upload" action="http://up-z2.qiniup.com/" :data="{token:uploadToken}" multiple accept=".mp3" :before-upload="uploadBefore" :on-change="uploadChange" :on-success="uploadSuccess" :on-error="uploadError"> <el-button size="small" type="primary">選取文件</el-button> <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">僅支持上傳mp3文件,文件大小不超過500M</div> </el-upload> <el-button size="small" type="success" @click="submitUpload">上傳到服務器</el-button> </div> export default { name: 'uploadMusic', data() { return { headers: {}, uploadToken: null, canUploadMore: true, fileList: null, } }, created() { this.headers = {} //此處須要與server約定具體的header this.getUploadToken() }, methods: { //獲取上傳七牛token憑證 getUploadToken() { this.$http.get('xxxxxxx', {headers: this.headers}).then(response => { if (response.data.status == 200) { let resp = response.data.data this.uploadToken = resp.token } else { this.$message({ message: '獲取憑證失敗,請重試', type: 'error' }) } }) }, //獲取音頻文件時長 getVideoPlayTime(file, fileList) { let self = this //獲取錄音時長 try { let url = URL.createObjectURL(file.raw); //經測試,發現audio也可獲取視頻的時長 let audioElement = new Audio(url); let duration; audioElement.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function (_event) { duration = audioElement.duration; file.duration = duration self.fileList = fileList }); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } }, //校驗上傳文件大小 uploadChange(file, fileList) { this.fileList = fileList let totalSize = 0 for (let file of fileList) { totalSize += file.raw.size } if (totalSize > 500 * 1024 * 1024) { this.canUploadMore = false this.$message({ message: '上傳文件不能不超過500M', type: 'warn' }) } else { this.canUploadMore = true } }, uploadBefore(file) { if (this.canUploadMore) { return true } return false }, //上傳成功 uploadSuccess(response, file, fileList) { this.getVideoPlayTime(file, fileList) }, //上傳失敗 uploadError(err, file, fileList) { console.log(err) }, //上傳服務器數據格式化 getUploadMusicList() { let musicList = [] for (let file of this.fileList) { if (file.response && file.response.key) { musicList.push({ "play_time": file.duration, //播放時長 "size": file.size/1024, //文件大小 單位 kb "song_name": file.name, //歌曲名 "voice_url": "xxxx" //上傳七牛返回的訪問路徑 }) } } return musicList }, //上傳至服務器 submitUpload() { let musicList = this.getUploadMusicList() this.$http.post('xxxxxxxxxx', {music_list: musicList}, {headers: this.headers}).then(response => { if (response.data.status == 200) { this.$refs.upload.clearFiles() //上傳成功後清空文件列表 this.$message({ message: '上傳服務器成功', type: 'success' }) } else{ this.$message({ message: '上傳服務器失敗,請重試', type: 'error' }) } }).catch(err => { this.$message({ message: '上傳服務器失敗,請重試', type: 'error' }) }) }, } }
<div class="upload-music-container"> <el-upload class="upload-music" ref="upload" multiple action="" :auto-upload="false" :http-request="uploadFile"> <el-button slot="trigger" size="small" type="primary">選取文件</el-button> <el-button style="margin-left: 10px;" size="small" type="success" @click="submitUpload">上傳到服務器</el-button> <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">只能上傳mp3文件,且單次不超過500M</div> </el-upload> </div> export default { name: 'uploadMusic', data() { return { fileType:'video', fileData: new FormData(), headers:{}, } }, created() { this.headers={} //此處須要與server約定具體的header }, methods:{ //覆蓋默認的上傳行爲,能夠自定義上傳的實現 uploadFile(file){ this.fileData.append('files',file.file); //服務器最終接收到的是files[]數組 }, submitUpload() { this.$refs.upload.submit();//手動上傳文件,此處表單提交後會自動調用uploadFile()方法,若是是多個文件就調用屢次 this.fileData.append('file_type',this.fileType); //傳給server的文件數據,server可自行解析文件相關屬性 this.$http.post('xxxxxxxxxx',this.fileData,{headers:this.headers}).then(response=>{ let resp=response.data if (resp.status == 'ok') { this.$message({ message: '上傳成功', type: 'success' }) } else { this.$message({ message: '上傳失敗,請重試', type: 'error' }) } }) }, } }