[root@linzhongniao ~]#sed -i 's#SELINUX=enforcing#SELINUX=diasbled#g' /etc/selinux/config [root@linzhongniao ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced. # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of disabled. # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded. SELINUX=diasbled # SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values: # targeted - Targeted processes are protected, # mls - Multi Level Security protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted [root@linzhongniao ~]# grep "SELINUX=diasbled" /etc/selinux/config SELINUX=disabled
[root@linzhongniao ~]# getenforce Enforcing
[root@linzhongniao ~]# setenforce usage: setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ]
enforcing的狀態是1 ,Permissive的狀態是0 警告不影響,因此咱們不用重啓服務器,能夠將selinux的狀態設置爲0code
[root@linzhongniao ~]# setenforce 0 [root@linzhongniao ~]# getenforce Permissive
[root@linzhongniao ~]# /etc/init.d/iptables stop iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter [ OK ] iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ] iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ] [root@linzhongniao ~]# /etc/init.d/iptables status iptables: Firewall is not running.
[root@linzhongniao ~]# chkconfig iptables off
[root@linzhongniao ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16"
用export TMOUT=10來設置超過10秒退出用戶
也能夠追加到/etc/profile裏面讓它永久生效,source /etc/profile